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Lesbian Pulp Fiction Returns to NYC... :)

By Charlotte Robinson, February 26, 2008
Beebo Brinker Chronicles is a must-see play produced by Lily Tomlin & Jane Wagner @ the 37 Arts Theater. Based on the pulp fiction book by Ann Bannon, the play brings our LGBT community's pre-Stonewall struggle center stage in this slice-of-life, tongue & cheek, poignant & extremely sexy drama... :)
This is a significant production that takes the audience back in time to Greenwich Village circa '50's & '60's when being gay could land you in jail or worse. The latter being in a heterosexual loveless marriage pretending to be someone you're not. The stellar cast brings home the message of how far we've come & yet how far we still need to go, in this camp & relevant drama. Check it out & tell your friends. This is a limited engagement...Not to be Missed!!
Performances for 10 weeks @ the 37 Arts @ 450 West 37th St. NYC
For tix info Updates & interviews to come.... :)
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

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