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Obama's First Big Mistake Plays On......

It's been weeks now & Obama still hasn't dumped Rick Warren to give the inaugural invocation prayer. It's important to explain to Obama why millions of Americans both gay & straight believe that his choice is unacceptable. Listen to Rev. Richard Emmanuel in an audio-interview address this issue & more @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
Ask President-elect Obama to "Dump Rick Warren." Click on this link from Equality California:eqca.org
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Gay Apparel: End of Year Sale 15% Off... :)

New exclusive audio interview with gay
humorist Kate Clinton talks about
how 2009 played
OUT for addressing
LGBT issues
End of year sale 15% off on all purchases over $20.....:)Select from Fabulous & Unique T-Shirts, Tote Bags,
Coffee Mugs & More...:) @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)Deadline is Sunday, Jan 3rd @ Midnight:
Code: MINE09
This is an excellent way to get the conversation started about LGBT Civil Rights & Equality. Check OUT the Fabulous Clothing available in sexy black & pure white... This cool universal & global LGBT Emblem is suitable for all countries & families....:) @OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE
Also available in coffee mugs, to-go cups, tote bags, coasters & mouse pads for the workplace & home.
End of year 15% off all purchases over $20. Deadline is Sunday, Jan 3rd @ Midnight...:) Code: MINE09
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay MarriageSUPPORT OUR VISION @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)

LGBT XMAS Survival Advice (AUDIO) '09

XMAS is Tomorrow...:) The pressure is on. Everyone is feeling the stress. The stress of family & the definition of what family is for our LGBT community takes center stage. In this audio byte we asked openly gay Lisa Krinsky, LICSW from the LGBT Aging Project what advice she has for our audience to get us through this time of year...:)

Listen to Lisa Krinksky's full interview @OUTTAKE VOICES™
New audio interview w/ Gay Ally David Zimmerman, Publisher of Boston Spirit magazine, the premier  LGBT mag in the region, discusses how gay marriage effects his hetero marriage @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay or Straight, Equality Under God....

As we head into the Holidays it's time to address the true spirit of the season. Check-OUT our interview on Religion & our LGBT community in an exclusive audio-interview with Scott Pomfret, author of "Since My Last Confession" @ OUTTAKE VOICES™....
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Congresswoman Baldwin on DHHS Ruling

Bush has passed a Department of Health & Human Services ruling that threatens all Americans. What it states is that all health care workers can refuse to participate in any procedure they find morally objectionable....... Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin stated: "I am deeply troubled by the Bush Administration’s latest attack on patients’ rights & the doctor-patient relationship. This refusal clause puts ideology over health care & threatens access to quality care for all Americans. The refusal clause goes beyond women’s health & a woman’s right to an abortion or birth control. Under the new regulations, a doctor may also refuse to treat a gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender person. Medical care must be based on science & the patients’ best interest, not the providers’ religious, political, or other philosophical views. I will work with my partners in Congress & the Obama Administration to ensure that a patient’s health & safety are always paramount." Updates to come......

Kate Clinton to Sage The White House....:)

Kate Clinton has a perfect event coming up on January 19th. It’s to Sage the White House after Bush’s 8 years of ruinous residency. Just as the priests & shamans were called in to sage Machu Picchu after George Bush's ten minute “So You Think You Can Dance” visit to the ruins, she says, “Let's banish those evil spirits the night before the Inauguration of Barack Obama.” In our exclusive audio-interview @ OUTTAKE VOICES™ Kate gives her honest & hilarious opinions of the state of our country & the future of our LGBT community. Check it OUT...:)
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New exclusive audio interview with Lisa Krinsky, Director  of LGBT Aging Project in Boston talks about gay marriage being the law in Massachusetts & how this effects the rights & benefits for the commonwealth’s LGBT seniors....:) @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
Free 2 day Shipping upgrade for Guaranteed Holiday Delivery on your order!! Select from Fabulous & Unique T-Shirts, Tote Bags,  Coffee Mugs & More...:) @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)Deadline for Xmas Delivery is Friday, Dec 18th @ Midnight...:)
This is an excellent way to get the conversation started about LGBT Civil Rights & Equality. Check OUT the Fabulous Clothing available  in sexy black & pure white...This cool universal & global LGBT  Emblem is suitable for all countries & families....:)
Also available in coffee mugs, to-go cups, tote bags, coasters &  mouse pads for the workplace & home. SUPPORT OUR VISION @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)
Free 2 day Shipping upgrade for Guaranteed Holiday Delivery on your order!! Select from Fabulous & Unique T-Shirts, Tote Bags, Coffee Mugs & More...:) @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)Deadline for Xmas Delivery is Friday, Dec 18th @ Midnight...:)
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Majority of Americans For LGBT Rights

A new poll conducted by the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) & Harris Interactive concludes that the majority of Americans support equal civil rights for our LGBT community. To listen to the audio presentation & access the full report go to: OUTTAKE VOICES™......:)
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage


OUTTAKE Media has launched a new site: OUTTAKE VOICES™

Massachusetts is ground zero for gay issues effecting this country & globally. OUTTAKE VOICES™ provides a series of audio interviews produced by Boston-based OUTTAKE Media. This innovative series provides informative & intimate interviews with global LGBT leaders & their allies, hosted by Emmy Award Winner Charlotte Robinson.

Our first interviews include: Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, Neil Giuliano President of GLAAD, Charles Robbins, CEO of The Trevor Project, Lee Swislow, Executive Director of GLAD, Reverend Richard Emmanuel & from the entertainment industry: Alan Ball, Oscar/Emmy winning Visionary & Canadian Rock Icon Carole Pope who discusses her fabulous career & love relationship with the legendary Diva Dusty Springfield.

