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LGBT Equality Moving Forward

As we approach the end of 2014 we are reminded of the eventful year that our LGBT community has had. We made tremendous strides & have now secured marriage equality in 35 states & the District of Columbia. However there are still 15 states & US territories where gay & lesbian couples are not protected & their families are subjected to discrimination hardships just because of who they love. In 2015 our New Year's resolution is to continue to do everything we can to ensure that our LGBT families & community are honored & protected. We won’t stop until federal marriage equality laws are passed & enforced in all of the USA. Once we achieve this we must continue to fight for full equality because as you know once we can legally marry we can still be fired from our jobs in many states that still allows our LGBT community to be discriminated against in the workplace. So when you make your year-end gifts to nonprofits make sure that you generously give to LGBT organizations that are continuing to fight for your equality. So our wish in 2015 is to create a world where LGBTQ youth are safe in school from being bullied, employment protections for our LGBT community throughout the country, LGBT elders can thrive, we finally secure greater legal protections for our transgender community, a higher quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS & we succeed in fighting attempts to add exceptions to anti discrimination laws that affect our LGBT community. If you want to help make this all a reality for our LGBT community we suggest you send your checks to GLAD, the Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, the architects of gay marriage in America. Or click on our Equality Store link & support our work by buying a mug or tea shirt...:)
For Info & Support: glad.org
LISTEN: Kate Clinton's 2014 LGBT Review & 2015 Forecast
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Celebrities Gay Activists & Allies

This has been a fabulous year for LGBT equality & we want to thank you, our millions of global listeners, for making OUTTAKE VOICES such a success. We also want to thank all the celebrities, gay activists & allies who appeared on our audio interview series in 2014 & our syndicated version on Huffington Post. Thank you fashion designer Andre Soriano, Brian Silva, Executive Director of Marriage Equality USA, Filmmakers Daniel Cardone & Marc Smolowitz, Host of Food Network’s “Chopped” Ted Allen, India LGBT activist Pothik Chatterjee, Executive Director of the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force Rea Carey, Executive Director of GO! Athletes Anna Aagenes, rock band Antigone Rising’s Kristen Ellis-Henderson & Cathy Henderson, legendary actor Pam Grier, newly elected Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, author attorney Scott Squillace, actor/writer Terry Ray, Fred Harmon The Tropicana Resort in Las Vegas, designers Mitchell Gold & Bob Williams, Executive Director of the Elton John AIDS Foundation Scott Campbell, actor/producers Kit Williamson & John Halbach, singer/songwriter Jen Foster, GLAAD’s CEO & President Sarah Kate Ellis, Out NCAA basketball player Derrick Gordon, transgender model Geena Rocero, Stafford Arima, actor George Takei, New Orleans bounce performer Big Freedia, GLAAD National Spokesperson Omar Sharif, Jr., comedian Fortune Feimster, Perez Hilton, actor Wilson Cruz, transgender actress Candis Cayne, reality star Sonja Morgan, actress Robin Weigert, actor Yael Stone, Tony & Emmy winning actress Swoosie Kurtz, pop star Boy George, martial arts fighter Jessica Aguilar, out Olympic speed skater Blake Skjellerup, actress Alysia Reiner, actor Raúl Castillo, transgender actress Laverne Cox, filmmaker Kim Rocco Shields, writer Kate Fagan, Boston Pride’s Sylvain Bruni, Grammy & Oscar winning recording artist Melissa Etheridge, producer Christine Vachon, actress Debra Winger, writer & director David Cronenberg, director John Waters, activists Kris Perry & Sandy Stier, writer/producer Gary Janetti, P-Town’s Rick Murray, writer/director Marina Rice Bader, filmmaker Alexia Kosmider, rocker Carole Pope, filmmaker Caryn Hayes, writer Michelle Theal, singer-songwriter Matt Gold, AIDS activist Jim Morgrage, event planner Paul Saltalamacchia, producer Mark Gilbert, author activist Urvashi Vaid, filmmaker Stu Maddux, Dr. Dain Heer, designers Sam Street & Jonathan Tack, guitarist Sharon Isbin, executive producer Michael Levitt, wedding planner Jason Mitchell, GLAAD VP Zeke Stokes, author Larry Robinson & Kate Clinton our favorite political humorist. We still have a lot to accomplish in the US & Globally for our community so let’s make 2015 the best year yet for LGBT equality.
LISTEN: Kate Clinton's 2014 LGBT Review & 2015 Forecast
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Have A Fabulous Gay XMAS

