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SAGE & Friends Los Angeles Event

The City of Angels will celebrate LGBT elders at SAGE & Friends Los Angeles Event on Saturday March 2nd 7P to 9P hosted by Kathleen Garfield near the Getty Center in Los Angeles to celebrate local LGBT trailblazers & honor Mistress Cyan & Diane M. Goodman JD, PHD. At the reception, SAGE CEO Michael Adams will share updates from our work in Southern California & nationwide. Your attendance also helps SAGE’s work assuring that our LGBT elders can continue to thrive. In the current political climate, LGBT older Americans are at risk of losing some of their hard-fought rights. As the leading organization advocating with & providing services to LGBT older adults, SAGE stands proudly with our LGBT pioneers, the people who have been fighting for decades for their right to live with dignity & respect. The proceeds of SAGE & Friends Los Angeles are essential to SAGE’s ability to meet the increasing demand for services & advocacy for LGBT older adults. Since 1978 SAGE has worked tirelessly on behalf of LGBT older people. Building off the momentum of the Stonewall uprising & the emerging LGBT civil rights movement, a group of activists came together to ensure that LGBT older people could age with respect & dignity. LGBT elders fought & still fight for our rights & they will never stop fighting for theirs. The event is co-chaired by Jeffrey Erdman & William E. Weinberger. Drinks & hors d’oeuvres with SAGE supporters in Los Angeles will be served.
For More Info & Tix: sageusa.org
LISTEN: Molly Adele Brown Chats Singing For Diversity & Equality
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Lesbians Address Aging At Home

Boston OLOC (Old Lesbians Organizing For Change) will present a very special program entitled “I’m Not Leaving! When You Want to Age at Home” which will address what you need to know to age at home instead of senior living facilities on Sunday March 3rd from 2P to 4P at the Brookline Senior Center at 93 Winchester Street in Brookline, Massachusetts. The program will include expert speakers Donna Popkin from the Councils on Aging & Senior Centers in Massachusetts, Dale Mitchel from Elders at Home & Community-based Services, Emily Williams from Community Outreach for Older Adults & their Caregivers, Kathy Farrell from Social Aspects of JP at HOME, Alice Fisher will discuss A Virtual LGBT Community, Ann Fitzpatrick will address Money Management Services: Let's Pay Bills, Joanne Peskowitz from Case Management at Jewish Family Services & Kelly Shay will address LGBT Affordable Housing. Sue Katz OLOC moderator stated, “OLOC has assembled a comprehensive set of panelists to address the options open to LGBT seniors who want to remain in their own living space as they age. These experts will raise our understanding of the available resources to a whole new level!” OLOC Boston programs & events are open to lesbians of all ages, including transgender lesbians. OLOC’s mission includes their commitment to creating communities of older lesbians & solidarity with allies for racial, economic & social justice. Following the event there will be an early dinner at Lemon Grass at 239 Harvard Street in Brookline, MA.
For More Info: spearlman@hartford.edu
LISTEN: Molly Adele Brown Chats Singing For Diversity & Equality
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Giving Voice to Black Lives Lost

The Boston Gay Men’s Chorus (BGMC) is presenting “Raise You Up,” which will explore themes of racial injustice, human resilience & the power of love & community in creating a more just world. The concert will feature the stirring piece “Seven Last Words of the Unarmed,” which sets to music the final words of Michael Brown, Amadou Diallo, Kenneth Chamberlain, John Crawford, Eric Garner, Oscar Grant & Trayvon Martin, seven black teenagers & adults who died at the hands of police or authority figures. Todrick Hall the multi-talented star of Broadway, television & YouTube will be the special guest artist. Performances take place Saturday March 16th at 8P & Sunday March 17th at 3P at New England Conservatory’s Jordan Hall in Boston. Reuben M. Reynolds III BGMC Music Director stated, “Racism affects us all and the only way out is if we all accept responsibility & be a part of the solution. Music helps to create empathy & we hope our audience will reflect on the issue of racial injustice as well as our shared humanity & the ways we can deal with racism & move forward.” Hall & BGMC will perform selections from “Kinky Boots” & celebratory, affirming pop anthems made famous by the likes of Whitney Houston & Christina Aguilera. Craig Coogan BGMC Executive Director concluded, “Todrick Hall is a supremely talented & exciting performer & we can’t wait to share the stage with him. ‘Raise You Up’ will be a challenging & enlightening concert but it will also demonstrate how music can bring us together, lift us up & inspire our better angels.”
For Info & Tix… 
LISTEN: Molly Adele Brown Chats Singing For Diversity & Equality
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


