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GOP Family Values???

By Charlotte Robinson, September 02, 2008
When McCain announced his selection of anti-choice Governor Sarah Palin as his Vice President running mate America questioned her qualifications. Now with the news that her 17 year old daughter is 5 months pregnant & about to have a shotgun wedding we learn that McCain was aware of this situation prior to his selection. And they have the nerve to judge our LGBT families???
Then watching Cindy McCain & Laura Bush with their Stepford wives personas addressing the GOP Convention in attempt to reach-out to America in preparation for the on come of hurricane Gustav after the Bush administration's disastrous handling of Katrina you have to ask yourself; Who’s writing this script??? Updates to come……
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A real test of a presidential candidate’s judgment is his choice of a running mate – the person who is next in line to become the Commander in Chief. As we face serious global challenges and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, John McCain has chosen someone with virtually no national security or foreign policy experience. This choice calls into question both Senator McCain’s judgment and a McCain administration’s ability to lead a nation in crisis.

To the extent that this choice represents an effort to court supporters of Hillary Clinton's historic candidacy, McCain misjudges the reasons so many voters rallied around her candidacy. It was Senator Clinton's experience, skill and commitment to change, especially in the areas of health care and energy policy, that drew such strong support. Sarah Palin's opposition to Roe v. Wade and her support of big oil will not draw Democrats from the Obama-Biden ticket.

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