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Taiwan To Vote On LGBTQ Equality

By Charlotte Robinson, November 16, 2018
There are five ballot initiatives on November 24th in Taiwan that will impact our LGBTQ community. Three initiatives would harm LGBTQ people including two attempting to undermine a landmark Taiwanese Constitutional Court decision supporting marriage equality & another that would repeal a portion of the Gender Equity Education Act which supports LGBTQ inclusion in Taiwan’s school curriculum. In contrast two other initiatives would affirm marriage equality & the importance of the Gender Equity Education Act. Noting that diversity & inclusion are good for business 27 Taiwanese & multinational companies have come out in support of LGBTQ Equality in Taiwan stating, “Diversity, inclusion, respect, equality & non-discrimination are values that we cherish & seek to uphold in our companies & in our business dealings. We do this not only because it is the right thing to do but because it makes our companies & our society stronger & more successful. Research has shown that a diverse workforce is more creative, productive & competitive. Policies that support & promote diversity & inclusion in the workplace also help businesses in Taiwan attract & retain the top talent we need to remain competitive in the global economy…” Erin Uritus, CEO, Out & Equal Workplace Advocates concluded, “We applaud these leading Taiwanese & multinational corporations for publicly standing with their LGBTQ employees & the entire community in Taiwan. These companies know that creating an environment where their LGBTQ employees feel welcome & respected both within their companies & in society more broadly is not only the right thing to do, it’s also good for business & good for Taiwan.”
For More Info: outandequal.org
LISTEN: Singer Joey Suarez Talks Pop Hit “Dancing By Myself” 
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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