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Massachusetts Should Abolish 1913 Law

JULY UPDATE: The State House will address this bill this month.
With all the noise we made about the bill since May it's great to
think that perhaps our efforts were heard & acted on.....:)
When gay marriage became the law in Massachusetts the opponents
quickly enforced an obscure 1913 law that prohibits out-of-state
residents from marrying in the Bay State. Of course this was during
the Romney administration. In 2007 Deval Patrick was elected as
Massachusetts' first Afro-American Governor. The true irony is that
this 1913 law was put on the books to prevent interracial marriages.
The fact that the law remains is a total disgrace.....
Let's discuss the bottom line. By keeping this law Massachusetts
is losing 100 million dollars in yearly revenues by not allowing
out-of-state gay marriages. This means that since 2004 when gay
marriage became legal we've already lost @ least 400 million $$$
if not more.....Now let's address the national gay marriage scene.
New York has ruled that they'll honor gay marriages from other
states & countries. When gay marriage becomes legal in a few
weeks in California they'll allow out-of-state gay couples to marry.
If you're on the east coast wouldn't you rather take the short trip
to Massachusetts then travel across the entire country to tie
the knot ??? Updates to Come...... :)
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

Memorial Day Weekend in P-Town....:)

This is it! Provincetown Season '08 has begun...:)Fighting Cape traffic to arrive in LGBT Nirvana...
Taking that first stroll down Commercial Streetarm & arm with your honey.....
We'll take lots of pixs & get all the dish....:) Have A Fabulous Holiday Weekend!!
For info: Provincetown Live
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage
Check OUT our Article in On Top Magazine....:)

OUTTAKE Media in On Top Magazine... :)

We just want to thank Carlos Santoscoy & On Top Magazine for their fabulous stories on OUTTAKE Media. Especially their coverage of our upcoming documentary on Gay Marriage...View Our Trailer This is a cool LGBT site that provides our community a unique service & we hope to continue our exchange of ideas, stories & visuals so
check it OUT....:)

Lesbian Girls Gone Wild in P-Town (Audio) '09

Memorial Day Weekend brings thousands of young lesbian hotties to Provincetown. In this audio byte Humorist Kate Clinton refers to it as the "Bud Lite Weekend" & compares the partying to the infamous Dinah Shore Weekend in Palm Springs.
This year I'm sure they'll all be dancing to Lady Gaga....:)
The phenomena appears to be the last hurrah for lesbian coeds before they return home to Mom & Dad for the summer. They fill Commercial Street walking arm & arm or carrying cases of beer to their rented domains which are filled to capacity....
They're hot, proud, absolutely adorable & stylishly trendy.....:) Update from Kate Clinton: "And the style this year seems to be bikini tops, with low slung multipocketed pants, lots of belly button accessorizing, red drinking cups and baseball caps. It's 58 degrees and rainy, but they are undaunted, and blue lipped. And cute - and I know they want me......;)....."
Have a Fabulous & Safe Holiday!!
Humorist Kate Clinton is appearing @ The Crown & Anchor
Listen to Kate Clinton's Full Interview @ OUTTAKE VOICES™Buy her new book "I Told You So" @ KateClinton.com
More Info: ProvincetownLive.net
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay Couples Seek Marriage Advice.... :)

In Massachusetts where gay marriage has been the law for the last 4 years we have seen couples who have been together for decades getting married & receiving statewide protections for their families. This is Fabulous & long overdue! The downside of gay marriage is couples getting wrapped up in the moment & finding themselves in situations that are dissolved because they didn't take the time to fully address what they were getting into. We just suggest that CA gay couples planning to marry chat with a lawyer or counselor & get the facts about your State's marriage laws before tying the knot. It could save you a lot of $ & grief in the long run...Updates to come :)
CNN's Anderson Cooper

Happy 4th Anniversary Massachusetts...:)

Massachusetts Celebrated 4 years of Gay Marriage on May 17th. Tens of thousands of gay couples have legally tied the knot in our State. We wish you the best & thank you for your courage to love..:)
We're overwhelmed with happiness that California will soon experience the joys of marriage equality. This is the American Dream of Civil Rights @ its Best. We're proud of the Judges & Legislators who recognize that all people are created equal... For those who are still uncomfortable with this concept:
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

California Embraces Gay Marriage :)

