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We're Back From Provincetown...:)

By Charlotte Robinson, August 06, 2009
Audio Interview w/ Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin on LGBT Civil
Rights & the Obama administration @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Listen to our interview w/ Congresswoman Baldwin on Healthcare
@OUTTAKE VOICES™ Updates to Come....:)Check OUT Audio Interview with Pete Subkoviak, AIDS Foundation
Chicago talks about the National LGBTI Health Summit in Chicago
Aug.14-18 & More

We Had a Fabulous Time in P-Town....:) 
Listen to openly gay Celebrity Chef Rossi chatabout P-Town & 
The View From Our Deck.....
Listen to Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

rossi said...

oh my dear
twas a pleasure bonding with you!

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