We just want to thank our global LGBT audience & allies for making this past year so rewarding for our OUTTAKE Team. We wish all our friends & family a healthy & happy holiday. So Make the Yule-tide gay & enjoy this performance of Judy Garland singing "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" a song she introduced in the 1944 MGM musical Meet Me in St. Louis written by Hugh Martin & Ralph Blane. We’ve included the lyrics so you can all sing along....
Have yourself a merry little Christmas, Let your heart be light From now on, our troubles will be out of sight. Have yourself a merry little Christmas, Make the Yule-tide gay, From now on, our troubles will be miles away. Here we are as in olden days, Happy golden days of yore. Faithful friends who are dear to us Gather near to us once more. Through the years We all will be together, If the Fates allow Hang a shining star upon the highest bough. And have yourself A merry little Christmas now. HAVE A SAFE & FABULOUS XMAS!!

LISTEN: Kate Clinton's 2014 LGBT Review & 2015 Forecast
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Gay Blood Donors Ban Eased

The Food & Drug Administration has decided to ease restrictions on its 31 year ban on gay blood donors. Scott Campbell, Executive Director for the Elton John AIDS Foundation stated, “The Elton John AIDS Foundation is pleased that the FDA has taken a first step to lift the antiquated ban prohibiting gay men from donating blood. This announcement represents a long overdue shift in the public health field’s perception of gay men. While we urge the FDA to fully discard its ban, this step underscores what we have always believed: that all Americans, regardless of sexual orientation, should be allowed to help people in need. It’s part of ending stigma against LGBT Americans & is simply the right thing to do.” The Elton John AIDS Foundation also just recently awarded more than $3.2 million in grants that specifically address LGBT people of color & people living with HIV/AIDS in the South. Sir Elton John created EJAF over 20 years ago, first in the United States in 1992 & then in the United Kingdom in 1993. Through hard work & help of kind, amazing, creative & generous friends & supporters, the two foundations together have raised more than $300 million over the past 2 decades to combat stigma, prevent infections, provide treatment & services & motivate governments to end AIDS. Listen to Scott Campbell talk about EJAF in this exclusive audio interview from last spring:

For More Info: newyork.ejaf.org
LISTEN: Kate Clinton's 2014 LGBT Review & 2015 Forecast
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


PBS “Vicious” Gay Holiday Event

PBS announced their holiday themed programming including a holiday special of VICIOUS airing December 25th at 9:30P EST. VICIOUS stars legendary openly gay actors Sir Derek Jacobi & Sir Ian McKellen playing Stuart & Freddie as partners who have lived together in their central London flat for nearly 50 years. In their holiday XMAS special Freddie (Ian McKellen) & Stuart (Derek Jacobi) host a holiday soiree in their small central London flat. Ash (Iwan Rheon), their young upstairs neighbor, has volunteered to cook the meal, their feisty best friend Violet (Frances de la Tour) is up to her old tricks & a wicked game of Truth or Dare brings up hidden truths & surprises as well. Last summer we interviewed Gary Janetti the writer/producer of VICIOIUS who talked about what he wanted to accomplish with this breakthrough gay sitcom stating, “What I want to accomplish is not only that this is a gay couple, the fact that they were gay was always besides the point, it’s also a couple of a certain age. We don’t see couples in their seventies together not as an archon to the young couple on the show, but as the main focus of the show & their world is also populated by people around the same age as them and they are the people we follow. We’re inside their world & it’s unusual & I don’t think it should be unusual. There was something about that I felt really good about accomplishing, also that they were a gay couple of a certain age & within the gay community."
Listen To Full Interview: 
LISTEN: Kate Clinton's 2014 LGBT Review & 2015 Forecast
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Uganda LGBT Update

