Bravo to the L-Word this season! In their midst of Lesbian erotica the producers manage to touch base on Don't Ask Don't Tell....

with our fave Lesbian in the Military Tasha played by Rose Rollins...

& then Shane played by Kate Moennig touches on gay marriage while doing the hair for a hetero wedding party's female members. The only objection I found was with the misinformation when one of the bride's sisters asked Shane's sexual preference & then stated that "Gay Marriage" will never happen in this country. This could have been a cool opportunity for Shane to educate her about Massachusetts. Instead it wasn't addressed & the scene just developed into another display of Shane's conquests.

Then there are a few more Lesbian cliche scenes with Women In Prison & of course they're making a big deal about the Lesbian U-Hauling thing, but for the most part this season has great potential. Through the Writer's Strike @ least for we have a few months with something decent to watch.... :) Bravo to the L-Word this season! In their midst of Lesbian erotica the producers manage to touch base on Don't Ask Don't Tell....
OUTTAKE Update: L-Word Will End in '09
For updates: The L-Word
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage
"This could
have been a cool opportunity for Shane to educate her about
Massachusetts. Instead it wasn't addressed & the scene just
developed into another display of Shane's conquests."
I don't watch the show,my cable doesn't provide me with that channel. It sounds very interesting and you're right that would have been a good opportunity to educate the one character there.
We'll be updating highlights on the L-Word here @ OUTTAKEonline. Looks like they're going to really take on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". Check-out www.theLwordonline.com Hopefully gay marriage will be next :)
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