I'm From Driftwood Gala Event

I'm From Driftwood is celebrating its tenth year in August & kicking off the celebration they will be hosting a 10-year anniversary gala at Green Room 42 in Hell's Kitchen in New York City on Wednesday, March 27th from 6P to 9:30P. The event will honor notable I'm From Driftwood storytellers including former Houston Mayor & current Victory Fund President & CEO Annise Parker, who was the first openly LGBTQ mayor of a major American city. Also being honored will be songwriter & pianist, David Raleigh & revered LGBTQ & AIDS activist, Cecilia Gentili. The evening's festivities will include dinner, stories from the I'm From Driftwood archive & feature a performance directed by artist & activist Mila Jam. Nathan Manske Founder & Executive Director stated, “We have spent the last decade producing, curating & publishing first-person stories of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender & queer people of all backgrounds. As you know, the topics of the stories reflect the entire spectrum of the queer experience - from love, coming of age & parenting, to race, homeless youth & gender nonconformity.” I'm From Driftwood launched in March of 2009 when federal hate crimes legislation didn’t exist, 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' was still in effect & federal marriage protections were nearly a decade away. The world has changed dramatically since then & they’ve been collecting stories on our LGBTQ community's journey every step of the way. Since launching, I'm From Driftwood has published 576 Video Stories that have received over 17 million YouTube views.
For Info & Tix...
LISTEN: Mariah Hanson Talks The Dinah Palm Springs 29th Year 
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


One Night Only Benefit Cabaret Event

The Richmond/Ermet Aid Foundation (REAF) presents a special One Night Only Benefit Cabaret event featuring cast members from the touring cast of the Tony Award-winning musical of “ Hello Dolly”. This is an evening of Broadway & more with special guest emcee, San Francisco drag personality Countess Katya Smirnoff-Skyy on Sunday March 3rd at the Brava Theater 2781 24th Street on San Francisco at 8P. Philanthropy & stellar entertainment will take center stage as the Richmond/Ermet Aid Foundation (REAF) presents this special one-night-only benefit cabaret to raise funds for The Richmond /Ermet Aid Foundation & Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. Cast members will sing a variety of Broadway & other favorite songs. The Richmond/Ermet Aid Foundation has worked with over 50 touring casts to date to produce "One Night Only Cabaret" events. To date, REAF has distributed over $3.5 million to AIDS service agencies, hunger programs & programs for homeless youth. Countess Katya Smirnoff-Skyy has enthralled Bay area audiences for years with her unique blend of opera pop & booze. With a career spanning ...a very, very long time, Katya claims to have invented Popera, romanced William Shatner & lived next to John Lennon at the Dakota during her stint in NYC during the 1970's. Rumor is she was once Eastern Europe’s greatest Mezzo Soprano...understudy now the Countess now spends her days beautifying the masses at Macy's Department store, as everyone’s favorite Chanel counter lady. She spends her evenings crooning & drinking her away through the finer theaters, bars & bathhouses of America. Katya is the creation of San Francisco native, J. Conrad Frank. Tickets for this "One Night Only Cabaret" are $75 – VIP Front Orchestra – includes cocktails & desserts after party with the cast, $50 – Rear or Side Orchestra & $35 – Balcony.
For More Info & Tix…
LISTEN: Mariah Hanson Talks The Dinah Palm Springs 29th Year 
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Rock The CASA Benefit Concert

