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Happy 4th Anniversary Massachusetts...:)

By Charlotte Robinson, May 17, 2008
Massachusetts Celebrated 4 years of Gay Marriage on May 17th. Tens of thousands of gay couples have legally tied the knot in our State. We wish you the best & thank you for your courage to love..:)
We're overwhelmed with happiness that California will soon experience the joys of marriage equality. This is the American Dream of Civil Rights @ its Best. We're proud of the Judges & Legislators who recognize that all people are created equal... For those who are still uncomfortable with this concept:
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

John Hosty said...

This is a great commentary, thanks for that!

California will actually surpass Massachusetts in equality because they are still struggling to rid themselves of a 1913 law meant, interestingly enough, to prevent interracial marriage. This law prevents people from less equal states to come to Massachusetts, get married, then go back to their own state. No such law exists in California.

I've added a link to my blog for this article and your site.

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