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Obama & LGBT Civil Rights...11/24/08

By Charlotte Robinson, November 24, 2007
When Obama was on the campaign trail he promised that if elected he would end DOMA & "Don't Ask Don't Tell." He would pass ENDA & The Matthew Shepard Hate Crime Bill. We supported his bid for the White House with $$ & our vote. Election night was bittersweet for our LGBT community. Obama's win brought hope that quickly turned to sadness as 3 more states amended their constitutions to discriminate against our LGBT Americans. In the past few weeks thousands have protested across this country chanting:"Gay, Straight, Black or White, Gay Marriage is an Equal Right" Obama has addressed the economy & bail-outs, his cabinet & some foreign policies but not a peep about our LGBT civil rights.....
Would Jesus Discriminate?
This issue will challenge the separation of Church & State in America. The only way to fight ignorance is through education..... Updates to Come..
Check OUT our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage.....


Anonymous said...

When lawmakers start the new legislative session on Dec. 1, they will be joined by three new leaders who support the freedom to marry for same-sex couples. While two legislative races still remain too close to call, at least three new lawmakers who were endorsed by Equality California’s PAC for supporting equal rights for all Californians will be sworn into office when lawmakers begin the 2009-10 session.

Once again, Californians have elected a Legislature that continues to support marriage rights for same-sex couples, and with this new session, we have an even more supportive Legislature in place. Each of the new legislators endorsed by Equality California defeated opponents who staunchly oppose equal rights for same-sex couples, making it clear that the freedom to marry is not a wedge issue in California.

Geoff Kors,Executive Director EQCA

Anonymous said...

We’re particularly pleased that Manuel Perez won in Assembly District 80, despite being the target of anti-gay rhetoric from his opponent. Voters saw right through the anti-equality candidate’s effort to make Perez’ support of marriage a campaign issue, proving that supporting equality is a winning strategy.

Alice Kessler, EQCA Government Affairs Director

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