Rock The CASA is the annual non-profit concert that takes place in California founded by San Francisco Bay Area ABC-7 New Anchor Dan Ashley for the purpose of benefiting charitable organizations that serve children in need. This year Rock The CASA 2019 takes place on Saturday March 2nd at Lesher Center for Performing Arts in Walnut Creek, CA & will feature fierce LGBTQ ally & legendary singer Patti LaBelle. Guitarist & vocalist David Victor who toured with the multi-platinum band Boston, including a number 1 single he scored called “Heaven on Earth” will open the concert. The event will be supporting Court Appointed Special Advocates, Friends Of Camp Concord & Big Brothers Big Sisters. Ann Wrixon, Executive Director, CASA of Contra Costa County stated, “Rock the CASA is our highest visibility event- not only providing the organization with much needed funds, but also getting our name in front of thousands of potential volunteers, which is the lifeblood of our work with abused & neglected children. Most remarkably, Dan Ashley has created Rock the CASA so that it is truly philanthropic. We could not be more grateful for the support of Rock the CASA.” Founded in 2015 by Ashley, Rock The CASA is a labor of love combining Dan’s passions in music, philanthropy, community & helping children in need. The annual Rock The CASA benefit concert has raised over $150k to support CASA of Contra Costa County & Friends of Camp Concord. The event has sold-out 3 years in a row & will continue to grow in order to help more kids & make the world a little bit brighter.
For Info & Tix…
LISTEN: Mariah Hanson Talks The Dinah Palm Springs 29th Year 
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Latest Trump LGBTQ Ploy or Not

With the Trump administration launching 94 attacks in this country on our LGBTQ community’s rights since taking office how can we take seriously U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, the highest-profile openly gay person in the Trump administration, plan to push for decriminalization in places that still outlaw homosexuality mostly centered in the Middle East, Africa & the Caribbean. This is the Trump administration’s response in part to a reported hanging of a young gay man in Iran, Trump’s top geopolitical foe. Jeremy Kadden, HRC Senior International Policy Advocate stated, "Donald Trump & Mike Pence have turned a blind eye to a campaign of violence & murder targeting LGBTQ people in Chechnya that has stretched on for two years. They have turned away LGBTQ people fleeing violence & persecution & sent them back to countries that criminalize them & have consistently worked to undermine the fundamental equality of LGBTQ people & our families here at home from day one. If this commitment is real, we have a lot of questions about their intentions & commitments & are eager to see what proof and action will follow." Time will tell if anything will change here or it’s just a big ruse to end laws that outlaw homosexuality abroad which is in total contrast to the Trump administration’s record on LGBTQ equality here in the USA not to mention that the archaic use of the word “homosexuality” which is non-inclusive of our LGBTQ community.
LISTEN: Mariah Hanson Talks The Dinah Palm Springs 29th Year 
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


San Francisco Mardi Gras Event

If you’re in the Bay Area you must experience this outrageous evening of decadence & fun in the true spirit of Mardi Gras with San Francisco's Krewe de Kinque Mardi Gras club. This year's theme is "Bohemian Royalty: A Glam Rock Revolution" & will be held at The Café at 2369 Market Street in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, March 2nd from 6P to 9:30P. Expect wild costumes, outrageous performances, regal Kings & Queens, & sexy shenanigans by the West Coast's authentic krewe. For VIP Gold Sponsor tickets are $100 in advance only which will reserved a seat with stage view, a delicious Southern buffet, preferred name placement in the printed program, beads & 2 Stoli comp drink tickets. Be a VIP & enjoy a delicious Southern buffet, your name in the printed program, beads & 2 Stoli comp drink tickets for $40 advance & $50 at the door. General admission is $15 in advance & $20 at the door. Bal Masque XVI is hosted by KDK King XV Gareth Gooch & KDK Queen XV Miss Chief featuring dancing with music by Sergio Fedasz, a second line parade led by the Celebrity Grand Marshal, costumed tableaux show, the crowning of KDK King & Queen XVI with $5 Stoli drink special, $7 Hurricanes, exciting silent auction & raffle prizes & no host full bar service. Also, professional staged Photos by King Gooch. Proceeds will benefit The LGBT Asylum Project - Center for Immigrant Protection, the San Francisco Bay Area non-profit organization, exclusively dedicated to providing pro-bono legal representation for LGBT immigrants who are fleeing persecution & seeking asylum in the United States.
For Info & Tix...
LISTEN: Mariah Hanson Talks The Dinah Palm Springs 29th Year 
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


