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When Will Obama Address Gay Families...?

Tuesday Obama addressed Congress to assure the nation that we'll survive this economy. Go on the site they have created for Americans to tell their stories of struggle in these times. You'll read stories of hetero couples & single parents, however our LGBT community once again has been left OUT. We need to tell our stories of what it's like living in a country without rights, benefits & protections for our families.... To add your stories go to: Obama/yourstories..:)
Check OUT our audio interview with openly gay Emmy Award winning entertainer Judy Gold discussing the comic highs & lows of being a Jewish lesbian working mom raising her 2 boys in New York City @ OUTTAKE VOICES™ Check OUT our new audio interview on Obama's Gay Agenda @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

And The Oscars Go To.......:)

Best Actor: Sean Penn “MILK”
Best Actress: Kate Winslet “THE READER”
Best Director: Danny Boyle “SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE”
Best Screenplay: Dustin Lance Black "MILK"
More Oscars....
Updates: Check OUT "Milk" video acceptance speeches & more

How Much is 789 Billion Dollars???

With the US House & Senate approving the 789 Billion Dollar
Stimulus Bill & Obama signing it, let’s put the billions in a
terminology we can understand....:)
Our contributor Richard Emmanuel has done just that....
First substitute seconds for dollars. One billion seconds equals
32 years. So if you put one billion dollar bills on the table, one
@ a time, it would take you 32 years. Now multiply that by 789
& you get 25,248 years….:) Updates to come….
Check OUT our audio interview with Rosemary White, President
of Strong Financial Group @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
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Daytime TV's First Gay Wedding...:)

ABC's All My Children the Emmy-winning, 39-year-old soap
opera aired the marriage of lesbian couple Bianca Montgomery
& Reese Williams, the first ever marriage of a lesbian couple on
scripted daytime television. The couple, along with family, friends,
& Bianca's two children, traveled from fictitious Pine Valley,
Pennsylvania, to the state of Connecticut, where gay & lesbian
couples can legally wed.... :) Check OUT Video....

Neil Giuliano President of GLAAD said “This is a milestone in
daytime drama. Bianca & Reese's wedding is a joyful day that
countless people, gay & straight alike, dream of for themselves
& the ones they love. It's a celebration of love, commitment &
family & we're thrilled that All My Children's viewers will be
able to experience the joy of that day right alongside them."
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Happy Valentine's Day!!! :)

Well My Darlings, Valentine's Day is Upon Us!!
Let's Celebrate & Toast Our Loves :)
Today is a Special Day for Me...
It's My 11th Anniversary!!

This Song is for Marilyn!!
"My Funny Valentine" by
Ann Hampton Callaway .....
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Freedom to Marry Week 2009...

This is a great week for celebration if you're a gay American
living in Massachusetts or Connecticut where thanks to the
brilliant work of GLAD, gay marriage is legal. It's a hard time
for our LGBT community living in California where 18,000
gay marriage are in jeopardy or the 30 states that have amended
their constitutions against our Freedom to Marry. Check OUT
this must-see video@ OUTTAKE VOICES....
Next month arguments will be heard against the legality of
Prop 8 before the California Supreme Court. EQCA.org...
Whatever the OUTcome, we'll keep working towards equality
for all the people, not just some of the people. For More Info...
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Television's Renewed Homophobia.....??

In Fall 2008, our LGBT community's presence on television began strong & enlightening. However, as we entered 2009 am discouraging phenomenon started happening across the board. First they killed off Candis Cayne (Carmelita) in the hit ABC series "Dirty Sexy Money"where she played Billy Baldwin's (Patrick) transgender love interest. This was extremely disappointing since Candis was the first transgender actress to have a recurring role on a prime-time TV series.....
Then almost all the lesbian characters on prime-time TV either went straight, were knocked off or mysteriously disappeared. Read More... Since Prop 8 passed we seem to be moving backwards. Are the only healthy gay characters left on television in "Brothers & Sisters"....?? Listen to Neil Giuliano President of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, (GLAAD) talk about this disturbing trend.

