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Congresswoman Baldwin's LGBT Healthcare

By Charlotte Robinson, July 26, 2009
New: Audio interview with Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin discussing the new health care bill & our LGBT civil rights @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Update: As the House Energy 7 Commerce Committee began this week to mark-up America’s Affordable Health Choices Act (H.R. 3200), Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin was successful in her efforts to add language addressing LGBT health disparities.
This includes:
• Helping people with AIDS gain access to drugs under Medicare
• Ensuring data collection on the health of LGBT populations;
• Strong non-discrimination provisions to guarantee access to
health care for all communities.

“Meaningful health care reform has the potential to transform this country. As Congress considers legislation to make quality health care affordable and accessible, we must ensure that all Americans are included equally in our efforts,” Baldwin said.

Listen to Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage


Congresswoman Baldwin said...

Keep in mind that the bill introduced this week is just a starting point, and much work remains to be done. I am continuing my efforts to see that LGBT Americans are included in health reform and am hopeful that we’ll see more progress as deliberations continue. My quest for an end to LGBT health disparities will continue long after we pass a health care reform bill.

Unknown said...

Enlightening interview. Thanks to you Charlotte Robinson and Tammy Baldwin. What about the lag time suggested of 4 years between legislation enacted and actuality of reform in practice? Will this be part of the actual legislation ... as it was part of the cap on interest rates and penalty fees levied against credit card cartels? That is, citizens can be gouged for a full year before any restraints enacted by Congress take effect. I appreciate your candor in mentioning your own health care insurance premium of 630/mo with the $1,000 deductible and no blood tests included? My question is why aren't there Health Care Cooperatives, Insurance Cooperatives, Community owned hospitals and clinics, Credit Unions everywhere? We do have the Howard Brown Clinic in Chicago. Truly, a "Bail Out" for the average citizen is in order. How about LGBT sponsored?

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