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ENDA Passes...Civil Rights Moves Forward

By Charlotte Robinson, November 07, 2007
ENDA passes & we move closer to a Transgender inclusive bill. I'm disappointed that we weren't able to include our entire LGBT community in this round. Actually I witnessed most of the floor activity & was shocked to see how the opposition carried themselves in their suits of bigotry, making speeches against our community in the name of self-righteousness. What are they so afraid of?? We received this statement from Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin.....We hope it provides some understanding.... Updates to come....


Ashley V. Routson said...

Thank you for leading me here. You're a great writer! The trailer in fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog gay marriage: get over it. I just wanted to say that your trailer is amazing, it really touched me and gave me chills.
More people need to open up their eyes to what prejudice is still going on in the world and I think your site is a great step in the right direction. Bravo!

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