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Vermont About to Legalize Gay Marriage :) 3/09

By Charlotte Robinson, March 25, 2008
JUST IN: Vermont's Republican Governor Jim Douglas to veto the gay marriage bill. Override Tuesday April 7th Read More...
Contact the Homophobic Governor & Express Your OUTrage!
Vermont is closer to becoming the 3rd state to make gay marriage legal. State Senators spoke eloquently about why it's important that their gay & lesbian neighbors share the rights as heteros do. The Senate voted for gay marriage 26-4. Next it goes to a House committee & then the full House, which also has a Democratic majority & is likely to pass the bill. Updates to Come….:) Check OUT our interview with David Aronstein addressing
Gay Marriage & LGBT Aging Issues @OUTTAKE VOICES™
The New Hampshire chamber voted 186-179 to send a gaymarriage bill to the Senate. Updates to Come......View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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