BGMC Performs At Club Café

The Boston Gay Men’s Chorus is presenting “Thank You for Being a Friend Cabaret” concert series performing some of BGMC’s finest performed songs from favorite TV shows over the years on Friday February 22nd at 8P, Saturday February 23rd at 5P & 8P & a special VIP fundraising event on Sunday, February 24th at 3P. All performances will take place at Club Café 209 Columbus Avenue in Boston, MA. This is definitely a fun, festive & always a little risqué way to enjoy for a fabulous night out. Craig Coogan BGMC Executive Director stated, “I love our cabaret because a night of music & laughter in the middle of winter at Club Cafe is just what we need.” This is a 21+ event & tickets start at $30+ fees. The Sunday February 24th VIP fundraising event offers a unique & intimate experience for an exclusive audience of 80 people who will enjoy cabaret style seating. Tickets are $75 each & include complimentary hors d'oeuvres & doors open at 2P. The Boston Gay Men’s Chorus is one of New England’s largest & most successful community-based choruses founded in 1982. Under the dynamic leadership of Music Director Reuben M. Reynolds III the BGMC sings a wide spectrum of classical & popular music & creates social change by providing a positive, affirming image of the LGBTQ community. Club Café is located at the intersection of Berkeley Street & Columbus Avenue in Boston's South End. All performances are wheelchair accessible & doors open one hour before the performance.
For Info & Tix…
LISTEN : Lee Wind Talks Novel “Queer as a Five-Dollar Bill” 
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Feminist & Queer Happy Hour Event

With a little over a week to go until the 91st Academy Awards celebrate women in film on Tuesday February 19th at “Feminist & Queer Happy Hour with Movies” a networking & film event that takes place at Remnant Brewing 2 Bow Market Way in Somerville, MA from 6P to 8:30P. This is a fundraiser for the Wicked Queer: Boston’s LGBT Film Festival now in its 35th year & runs March 28th to April 7th. There will be a screening of two short films, "an (un)natural birth" & Oscar-nominated "Marguerite". Co-hosts Jamie & Jasmine describes Feminist&Queer Happy Hour stating, "Networking is hard & weird. Meeting casually in a no pressure environment like this happy hour is a way to network as people who care about the same things. Ideally, there would also be cats, but I haven't figured out how to make that part happen yet. The event is free but we're asking for a suggested donation of $5 which will enter you in the raffle to win two pairs of tickets to a movie at the upcoming Wicked Queer: The Boston LGBT Film Festival. All proceeds will go to support the Wicked Queer.” Directed by Laura Kingwell “an (un)natural birth” is a 16 minute short & deeply personal documentary in which filmmaker Kingwell explores her anxieties about becoming a parent as she & her partner Mairi search online for a sperm donor. “Marguerite” directed by Marianne Farley is about Marguerite, a diabetic woman in her seventies who has been getting daily visits from Rachel her home health nurse. Discovering Rachel’s homosexuality plunges Marguerite into her own unacknowledged desires & unfulfilled longing runs 20 minutes.
For More Info…
LISTEN: Mariah Hanson Talks The Dinah Palm Springs 29th Year 
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Melissa Hawkins Photography Event

At the GLBT Historical Society Museum in San Francisco a new exhibition opens February 15th entitled "SoMa Nights: The Queer Club Photography of Melissa Hawkins" that highlights the extraordinary vitality of gay nightlife in San Francisco's South of Market (SoMa) district during the darkest years of the AIDS crisis, an era that simultaneously marked the peak of AIDS activism & gay militant organizing in the city. Hawkins photos from 1986 to 1994 focuses on her work when she was a young photographer for the San Francisco gay weekly The Sentinel & other publications. Her black-and-white images vividly capture the scene with a combination of frankness & intimacy reflecting her dual roles as journalist & nightlife participant. This was a time when our community was still hesitant to make our identities public which could result in job loss or more. The exhibition includes powerful images from documenting parties at 177 Townsend, 1015 Folsom, The Eagle, The End Up, The Rawhide & The Stud in SoMa, as well as The Box in the Western Addition. The exhibit is co-curated by Hawkins & nightlife historian Marke B & will feature dozens of these never-before-displayed photos, along with memorabilia including flyers, posters, clothing & decorative artifacts selected to recreate an indelible moment in San Francisco & LGBTQ nightlife history. Tonight’s opening reception at the GLBT Historical Society Museum at 4127 18th Street in San Francisco runs from 7P to 9P & will feature DJ Junkyard of legendary club Junk, some of San Francisco’s best known nightlife personalities & brief remarks by the curators. Light refreshments will be served with beverages provided by Precept Wine, Fort Point Beer Company & The Stud. Tickets are $5.
For More Info & Tix..
LISTEN: Mariah Hanson Talks The Dinah Palm Springs 29th Year
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


