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GLAD Law Appoints New Legal Director

By Charlotte Robinson, March 29, 2025

Joshua Rovenger former Biden Associate Counsel for Racial Justice & Equity will join GLAD Law’s civil rights legal team at the forefront of all the radical right political attacks on our LGBTQ community. Rovenger’s portfolio includes LGBTQ equity, democracy & civic engagement, religious freedom, access to justice, veterans’ affairs & housing. Ricardo Martinez, GLAD Law Executive Director stated, “Josh Rovenger is an experienced, strategic & passionate leader & litigator. His deep understanding that impact litigation, public policy & public education must work together to defend & expand civil rights & his dedicated commitment to racial & economic justice will be critical assets to GLAD Law & our movement at this pivotal moment for LGBTQ+ rights. I am thrilled to welcome Josh’s leadership as our accomplished & dedicated legal team fights around the clock to stop, delay & reduce the harm of anti-LGBTQ+ attacks coming from the current federal administration while continuing to advance GLAD Law’s vision of equality & justice for all.” Joshua Rovenger concluded. "We find ourselves in a moment where future generations will ask what each of us did to fight back. This time demands resilience & creativity -- traits our queer community has built up over generations & that GLAD Law exemplifies. For decades, GLAD Law has been at the forefront of our battle for liberation & justice, achieving lasting progress that has benefited all of us, my husband & myself included… I am humbled & exhilarated to join this brilliant team to fight for the multi-racial, gender-inclusive democracy we seek & to do all I can to ensure that when future generations look back, all of us, together, will have met the moment." 

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