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LPAC Anti-Freeze Party Event

By Charlotte Robinson, January 27, 2018
LPAC the lesbian political action committee that builds the political power of LGBTQ women by electing candidates who champion LGBTQ rights, women’s equality & social justice is hosting “LPAC Anti-Freeze Party” on February 15th from 5:30P to 7:30P at the Ink Block residences in Boston’s South End. Special guest for the evening will be Massachusetts Attorney General, Maura Healey. AG Healey stated, “Electing more women & members of the LGBT community is more important than ever. LPAC's mission fighting for equality & better representation in our democracy across this country is critical & I'm proud to be a partner.” Urvashi Vaid Interim Executive Director of LPAC concluded, “In 2018, an unprecedented number of brilliant lesbian & queer women are running for national & statewide office & LPAC is right there to help them win! We support champions of LGBT rights, women's equality & social justice & events like these help us raise the funds to invest in political campaigns. I hope everyone can come to the Boston Anti-Freeze party & warm up!” Fabulous refreshments will be provided by two amazing Boston area restaurateurs, Joanne Chang of Flour Bakery & Myers & Chang & Tiffani Faison of Sweet Cheeks & Tiger Mama. Tiffani will be on site for the event. The event is hosted by Diane Felicio, LPAC Board Member, Caitlin Healey & social activist and founder of LPAC, Urvashi Vaid. Event donor levels run from $100 to $5000.
For Info & RSVP…
LISTEN: Erin Uritus Talks Out & Equal Workplace Advocates
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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