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2012 Truth, Myth or Fiction...??? (Video)

We’ve heard a great deal about the predictions that may occur in the year 2012. Richard Emmanuel is the founder of The Church, a non-profit organization in East Gloucester, MA, which is dedicated to raising individual & collective consciousness & increasing spiritual awareness. Emmanuel conducted a lecture Sunday on "2012 What an Awakening…” We chatted with him about this intriguing phenomenon. Listen to an audio excerpt:
The full interview will be available on OUTTAKE VOICES™ Today.
Check OUT our current audio interview on Obama's Gay Agenda @
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

20th Annual GLAAD Media Awards in LA

Ellen DeGeneres, Portia de Rossi, Jessica Alba, T.R. Knight, Kate Walsh, Teri Hatcher, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Megan Mullally, Bill Paxton, Jennifer Beals, Alan Cumming & Gus Van Sant were among the celebrities who joined the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) as the organization honored Kathy Griffin, Rev. Gene Robinson & the best in film, television & journalism April 18th @ the 20th Annual GLAAD Media Awards in Los Angeles. For More Info: GLAAD.org Check OUT audio interviews from the '09 NYC GLAAD Media Awards
(l-r) Jennifer Beals, show creator Ilene Chaiken, Katherine Moennig & Leisha Hailey accepted a Special Recognition Award for The L Word @ the 20th Annual GLAAD Media Awards at the Nokia Theatre in L.A. Check OUT our new audio interview on Obama's Gay Agenda @
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Today is The Day of Silence.....(Video)

The Day of Silence is coordinated nationally by the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN). A day in which students from around the country take a vow of silence to bring attention to the anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender name-calling, bullying & harassment faced in schools by students, teachers & other school staff. Over 500,000 students from nearly 6,500 junior high & high schools in all 50 states & Puerto Rico have participated over the years.

According to statistics provided by GLSEN:
More than 85 percent of LGBT students have been verbally harassed...

Nearly 20 percent of LGBT students were physically assaulted by their
@ school...

Almost 40 percent of LGBT students reported that faculty & staff
never intervene
when homophobic language is used in their presence...

Nearly 30 percent of LGBT students reported missing at least one
entire school day because they felt unsafe...

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Robin McGehee, Lead Organizer of Meet in the Middle 4 Equality,
a California LGBT organization talks about Homophobia in the
Schools & in the USA....For Full Interview: OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

The Gay Boston Tea Party '09...:)

UPDATE: The fabulous LGBTQ organization Join the Impact recreated the Boston Tea Party. Only this time it was for Equal Taxes! Equal Rights! Our LGBTQ community pays the same taxes that hetero families pay but are denied the same federal rights, benefits & protections for their loved ones. Listen to Event Audio:
Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair of the Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus, eloquently stated to OUTTAKE VOICES™ Charlotte Robinson exactly what we all feel about the inequalities our LGBT community continue to endure in this country...
Join the Impact Throwing
Tax Forms into Boston Harbor...
For More Info: jointheimpact
Check OUT LGBT leaders & celebrity allies audio interviews:

View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay Families Easter Wish for Obama...:)

The White House has allocated tickets for today's Easter Egg Roll to gay & lesbian parents as part of the Obama administration's outreach to diverse communities. Over 100 gay & lesbian-headed families plan to take part in the egg roll. Perhaps when the Obamas see our LGBT families they'll be reminded to address our issues. Obama has been in office for months now & the gay word hasn't been uttered from his lips. Granted we're in crisis with the economy & wars in the Middle East but when will he address our LGBT families federal rights, benefits & protections??
Check OUT our new audio interview on Obama's Gay Agenda @
Check OUT LGBT leaders & celebrity allies audio interviews:

View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Vermont Overrides Governor's Veto...:)

The Vermont Senate overrode Gov. Jim Douglas' veto by a vote of 23-5. This means gay marriage is about to pass in the 3rd New England state & now including Iowa only 46 states to go...:) Updates to Come...Check OUT LGBT leaders audio interviews:

View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay Buying Power 712 Billion $$ Annually

Wouldn't you think that with our LGBT community having an annual buying power of 712 Billion Dollars a year President Obama would be a bit more diligent in addressing our basic federal rights, benefits & protections for our families?? LGBT Buying Power will hit a Trillion by 2012. Read More...:) Check OUT our latest audio interview with Rosemary White, President of Strong Financial Group to get the queer eye on the economy @OUTTAKE VOICES™90+ Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Lindsay Lohan & Samantha Ronson Split....

The on & off again trials & tribulations of this refreshingly OUT
lesbian celebrity relationship appears to be thundering to an end.
Now hopefully, Lindsay's career will get back on track. We haven't
seen a decent performance from her since the 2007 film, "Georgia
Rule." It'll be interesting to see where Lindsay goes from here, both
professionally & personally. Updates to Come....:)
Check OUT LGBT leaders audio interviews: @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay Marriage Legal in 3 States, Again…

Update: Gay Marriage Now Legal in 8 States....:)
The Iowa Supreme Court has ruled that their gay marriage ban
is unconstitutional. The judges rejected an appeal against a lower
court's 2007 ruling that the ban violated the rights of gay men &
women in the state. The case comes from a 2005 suit filed by
Lambda Legal on behalf of six gay & lesbian couples.
Iowa becomes the third US state to allow gay marriages after
Connecticut & Massachusetts. Now there's only 47 more states to
go….The big question is when will our LGBT community have equal
federal rights & protections for their families as heterosexuals
couples have??? Get with the program America...:)
Here in Massachusetts we've had over 5 years of marriage equality...
Updates to come….Check OUT Clay Aiken & other celebs discuss this
@ OUTTAKE VOICES™: Celebrities Speak OUT for Gay Rights
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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