OUTTAKE VOICES™ provides crucial civil rights information & addresses issues that effect our LGBT community including: Marriage, Parenting, Religion, Hate Crime Legislation, Equal Rights in the Workplace and the Military. It’s Time to Connect the Dots….
OUTTAKE VOICES™ Bridging the Gaps…. Check it OUT...:)
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

World AIDS Day 2009....

Update: Cleve Jones on World AIDS Day (AUDIO)
A day dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. AIDS has killed more than 25 million people, with an estimated 38.6 million people living with HIV, making it one of the most destructive epidemics in recorded history. I have lost many friends & family to AIDS. It is important to take a moment & remember them & think about what a better world this would be if they were still around….. Get Tested & Always Practice Safe-Sex…For more info…

Florida Court Rules For Gay Adoption...:)

Update: Florida Adoption Status September 22, 2010
Breaking News: Florida's nasty law banning gay adoption was found unconstitutional Tuesday by a state judge who declared there wasn’t any legal or scientific reason for sexual orientation alone to prohibit anyone from adopting. Now perhaps the good people of Florida will do something to reverse the amendment to their constitution they passed election day banning gay marriage.... Read More...
Let’s provide the same equal rights, benefits & protections for these wonderful loving families as heterosexual families. Love is Love….:)
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Charles Robbins,CEO, The Trevor Project

Audio Interview Length: 13:20

In this exclusive interview, Charles Robbins, CEO, of The Trevor Project, discusses operating the only nationwide, 24 hour crisis & suicide prevention helpline for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Questioning (LGBTQ) youth...
Sigourney Weaver is receiving the Trevor Life Award & Lifetime Television Networks is receiving the Trevor Hope Award @ the Trevor Project’s Cracked XMAS Fundraising Event that's coming up in L.A. on Dec. 7th. It’s an irreverent evening of fun, comedy & music: For Tixs Info....  These two awardees go hand-in-hand because Sigourney Weaver has just finished an inspirational film called “Prayers for Bobby” which will be aired on Lifetime Television January 24th that addresses LGBTQ Suicide.

Queer as Folk Cast: Trevor Project Video
For More Info to Get Involved: thetrevorproject.org
Trevor Helpline: 866.4.U.TREVOR
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Prop 8 Rallies Thousands in Massachusetts

Running Time: 4:28
Listen to Sue Hyde from the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force inspire & raise the voices of the 5,000+, LGBT Rally crowd......
In Massachusetts thousands came OUT in Solidarity Against Prop 8...
Our LGBT community filled City Hall Plaza to hear passionate speeches from LGBT leaders & their allies.....
Carrying Signs & Chanting for Equality.....
a diversified group of all ages made their voices clear that equality is not for some of the people. It's for all of the people...
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Neil Giuliano GLAAD Interview (Audio)

Interview Length: 8:45
In this exclusive audio interview, Neil G. Giuliano, President of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) talks about Prop 8 being the next Stonewall, Obama, the Religious Right & the future of civil rights for LGBT Americans. Read More: Huffington...
Saturday rallies occurred throughout America & Globally to protest Prop 8.  
Boston Prop 8 Rally.... Updates to Come... For more info about GLAAD....
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Melissa Etheridge: "Say No to Taxes..."

Singer Melissa Etheridge has finally said what’s on a lot of our minds. She is refusing to pay her California state taxes. If California enforces this ban on gay marriage making our LGBT community second class citizens without the benefits rights & protections of heterosexual citizens why should we pay taxes??? Melissa said: "OK. So Prop 8 has passed. Alright, I get it. 51% of you think I am a second class citizen. Alright, then. So my wife, uh I mean, roommate? Girlfriend? Special lady friend? You are gonna have to help me here because I am not sure what to call her now. Anyways, she & I are not allowed the same right under the state constitution as any other citizen. I am taking that to mean I do not have to pay my state takes because I am not a full citizen. I mean that would just be wrong, to make someone pay taxes & not give them the same rights, sounds like that taxation without representation thing from the history books."
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay Marriage is a Basic Civil Right......

Our Hearts & Thoughts Go OUT to California.... We have to believe that this is just a horrible bump in the road in our fight for marriage equality in this country. Check-OUT this video from one of the many rallies that have occurred since this hateful legislation passed in California. We must educate the ignorant & End the Hate....

Congresswoman Baldwin Post Election Q&A

Audio Interview Length: 13:42
Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin discusses Obama's win, the future of our LGBT issues, Proposition 8 & other Election results in this exclusive interview. This is Must-Listen info for the future of our global LGBT Community....:) Updates to come.....
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

The Scariest Halloween Pumpkin '08 Is....

Sarah Palin of course..Last week she finally came OUT as the Homophobic Monster she really is calling for a Federal Amendment to the United States Constitution to deny our LGBT community the same rights, benefits & protections as heterosexual citizens have...Check-OUT her anti gay marriage Video...

Have a Safe & Fabulous Halloween!!
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The Gay Marriage Human Factor...

Jennifer Pizer, Senior Counsel, Lambda Legal & Co-Counsel in the historic California Supreme Court Gay Marriage decision explains the consequences of amending the California Constitution to discriminate against gay couples in this exclusive audio clip...

Running Time: 4:28
Vote No on Propositions 8
For More Info: EQCA.org
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

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GLAAD Board Members Reality TV Ask

GLAAD Board members Peppermint & Frankie Grande together with a coalition of LGBTQ celebrities, advocates & allies have called on pr...

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