These are amazing times! We know that in the weeks to come & maybe even months Californians will be confronted with a lot of issues that they'll have to address & work through. Just stay strong & patient..... Now Start Planning Your Weddings!! :) Check it OUT Ellen & Portia Are... Friday @ OUTTAKEonline we headed to the Massachusetts State House to formally begin the celebration of our 4th year anniversary of gay marriage. When our Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage in 2003 the court ordered the State to get our towns ready for May 17th 2004 when gay marriage would become legal. Since then thousands of gay couples have married. :)
Statement from Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin: “Like many Americans, I’m elated by today’s California State Supreme Court ruling that laws excluding gay & lesbian couples from the right to marry were unconstitutional. There will be more legal & political challenges ahead as we continue our march toward full equality for all Americans. But today is a day to savor the moment & recall what Dr. King often preached, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” More Info & Read Decision...
California became the 2nd State in America to make gay marriage legal!! Now gay couples can marry in California & Massachusetts if they choose. Thanks Equality California, Lambda & everyone else who worked so hard to make this possible. BRAVO!! Updates to come...:)Archive Info on Ca Supreme Court Case......
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

Hillary Vows to Stay Through Primaries :)

" I'm in this race for everyone who needs a champion..." Watching the TV Media you have to laugh. :) After writing Hillary off as a contender for the Dem nomination they have to address the situation that she totally slammed Obama in West Virginia. We'll closely watch what the delegates & super delegates will do...
Hillary needs to fight to the finish. Senator Clinton has fought one of the most courageous Presidential campaigns this country has ever seen. She has triumphed with intelligence & passion. Don't be fooled by the mainstream media's false predictions. Anything can happen
here & it probably will... :) Updates to come... 
Check OUT Our Fav Hillary Promo...
The LGBT community supports her completely & why not? FYI, Hillary Clinton was key in passing Gay Marriage in Massachusetts by having her campaign manager, Terry McAuliffe, quietly calling legislators to sway their votes. Obama did nothing...
She's been attacked daily by the sexist media machines that have tried to crucify her credibility & integrity. Now they're blaming her for dividing the Democratic Party. Must Read.....:) The only Dems responsible for dividing the party are those who made the decision to omit Michigan & Florida for the primary election process..... :)
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

Arizona Attempts to Ban Gay Marriage

Release from State Senator Paula Aboud: " The House just passed
the Marriage bill: the vote was 33-25. You can go online at
www.azleg.gov & look up bill # SCR 1042 . Now onto the Senate!!!"
Hopefully this bill will be defeated in the Senate & not make it
on to the November Ballot. We'll keep you posted as updates
come in.
Besides being a champion for LGBT Right in Arizona,
Senator Aboud is a Ranking Dem on the Appropriations Committee,
Health Committee & Higher Education Committee.
Updates to come... :)
Arizona residents CLICK HERE to find
& contact your two representatives & tell
them to vote against this hateful amendment
& to support equality for LGBT residents.
Arizona Archive Info....

Lilac Sunday & Gay Wedding on ABC-TV :)

If you're in the Boston area we suggest Celebrating
Mother's Day @ the Arnold Arboretum where
Lilac Sunday is Happening Today....
There's all kind of events centered around the scent of the
numerous varieties of blooming Lilacs. For More Info...
Where Ever You Are.....Have A Fabulous Day!! :)
Then Tonight on Brothers & Sisters on ABC @ 10Pm EST
Don't Miss the Historic Gay Wedding on Network TV!!
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

Happy Mother's Day & Lilac Sunday...:) '09

Happy Mother's Day to our LGBT community & their families!!
Check OUT audio byte with our favorite Mommy Queerest. Comedian
Judy Gold chats on motherhood & gay marriage...:)

Listen to Full Interview @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
Lilac Sunday in Boston....:)
Mother's Day @ the Arnold Arboretum where
Lilac Sunday is Happening Today....
There's all kind of events centered around the scent of the
numerous varieties of blooming Lilacs. For More Info...
Have A Fabulous Day!!
More Audio Interviews with LGBT Leaders @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

May Colors Arrive in New England..:)

After a Stark Winter the Spring Foliage Begins...
Nature's Palette of Colors Pop
Against the Grey Landscape....
Get OUT & Enjoy it....
Have A Fabulous Weekend!!
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

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