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Gay Families Easter Wish for Obama...:)

By Charlotte Robinson, April 13, 2009
The White House has allocated tickets for today's Easter Egg Roll to gay & lesbian parents as part of the Obama administration's outreach to diverse communities. Over 100 gay & lesbian-headed families plan to take part in the egg roll. Perhaps when the Obamas see our LGBT families they'll be reminded to address our issues. Obama has been in office for months now & the gay word hasn't been uttered from his lips. Granted we're in crisis with the economy & wars in the Middle East but when will he address our LGBT families federal rights, benefits & protections??
Check OUT our new audio interview on Obama's Gay Agenda @
Check OUT LGBT leaders & celebrity allies audio interviews:

View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage


Unknown said...

Great post! I will freely admit that it is VERY kind of the Obama's and/or their Administration team to acknowledge LGBT families by including them in the Easter Egg Roll at The White House.

But, this is NOT enough.

I applaud you for putting President Obama on the spot and until he acknowledges the pain and suffering that those families some times go through, because of the hateful rhetoric and legislation that is introduced and a lack of authority figures to speak out against it - a ticket to the Easter Egg Roll or, a seat at the back of the bus IS NOT ENOUGH!

Thank you for your work!

Inga said...

I believe that we must let our voices be heard until our issues are addressed!! A squeaky wheel eventually gets its needed oiling….:)

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