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Before Stonewall, A Gay Reflection (AUDIO)

New: OUTTAKE VOICES™: Cult Filmmakers Twist on Gay Rights
Dr. Sam Goldfarb is celebrating his 78th year in 2009. He shares with Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson what it waslike knowing he was gay since age 13 & growing up in NYC
before the Stonewall Riots in this exclusive audio interview.
Listen to Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Stonewall 40 Years Later.....(VIDEO)

Check OUT this historic video on "Stonewall 40 Years Later." Happy Pride to our LGBT Community that are celebrating this weekend on the 4oth Anniversary of The Stonewall Riots. Especially in NYC where in 1969 after the funeral of Judy Garland, in the early hours of June 28th, the Stonewall Riots broke OUT & our LGBT Civil Rights Movement began. Updates To Come....:)
Listen to Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Michael Jackson & Farrah Fawcett...Gone

Two 70's Icons Die in One Day.....Michael Jackson the Target of
Media Scrutiny for the Last 20 yearsWill Now Be Praised for His Art.....
Farrah Fawcett Who Died FromCancer will be Over Shadowed by
the Michael Jackson Media Frenzy.It Will be Overwhelming For All......
We Suggest That This is a PerfectTime To Take a Break From TV
May They Rest in Peace...

Listen to Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Congresswoman Baldwin & Gay Healthcare

Tuesday Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin introduced the Ending Health Disparities for LGBT Americans Act (ELHDA), the first comprehensive approach to improving all areas of the healthcare system where lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender (LGBT) Americans face inequality & discrimination.

“Our current healthcare system fails LGBT Americans on many levels,”said Congresswoman Baldwin. “Although we have ample anecdotal evidence of these disparities, the federal government lacks even the most basic data on sexual orientation & gender identity & health. This bill invests in research & takes critical steps towards improving the health of LGBT Americans & their families,” Baldwin said.

In addition to investing in data collection & research, the bill establishes non-discrimination policies for all federal health programs, provides funding for cultural competence training for healthcare providers, extends Medicare benefits to same-gender domestic partners, creates a new office of LGBT Health within in the Department of Health & Human Services, provides funding for community health centers who serve the LGBT community. Updates to Come....:)
Hear Audio Interviews with LGBT Leaders @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

2009 P-Town Film Fest Winners Are...:)

Best Narrative Feature
Directed by Ella Lemhagen
Best Documentary
Directed by Megumi Sasaki
Best Short Film
Directed by Casey Clark
Writer/Director GUY MADDIN (“My Winnipeg,” “The Saddest Music in
the World,” “Careful”) was awarded the 2009 Filmmaker on the
Edge Award Tonight. John Waters did a great interview with Guy.
We'll have the audio interview next week...:)
Actor Alessandro Nivola (“Junebug,” “Laurel Canyon,” and the
2009 films “Coco Before Chanel” and “Howl”)
received the Excellence
in Acting Award. He was interviewed by
Ruby Rich. We'll have the audio interview next week.
Strand Releasing was honored with the Lifetime Achievement.
Audio interview next week ......Updates to Come....:)
Listen to our Audio Interview w/ Gabrielle Hanna, Executive
Director of the P-Town International Film Festival

For More Info @ ptownfilmfest.com

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

"Chica Busca Chica" Spain's "L Word"

"Chica Busca Chica" isn't a movie but four television episodes
strung together. The title means "woman seeking woman", as
these chic chicas in Madrid look for love, usually in the wrong
places. The women are quite pretty, but the show itself is hardly
the Spanish equivalent to The L Word beyond a show with a
several lesbians, a possible bisexual, & a self-declared newbie who
happily & naively decides it's time to experience sapphic love.
There are a few chuckles, but I suspect that the show which can be
seen online with or without English subtitles, works better seen
in weekly segment. Writer-director Sonia Sebastian has also
made a couple of short films.
Listen to an excerpt of our Audio Interview w/ Gabrielle Hanna,
Executive Director of the P-Town International Film Festival.
To Hear the full interview: OUTTAKE VOICES™