The Theater Offensive Love Event

The Theater Offensive celebrating its 30th year in Boston is presenting a special Love Celebration Event on Valentine's Day with their OUT In Your Neighborhood Series or "OUT’hood" Series that will bring local queer & transgender artists of color to the stage in a performance on February 14th at Midway Café at 3496 Washington Street in Jamaica Plain, MA at 7P. This celebration of LGBTQ diversity will feature performances of spoken word, music, story sharing, theater & more. Featured artists will include Tatiana Gil, Black Bear Extraordinaire, Neon Calypso, Seraah Oose & Morgan Beckford. Abe Rybeck Theater Offensive’s Founding Director stated, “We developed the audience in Boston for LGBTQ theater by & or about queer & trans people, people of color, women & deaf & disabled folks by unapologetically producing radically inclusive, bold shows. This is just the beginning. Get ready to see what else we have in store for our 30th! There will be some truly momentous announcements this year, the biggest changes since our founding!” Out’Hood works with neighbors in Roxbury, Dorchester, Jamaica Plain & the South End of all ages 14 & up to create original performances based on their personal experiences. Their work is called OUT’hood because they go beyond traditional theater spaces. OUT’hood reflects the diversity of Boston, gives voice to underserved LGBTQ community members, creates avenues for cross-cultural dialogue & breaks down the barriers of homophobia, racism, bigotry & hate. Since 1989, The Theater Offensive has served its mission with groundbreaking interactive workshops & shows by, for & about our LGBTQ community. Tickets are $5 at the door.
For More Info & Tix..
LISTEN : Lee Wind Talks Novel “Queer as a Five-Dollar Bill” 
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Drag Queen All Stars Live In Boston

Chris Harris & Rafael Sanchez present “Dragathon: All Stars Live In Boston” with the fiercest Drag Queens from your favorite shows performing live February 17th at the Royale on 279 Tremont St. in Boston, MA from 6P to 10P. This all ages welcomed event will feature many of your favorite Queens of RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars Season 4 & some of Boston's local All Stars. Also appearing will be Queens from the upcoming Season 11 of RuPaul's Drag Race. So far the “Dragathon: All Stars Live In Boston” line-up includes Jasmine Masters, Monet X Change, Naomi Smalls, Monique Heart, Manila Luzon, Trinity The Tuck, Yvie Oddly, Plastique Tiara, Destiny, Violencia, Qya Cristal & JuJubee will host the event. There will also be a 21+ President’s Day Sunday official After Party for “Dragathon: All Stars Live in Boston!” with DJ Alain Jackinsky at the Royale at 11P & this event is free with your Dragathon ticket! All Star & Premium Stage Front tickets for “Dragathon: All Stars Live In Boston” are already sold out. Use this promo code DRAGATHONPRIDE & get $15 off general admission tickets while they last. Doors open at 6P & early arrival is strongly encouraged to snag your spot to enjoy the show. There is limited seating available on the second floor. So what are you waiting for get you tickets to secure your seats at this fabulous night of first class drag entertainment.
For Info & Tix…
LISTEN : Lee Wind Talks Novel “Queer as a Five-Dollar Bill” 
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Boston Traffic Light Party Event

Kristen Porter is presenting her annual Traffic Light Party on Saturday February 16th as a post Valentine's Day weekend celebration for LGBTQ women at Bella Luna Restaurant’s Milky Way Lounge located at The Brewery, 284 Amory Street in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts from 10P to 1A. This installment of Porter’s Dyke Night® takes the guesswork out of who is single by providing a wearable way to make meeting other singles easy via green, yellow, or red dog tags. Green means go (single), Yellow take it slow and Red means stop (taken)! Kristen stated, "How much easier it becomes to meet someone when you know who is single in the room! That’s why women love our popular Traffic Light party- we take the guess work out for them. Plus, with an advanced ticket option you can skip the line!" Come for the designer pizza, the vegan entrée, the cosmic cocktails or just for the high quality event you’ve come to know & love over the decades of Kristen Porter Presents Dyke Night® events. Again this year the legendary DJ Maryalice from Provincetown’s Boatslip Tea Dance will be spinning a mix of top 40, dance, hip hop & your requests. There will also be a raffle for a weekend pass for The Dinah that takes place April 3rd through April 7th in Palm Springs, California. Doors open at 10P for the party but come early to dine. Dinner reservations are recommended prior to the event but you’ll need an event tix as this is a private event & then stay late to dance. This is a 21+ event & tickets are $10. Advanced tix are highly recommended.
For Info & Tix…
LISTEN: Kyra Sedgwick Talks “Girls Weekend” At Sundance
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Congress & Trans Military Update

