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The Ball & Chain of the Media....

Last week the media had a feeding frenzy with the Spitzer Scandal. Even interrupting regular scheduled TV shows to give you all the dirt. All the news networks have been covering this 24/7 so it MUST be really important! :) It's just the continuing saga of yet another politician being caught with his pants down. They should be covering the scandal of the homophobic hatemonger Oklahoma Rep. Sally Kern's rantings comparing the LGBT community to terrorists. If you haven't heard her rantings by now. Check-it OUT.... The only mainstream media person who brought any attention to this scenario was Ellen Degeneres on her show Wednesday. Bravo Ellen, keep up the good work! Check-it OUT..... Update: Sally Kern refuses to apologize for her remarks. She said: “I see no reason to apologize for what God says, that homosexuality is a sin, I will not apologize. I did not say anything false. I did not say anything malicious or hateful … they are trying to vilify me. That is their tactics.”
We @ OUTTAKEonline sent an email to Homophobic Rep. Kern
with a link to our Trailer on Gay Marriage..:)

Congresswoman Baldwin vs Condoleezza....

Press Release: Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) has challenged Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice about reported inequities in employment practices concerning gay & lesbian employees & their partners in the State Department & requested immediate remedial changes.
Baldwin Stated in a letter sent to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice: “We have followed with great interest & concern the media coverage of the workplace inequities facing gays & lesbians in the U.S. Department of State. As in the case of Former Ambassador to Romania Michael Guest, the inequitable treatment of gay & lesbian Foreign Service Officers (FSOs) & their partners should not be allowed to lead highly qualified employees to leave the State Department at a time when their service is needed more than ever. Many of these inequities could clearly be remedied through your leadership as Secretary, without legislative changes. We write to highlight basic & common-sense policy changes that beg your prompt attention & ask that you act to make eliminating inequities facing gays & lesbians @ the State Department a priority.”
So now it's Condoleezza's move.....Updates to come..... :)
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

Lesbian Pulp Fiction Returns to NYC... :)

Beebo Brinker Chronicles is a must-see play produced by Lily Tomlin & Jane Wagner @ the 37 Arts Theater. Based on the pulp fiction book by Ann Bannon, the play brings our LGBT community's pre-Stonewall struggle center stage in this slice-of-life, tongue & cheek, poignant & extremely sexy drama... :)
This is a significant production that takes the audience back in time to Greenwich Village circa '50's & '60's when being gay could land you in jail or worse. The latter being in a heterosexual loveless marriage pretending to be someone you're not. The stellar cast brings home the message of how far we've come & yet how far we still need to go, in this camp & relevant drama. Check it out & tell your friends. This is a limited engagement...Not to be Missed!!
Performances for 10 weeks @ the 37 Arts @ 450 West 37th St. NYC
For tix info Updates & interviews to come.... :)
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

And The Oscar Goes To....... :)

The 80th Academy Awards with Jon Stewart @ the helm were a bit dry. There were a few political jokes. The best being the reference he made to Hillary & Obama. That when there's a woman or Afro American as President in the movies there's usually a meteor about to hit the planet. :) There was an abundance of video clips covering 80 years of the Oscars. The depth of the stars of yesteryear left the audience wondering if today's celebrities will ever come close to their greatness.... Gay visibility was topped by a touching moment when Scott Rudin accepted the award for Best Picture for No Country for Old Men, thanked his partner, John Barlow, by name, & referred to him as "honey". Also among the winners @ the awards show was "Freeheld: The Laurel Hester Story," a doc about a dying Ocean County woman's struggle to get death benefits for her lesbian partner. The flick, by New York filmmaker Cynthia Henry, won for Best Short Documentary. Besides from this, our community was barely represented... Ellen DeGeneres was definitely missed... FYI, Pink Martini were the entertainment @ the Governor's Ball. When I chat with them I promise to share all the Hot Gossip!! :)
Updates to come...
No Country for Old Men
Joel & Ethan Coen - No Country for Old Men
Daniel Day-Lewis - There Will Be Blood
Marion Cotillard - La Vie en Rose
Javier Bardem - No Country for Old Men
Tilda Swinton - Michael Clayton
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

