according to this week’s GLAAD analysis. Mainstream TV - ABC, CBS,
NBC, FOX & The CW - from 650 scripted characters only 7 represent
our community who appear on 5 scripted shows & 6 of those are on
ABC. The 7 LGBT regular characters appear on: Brothers & Sisters,
Desperate Housewives, Ugly Betty, The Office & the mid season
series Cashmere Mafia. LGBT TV character pixs
On ABC’s Dirty Sexy Money, Billy Baldwin’s character has an
ongoing relationship with a transgender character. Openly
Gay Producer/Writer Bryan Fuller has a new ABC series
Pushing Daisies that is fabulous & lives up to all the buzz!!
Also on ABC, Darren Starr’s Cashmere Mafia set for January.
Less for Lesbians. Besides a lesbian role in Cashmere Mafia, NBC’s
The Bionic Woman provides Xena-ish hot catfights. Of course we
have Showtime' s The L-Word in January 2008 to look forward to….