Audio Interview Length: 2:16
Check OUT Neil Giuliano's complete audio interview addressing this issue, the 2009 GLAAD Media Awards 20th Anniversary & the future of LGBT characters on mainstream television
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Congresswoman Baldwin Requests Equality

Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) has asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to address inequities in employment practices concerning gay & lesbian State Department employees & to take remedial action. Listen to Congresswoman Baldwin discuss this breaking story @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
Read More: On Top Magazine

In a letter sent to Clinton, Baldwin, joined by Senators Russ Feingold (D-WI) & Ron Wyden (D-OR), & Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), wrote:

“The lack of equitable treatment could force dedicated, intelligent, & needed FSOs (Foreign Service Officers) & officials to make an unfortunate choice between serving their country & protecting their families. As you noted during the question & answer session of your Senate Foreign Relations confirmation hearing, many other nations now extend training, protection, & benefits to the partners of LGBT employees. Further, the State Department’s past inattention to these disparities places it below parity with the best employment practices used in the private sector, where the majority of Fortune 500 companies extend employee benefit programs to cover the domestic partners. Without remedying these inequities, the State Department may fail to attract and retain qualified personnel.”

Baldwin & her colleagues asked Secretary Clinton to institute, among other things, the following changes in State Department policy regarding Foreign Service Officers (FSOs):

Inclusion in travel orders for same-sex domestic partners of FSOs

Access to training, including all language classes, area studies, & embassy effectiveness classes for same-sex domestic partners of FSOs

Emergency evacuation & medevac from post when necessary for same-sex domestic partners of FSOs

Access to post health units for same-sex domestic partners of FSOs

Visa support for same-sex domestic partners accompanying FSOs to overseas postings, & for same-sex foreign-born domestic partners accompanying FSOs to postings in Washington or elsewhere in the U.S.

Preferential status for employment at post comparable to that enjoyed by Eligible Family Members (EFMs) for same-sex domestic partners of FSOs

Citing Secretary Clinton’s pledge during her confirmation hearing to examine current policies relating to lesbian & gay employees at the State Department, Baldwin & her colleagues wrote: “As you work to advance America’s national security & exemplify this great country’s values around the world, we hope you will follow through on this pledge and also work to fully support your diverse workforce.” Updates to Come......Check-OUT OUTTAKE VOICES™ & listen to Congresswoman Baldwin discuss this breaking story....
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Hillary to Act on Gay Feds Equality...??

When asked about equality for Federal LGBT employees Clinton said "I think that we should take a hard look at the existing policy." Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Michelle Schohn, President of Gays & Lesbians in Foreign Affairs Agencies last week to address equal spousal benefits for Gay & Lesbian employees of the State Department with niceties but Clinton seems to be moving slowly on this issue. Last week, GLIFAA delivered a letter to Clinton signed by more than 2,000 government workers urging her to address the discrepancies between how the State Department treats gay & straight employees. Schohn said she asked Clinton whether she had received the letter & Clinton confirmed that she did...... Updates to Come....Check-OUT LGBT leaders audio-interviews
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay Filmmakers Get Oscar Nominations

The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), the nation's lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender (LGBT) media advocacy & anti-defamation organization, congratulate the creative teams & casts of Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push'  by Sapphire & A Single Man which received a combined 7 Oscar nominations for the 82nd Annual Academy Awards. Lee Daniels, honored for his work on Precious, became the first openly gay African American director to receive a nomination. Both films are also nominated for Outstanding Film. “These films tell inclusive & diverse stories of our community which grow awareness & understanding of the lives of gay & transgender people.” said GLAAD President Jarrett Barrios. Actor Colin Firth received a nomination for
Precious is among the leading Oscar nominees in major categories
with 6 nominations:
Full List of 2010 Oscar Nominees
For More Info:glaad.org
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

LGBT Civil Rights in 2009.....??

In 2009, LGBT cases are being addressed in the courts, the media & in the streets. It's an exciting time for our community. Listen to our interview with Leslie Gabel-Brett, Director of Education & Public Affairs for Lambda Legal, the oldest & largest national LGBT legal organization, discuss what's on their agenda for 2009 @ OUTTAKE VOICES™Check OUT our new audio interview on Obama's Gay Agenda @
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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GLAAD Board Members Reality TV Ask

GLAAD Board members Peppermint & Frankie Grande together with a coalition of LGBTQ celebrities, advocates & allies have called on pr...

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