The U.S. Senate & House of Representatives have introduced parallel Bills in a joint & bipartisan effort to protect our transgender service members & hopefully recruits. The Senate was led by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) & she was joined by Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) & Susan Collins (R-ME). In the House of Representatives Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-CA,14), was joined by Representatives John Katko (R-NY,24), Danny Davis (D-IL,7), Anthony Brown (D-MD,4) & Joe Kennedy III (D-MA,4). Andy Blevins OutServe-SLDN Executive Director stated, “We applaud these Senators & Representatives for their commitment to ensuring open & authentic service for our transgender siblings-in-arms. For the last 2 & 1/2 years, these selfless patriots have proven time & again that they are not only qualified to accomplish the mission, but that our Armed Forces are more efficient & effective because of their authenticity. It is time that we, as a nation, honor the service of these service members & hopeful recruits by ensuring baseless & discriminatory rationalizations not be allowed to define military policy.” The bill comes one day after a new government report warned of substantial shortfalls in military personnel, including those with “critical skills,” with officials from the Army saying “the primary reason why it has struggled to meet its authorized end strength is because it has had difficulty meeting recruiting goals.” Aaron Belkin, Director of the Palm Center concluded, "A shortage of qualified, mission-critical troops is no time to ban qualified, mission-critical troops & recruits who are eager to serve. By implementing the ban, the Pentagon would be shooting itself in the foot for no reason other than Trump-era politics."
For More Info: outserve-sldn.org
LISTEN: Rep. Joe Kennedy & Trans Advocates Talk Equality
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Boston Pride 2019 Parade Marshals

Boston Pride has announced their new theme “Looking Back…Loving Forward” for 2019 Pride season & marshals for the Pride Parade will be Dale Mitchell, Ava Glasscott & Chris Harris. This year’s theme “Looking Back…Loving Forward” represents the recognition of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots & is meant to encourage the community to reflect back on the many challenges & incredible victories for our LGBTQ community in that time. Linda DeMarco, President of Boston Pride stated, “The new theme ‘Looking Back…Loving Forward’ acknowledges the people & Pride groups who have come before us who have helped us strengthen our community. The fight for our rights must continue as well as fighting for our ability to love ourselves & each other freely without fear of hate or persecution.” Boston Pride Marshals include Dale Mitchell founder of the LGBT Aging Project, as Grand Marshal; Ava Glasscott, trans model & former Miss Trans USA Pageant contestant will serve as Marshal & Honorary Marshal is the late Chris Harris, entertainment impresario & longtime supporter of the LGBTQ community who passed away in January. DeMarco concluded, “Boston Pride’s 2019 Parade Marshals represent a diverse spectrum of the LGBTQ community who have all made significant contributions. We look forward to having Dale & Ava as marshals in the 2019 parade while we also honor the legacy of Chris Harris & his tremendous impact not just on Pride but on the entire the community.” The 2019 Pride Week kicks off with the annual Flag Raising at City Hall Plaza on Friday, May 31st & continues through Tuesday June 11th. The annual Boston Pride Parade & Festival are on Saturday June 8th. 
For More Info: bostonpride.org
LISTEN : Lee Wind Talks Novel “Queer as a Five-Dollar Bill” 
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Black Pride Drag Bingo Event

