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Vermont About to Legalize Gay Marriage :) 3/09

JUST IN: Vermont's Republican Governor Jim Douglas to veto the gay marriage bill. Override Tuesday April 7th Read More...
Contact the Homophobic Governor & Express Your OUTrage!
Vermont is closer to becoming the 3rd state to make gay marriage legal. State Senators spoke eloquently about why it's important that their gay & lesbian neighbors share the rights as heteros do. The Senate voted for gay marriage 26-4. Next it goes to a House committee & then the full House, which also has a Democratic majority & is likely to pass the bill. Updates to Come….:) Check OUT our interview with David Aronstein addressing
Gay Marriage & LGBT Aging Issues @OUTTAKE VOICES™
The New Hampshire chamber voted 186-179 to send a gaymarriage bill to the Senate. Updates to Come......View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Coming Attractions...:) 3/23/09

We have some Fabulous audio interviews &Events coming up on: OUTTAKE VOICES™
David Aronstein, Founder & President of Stonewall Communitiesaddresses issues for our BabyBoomer LGBT community & BeyondWednesday:Andrea Shorter, newly appointed Coalition Coordinatorwith Equality California discusses her new position &the future of gay marriage in her state & in America
Then next weekend on March 28th we’re head down to NYC to cover the 20th Annual GLAAD Media Awards on the Red Carpet!! They’re honoring Suze Orman & Tyra Banks!! Kate Clinton is hosting. Other celeb guests attending are, Clay Aiken, Tim Gunn, T.R. Knight, S. Epatha Merkerson & Vanessa Williams just to name a few…:) We’ll have interviews & all the Dish. Updates to Come…. For More Info & Tix: glaad.org In the meantime hear our full audio interview with Lee Swislow, Executive Director of GLAD, talk about their suit against the USA to address the unconstitutionality of DOMA @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Welcome Gay Spain!!

Madrid – Good News.. Pro-gay rights Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero's has been re-elected. :) The Prime Minister was key in passing gay marriage in Spain in 2005..
Madrid – Good News.. Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero's has been re-elected. :) The Prime Minister was key in passing gay marriage in Spain in 2005...... We're getting lots of visitors from Spain so we thought we would bring you up to speed!! Gay Marriage was legalized in Spain in 2005. After much debate....(sound familiar?).... it became legal on Sunday, July 3 2005. Very fitting and amazing for a mostly Catholic country!! Come on USA get with the program!! :)

Now remember, get the language correct. Never use the religious right’s term of same-sex marriage because as you know and I know gay marriage has nothing to do with sex!
OUTTAKE to our north.....

International Women's Day Film Fest...:)

Sunday, March 8th, The Women in Film & Television International Short Film Showcase Celebrated International Women's Dayfor its fourth year in cities around the world...:) Check OUT Tuesday's Scheduled Films: Read more...
TUESDAY, MARCH 10thBaltimore, Maryland, USAWashington DC, USA

Gay/Straight Marriage Debate on Radio!!

Tom Fredriksen, Conservative Host of Old Glory Radio made a brave move & invited Liberal/Lesbian Charlotte Robinson :) CEO/Executive Producer of OUTTAKEonline to participate in a compelling 20 minute audio interview that provides some sanity on the Gay Marriage issue.
Dare to Listen...

View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

USA is a Bargain for Foreign Currencies :)

Our government can be in denial as long as they want about the financial ruin America is in but the fact is the only people that are enjoying this are the invasion of European, Middle Eastern & Asian tourists that are paying 50 cents for our weak dollars with their stronger currencies & discovering that America has become a nationwide 1/2 price sale!!
You would think that the government would do something to divert this financial disaster we're spiraling into. So many Americans are barely scraping together the money to buy gas, groceries & make mortgage payments. Get your survival plans in order. I'm reminded of Bette Davis's quote in "All About Eve" "Fasten your seat belts it's going to be a bumpy ride.." :)
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

Writers Return with More TV Violence....

With the end of the WGA writers strike our favorite shows have returned to the small screen after months of hype & promotion. For the most part this is great news if you're not a fan of the overdose of Reality TV we've been fed in the writer's absence. Unfortunately, this comes with an abundance of new violent dramatic programming in the last hours of primetime
Perhaps it's better to go to sleep with the mindless scenarios of Game Shows & Reality TV after all. Or @ least until they can provide us with a less violent form of adult entertainment..... :)
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

OUTTAKEonline @ Fabulous Las Vegas... :)

We're taking our annual trip to Las Vegas... :) We'll be Checking-OUT the Gay Scene, the Shows, Shopping & Casinos....:)
We wanted to find the Hottest Vegas Clubsso we called Beth @ Lesbian Nightlife& She told us to check-OUT Piranha...
Last year we went to Krave & partied 'tildawn. I'm sure we'll make the rounds..:)

March Comes in Like a Lion....3/2/09

Here we go again expecting a foot of new snow...

Environmental Short Films Wanted.... :)

We @ OUTTAKE Media are happy to announce we're adding your environmental short films to our site. This is an open call worldwide!! We're looking for passionate quality shorts. The best will be selected by our award-winning staff & will be featured online to bring awareness of these crucial issues & for our global audience. Email us @ info@OUTTAKEonline.com for all the exciting details. So, what are you waiting for??? Updates to come..... :) Watch Peak Oil Toon...:)
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

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Union Members Support Trans Rights

The United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW) International Union have voted unanimously to take a vocal stand in solidarity with the tran...

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