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Congresswoman Baldwin & Gay Healthcare

By Charlotte Robinson, June 25, 2009
Tuesday Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin introduced the Ending Health Disparities for LGBT Americans Act (ELHDA), the first comprehensive approach to improving all areas of the healthcare system where lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender (LGBT) Americans face inequality & discrimination.

“Our current healthcare system fails LGBT Americans on many levels,”said Congresswoman Baldwin. “Although we have ample anecdotal evidence of these disparities, the federal government lacks even the most basic data on sexual orientation & gender identity & health. This bill invests in research & takes critical steps towards improving the health of LGBT Americans & their families,” Baldwin said.

In addition to investing in data collection & research, the bill establishes non-discrimination policies for all federal health programs, provides funding for cultural competence training for healthcare providers, extends Medicare benefits to same-gender domestic partners, creates a new office of LGBT Health within in the Department of Health & Human Services, provides funding for community health centers who serve the LGBT community. Updates to Come....:)
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