2009 Oscar Predictions.....:)

How Many of the Nominations Have You Seen?
What Are Your Predictions?
We're Dying to Know.......:)

Pink Martini Wows Boston, Again 3/10/08

Pink Martini played Boston's Opera House to a sold-out crowd. They performed a fabulous 2 hour set that brought the audience to a standing ovation & was rewarded with an additional 3 song encore. If you're not familiar with this outstanding orchestra here's a little taste of their performance of 'Eugene' the title song from their latest CD. Play Video Thomas Lauderdale the band's creator & leader wished his boyfriend Phil, who's adorable, a Happy Birthday in the midst of the concert acknowledging how Massachusetts is the only state where gay marriage is the law as the audience erupted in cheers.... :) China Forbes, lead singer & Cambridge native has released a solo CD & is currently touring
as well. For China info
Afterwards we went backstage & chatted with the band & spent the next few hours catching up & trying to get some dish from their appearance @ this year's Oscars Governor's Ball. :) After smart cocktails back @ their hotel the tour buses whisked them off to NYC where they'll be performing at Lincoln Center's Avery Fisher Hall with the legendary actress Jane Powell. Should be an amazing thrill!! They invited Marilyn & me to jump on the bus & join them...hmm Maybe next time... :) For tour dates
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

Reflection on Our Freedom to Marry... :)

New York came one step closer to gay marriage this month by @ least recognizing legal gay marriages from other countries such as neighboring Canada & the one state in America, Massachusetts, according to Cathy Marino-Thomas, Executive Director of Marriage Equality New York. Keep up the good work & don't settle for anything less then marriage for as the public is becoming increasingly aware of civil unions provide only about 1/3 the benefits of marriage.. :)
We have made great strides so far in 2008 for Marriage Equality. A couple more states are now recognizing civil unions & domestic partnerships. Congrats to all the couples who tied the knot!! Marriage is a basic civil right that should be provided for all the people. Not just some of the people. I live in Massachusetts where Gay Marriage is the Law. It's well worth our LGBT Community's time & effort to make gay marriage a reality for all Americans... :)

OUTTAKEonline featured in Bay Windows :)

This week's Bay Windows, New England's Largest LGBT Newspaper, has written a fabulous article on our mission @ OUTTAKEonline. We want to thank Editor, Laura Kiritsy for assigning such a prince as Scott Kearnan who totally got what we're trying to do here. :)
Check it out...Getting the word OUT

View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

Enter the Top Secret File of the Gay Agenda!

Learn the mystery of the Gay Agenda. Hear the stories from
experts how the Gay Agenda will cause the world as we know
it to perish. Religious leaders have warned us for years how
these people known as the "Gays" want, no, demand, to have
equal rights, the same rights as heterosexual citizens.
We have to continue to deny these law-abiding, tax-paying
citizens the same rights & benefits for their families or they
will start believing they're not second class citizens. If the
"Gays" aren't going to be second class citizens who can we
discriminate against? What will become of this country if
All people are created equal?....... :)

CA Supreme Court & Gay Marriage ...

The California Supreme Court heard proceedings on the gay marriage debate. The state's highest court heard the legal challenge in San Francisco, where the west coast gay marriage battle began 4 years ago. Remember? When Mayor Gavin Newsom issued marriage licenses to gay couples like to Rosie & Kelli. :) It was in 2004 the year gay marriage became the law in Massachusetts. Well it's interesting that one of the main arguments was the fact that we have gay marriage here in Massachusetts & we haven't fallen off the earth into the ocean or anything like that. :) We're rooting for you California!! Updates to come.....

A little history: San Francisco city officials & civil rights groups challenged California's ban on gay marriage, arguing that it deprives gay couples of the same legal rights as heterosexual couples. Which it does...

Then there was a divided state appeals court in 2006 which upheld the state ban on gay marriage, overturning a San Francisco judge who declared it unconstitutional. Which of course, it is..... :)
The justices must rule within 90 days of arguments.

View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

Happy Groundhog Day!!!

You know the drill. If Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow we'll have 6 more weeks of winter. If the little critter doesn't see his shadow winter will end soon. Just In: He saw his shadow....:) Check-OUT our audio interview series with LGBT leaders
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

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