'Whatever Works' Opens P-Town Film Fest

The Provincetown Film Fest opened Wednesday night with Woody Allen’s "Whatever Works" (New England Premiere). It stars Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Patricia Clarkson & Ed Begley, Jr. Evan Rachael Ward & Patricia Clarkson were Fabulous! There’s already some Oscar buzz for Clarkson’s performance. This is a must-see for Woody Allen fans. It’s shot on location in NYC & yes there are gay characters…:) Afterwards there was a Q & A with Co-Producer Helen Robin. The outrageous Filmmaker John Waters was in attendance. It opens June 19th in NY & LA. Check-OUT the trailer here…

Listen to an excerpt of our Audio Interview w/ Gabrielle Hanna, Executive Director of the P-Town International Film Festival. To Hear the full interview: OUTTAKE VOICES™

Boston Pride Pix 2009....:)

GLAD (Gay, Lesbian, Advocates & Defenders)
The Org Responsible for Gay Marriage Passage
in 5 States were OUT & Fierce....:)
Join The Impact Massachusetts
Were OUT & Proud....
Boston's Mayor Menino Marched with City Officials...
Everyone Enjoyed the Perfect Spring Day...
Over 130 High Schools & Orgs Marched...
Legally Married Gay Couples Celebrated...
Crowded Block Parties Blared Dance Music
Everyone Had a Fabulous Time...:)
Happy Pride!!
Check OUT our audio interview with Keri Aulita, Vice President of the Board of Directors of The Boston Pride Committee, chats about Boston Pride 2009 as we reflect on the the 40th anniversary of Stonewall, Obama’s national proclamation of June being LGBT Pride Month, & the future of our LGBT Civil Rights in America
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Pink Martini @ Boston's Opera House

Pink Martini performed @ Boston's Opera House Friday Night. They were Fabulous!! :)
For More Info & Tour Dates....
New Audio Interview w/ Gabrielle Hanna, Executive Director
of the P-Town International Film Festival
@ OUTTAKE VOICES™View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Supreme Court Bans Gays in Military, Again

A major setback for our LGBT community serving in the Military. Monday the Supreme Court agreed with the Obama administration & upheld Pentagon policy barring gays & lesbians from serving openly in the military. The court said it will not hear an appeal from former Army Capt. James Pietrangelo II, who was dismissed under the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. The federal appeals court in Boston earlier threw out a lawsuit filed by Pietrangelo & 11 other veterans. He was the only member of that group who asked the highcourt to rule that the Clinton-era policy is unconstitutional. Read More.... Check OUT Fabulous "Ask Not" Trailer....

Hear Audio Interviews with LGBT Leaders @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay Marriage Wins in New Hampshire...:)

WEDNESDAY: GAY MARRIAGE WINS in NH - 198 to 176 The New Hampshire Senate just approved a compromise gay marriage bill that strengthened the language involving legal protections for religious institutions & related agencies.The vote was 14-10 along party lines. The amendment now goes to the House this afternoon. GAY MARRIAGE WINS in NH - 198 to 176 CONCORD- Hundreds of people gathered at the Statehouse today just prior to the legislature taking up HB73 - the last bill in a series of bills necessary to guarantee religious liberties for all Granite States & the freedom to marry for gay & lesbian couples in New Hampshire. GOVERNOR LYNCH SIGNS BILL!!  The law will go into effect January 1, 2010 Updates to Come...

Listen to an audio excerpt with Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair of the Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus, discuss Religion & Gay Marriage. To hear the full interview on America's Road to Gay Marriage @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Will Obama Address Gay Rights? (Audio)

Monday Obama recognized June as gay pride month & called for LGBT equality without a timetable or plan...Read More.... The LGBT community was oppressed by the Bush Administration for 8 years. Obama has been missing in action when it comes to LGBT Civil Rights since he took office in January. There's buzz rippling through gay media that the Obama Administration will present a package this month addressing our LGBT community. Will they address DOMA (Defense
of Marriage Act) or DAD(Don't Ask, Don't Tell) ?? Read More..

Listen to an audio excerpt with Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair of the Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus, discuss Obama's Gay Agenda. To hear the full interview on America's Road to Gay Marriage @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

Andrew Sullivan & Anderson Cooper on Obama Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson talks with Robin McGehee, Lead Organizer of Saturday's Meet in the Middle Rally in response to the California Supreme Court Ruling on Prop 8 @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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GLAAD Board members Peppermint & Frankie Grande together with a coalition of LGBTQ celebrities, advocates & allies have called on pr...

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