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Next Week We'll Have a New President.....

By Charlotte Robinson, October 15, 2007
Now with the election one week away the entire Country is nervous. With Wall Street & McCain on the continual decline, Obama leads in the polls. Now it's up to the people to do the right thing & elect Obama President. Let's have a fresh breath of air cleanse the White House of this GOP corruption & try getting this country back on track! Check-OUT this Obama LGBT Pride Video....... We won't see one from McCain....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just finished the last debate before the election.

Now the outcome of this campaign is up to you. I need your help to get our message out -- and to get out the vote.

The most dangerous thing you can do right now is nothing. Your support and hard work are exactly what we need between now and Election Day.

While he didn't mention the middle class, John McCain chose to repeat the false, negative attacks that make up 100% of his advertising these days.

The truth is that his choices say more about his campaign than they do about me.

But John McCain and his allies are not going to stop fighting -- or attacking -- until the very end.

We're doing this a different way. Tonight I talked about the real problems ordinary people face during this economic crisis and concrete ways that I will create jobs, cut health care costs, build a new energy policy, and get our economy moving.

But time is running out. Our strength and our success in these last 20 days depends on you...

Thank you for all you do,


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