February is Black History Month & Boston Black Pride is celebrating with “Drag Bingo Brunch” a fabulous must-attend event at Club Café at 209 Columbus Avenue in Boston, MA on Sunday February 10th from 11A to 2P. Mizery the amazingly talented legendary drag sensation will host the event as well as guest performers. Drag Bingo is always fun with great prizes & lots of laughs & brunch at Club Café always includes an assortment of both savory & sweet brunch options. Tickets are $30 & will support Boston Black Pride an important program of Boston Pride dedicated to serving the needs of communities of color in our region. Boston Black Pride events are produced by Boston Pride in collaboration with other community organizations focused on creating spaces & visibility for everyone. Boston Pride produces events & activities to achieve inclusivity, equality, respect & awareness in Greater Boston & beyond fostering diversity, unity, visibility & dignity they educate, communicate & advocate by building & strengthening community connections. Boston Pride creates change & progress in society by embracing our community’s diverse history, culture & identities, promoting community engagement & inclusivity & striving for visibility & respect in unity. This year Boston Pride’s theme in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Stonewall is “Looking Back…Loving Forward”. Boston Pride Week 2019 kicks off with the annual Flag Raising at City Hall Plaza on Friday, May 31st & continues through Tuesday, June 11th. The annual Boston Pride Parade & Festival are on Saturday June 8th.
For Info & Tix: bostonpride.org
LISTEN : Lee Wind Talks Novel “Queer as a Five-Dollar Bill” 
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


New Nebraska LGBTQ Organization

Equality Federation celebrated the launch of OutNebraska formed from OutLinc, Lincoln’s LGBTQ community center that will serve as a statewide organization to secure fairness & equality for LGBTQ+ Nebraskans & their families. Abbi Swatsworth OutNebraska Executive Director stated, “I’m so excited to partner with my fellow Nebraskans from - Nebraska City to ScottsBluff - to ensure our state is a shining example of fairness & equality for all our families, including those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. There’s a lot of work to do. We need to update our laws so that no one is kicked out of a restaurant, denied housing, or fired from a job simply for being who they are. We also need to restrict the dangerous & discredited practice of so-called conversion therapy, to name a few.” Adam Morfeld Nebraska State Senator added, “As a policymaker I am excited we will now have an organization working statewide every day to organize & advocate on behalf of LGBT equality & bring meaning to the words inscribed in our capitol, ‘Equality Before the Law’. This will change the game when it comes to LGBT advocacy in the state.” Rebecca Isaacs, Executive Director of Equality Federation concluded, “It’s time for the rest of the nation to hear from the tenacious leaders in Nebraska! We are proud that OutNebraska has formed as a statewide advocacy organization & look forward to them joining the Equality Federation family soon. Through this partnership we will support each other’s work to create fairness & equality for Nebraskans & all Americans.”
LISTEN: Kyra Sedgwick Talks “Girls Weekend” At Sundance
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


LGBTQ State Equality Ratings

The Equality Federation Institute & HRC released their 5th annual State Equality Index (SEI) which provides a comprehensive report detailing statewide laws & policies that affect our LGBTQ community by assessing how well states are protecting LGBTQ people & their families from discrimination. Because there are currently no comprehensive civil rights protections for LGBTQ people at the federal level the rights of millions of LGBTQ people & their families depend on which state they live in. In 30 states LGBTQ people remain at risk of being fired, evicted or denied services because of who they are. For this reason, the incoming pro-equality majority in the U.S. House of Representatives has made the Equality Act a bill to establish comprehensive federal protections for LGBTQ people a top priority. Rebecca Isaacs, Executive Director of Equality Federation Institute stated, “The strength of the state-based LGBTQ movement is critical to elevate our representation, visibility & equality across the country. As we look to the next legislative session, the State Equality Index should serve as a recognition of how far we have come & how much we have yet to achieve.” Chad Griffin HRC President concluded, “The work of the HRC Foundation & programs like the State Equality Index, along with HRC's efforts day in & day out to advance protections for LGBTQ people at the state & federal level are vital to the struggle for LGBTQ civil rights. HRC & our partners on the ground defeated dozens of anti-LGBTQ bills last year & worked to pass crucial pro-equality measures that ensure LGBTQ Americans are protected wherever they live. Already, we see the promise of even more protections passing in 2019 -- with action taken in New York, Virginia, Kansas, Ohio, Michigan & Wisconsin.” (Graphic By Richard Emmanuel)
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LISTEN: Kyra Sedgwick Talks “Girls Weekend” At Sundance
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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GLAAD Board members Peppermint & Frankie Grande together with a coalition of LGBTQ celebrities, advocates & allies have called on pr...

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