Though Ugandans won’t be getting a new anti LGBT law for Christmas the government of Uganda has launched a crackdown on political activists who use social media to convey their messages. Masindi News Network (MANET), which has more than 9,200 Facebook followers recently attracted the wrath of the government. The first causalities were 3 young activists who are behind the popular Facebook page Masindi News Network where young people in the rich oil Bunyoro region exchange views on government issues. The administrator of the page Jonathan Akwetereiho & 2 other youth activists Rogers Kanuti & Fredrick Banage were arrested last month for 3 days. Social media is crucial for our Ugandan LGBT community as well. We asked filmmaker Tim McCarthy who is working on a documentary in Uganda “Voices of the Abasiyazzi” that features LGBT Ugandans who talk directly to their fellow Ugandans about their shared culture & lives about this recent social media crackdown. McCarthy stated, “Social media is the only platform that activists have in Uganda to get the word out about corruption & discrimination. It is no wonder that the dictatorship is cracking down. We were beaten up by riot police at a free press demo in June of 2013”. The word “Abasiyazzi” is Ugandan for queer.
For More Info…
LISTEN: Kate Clinton's 2014 LGBT Review & 2015 Forecast
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Winter Solstice Yuletide Gay

The Winter Solstice happens today marking the shortest day of the year & also the longest night. Winter Solstice is also known as Yule. Witches & warlocks celebrate this date as the birth of the Sun God since from this point forward the days get longer. Wiccan celebrations include Yule logs, Yule trees & Mistletoe which all sounds a lot like our traditional Christmas celebrations. The Winter Solstice is also celebrated by druids & pagans as the ‘re-birth’ of the sun for the New Year. In the UK thousands gather each year to mark the occasion at Stonehenge in Somerset. At the North Pole the sun actually never rises on this day. There are many customs associated with the Winter Solstice that derive from stories of a mighty battle between the dark & the light which is won of course by the light, even the Christian faith of a savior (the Sun-Child) being born to a virgin mother. Then there’s Albert Camus the French Nobel Prize winning author, journalist & philosopher famous Winter Solstice quote “In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.” However our LGBT community celebrates the shortest day & longest night, whether alone or with family & friends in the northern hemisphere just remember that the southern hemisphere is basking in sunshine & enjoying the first day of summer.
Listen To Kate Clinton Talk Solstice & More…
LISTEN: Kate Clinton: Full 2014 LGBT Review & 2015 Forecast
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Florida Gay Marriage Update

Good news for our LGBT community in Florida. The United States Supreme Court denied the State of Florida’s motion for a stay of an August federal court ruling that overturned the state’s ban on marriage for gay & lesbian couples. The order means the stay expires at the end of the day on January 5th 2015. This means that gay & lesbian couples will be free to marry in Florida once the stay in the ruling is lifted. Nadine Smith, CEO of Equality Florida stated, "We are thrilled the U.S. Supreme Court has denied the State's request to delay marriages in Florida. Every day of delay is another day of harm experienced by thousands of loving & committed gay & lesbian couples in Florida. It's time to break out the wedding bells! We look forward to January 6th being a special day -- Florida is ready for the freedom to marry." Daniel Tilley of the ACLU of Florida emphasized that now clerks across the entire state have a duty to marry couples adding “The Supreme Court has spoken & we expect clerks to begin marrying couples who will finally get access to the protections their families deserve.” On December 3rd the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit denied the State of Florida’s request for an extension of that stay, allowing gay & lesbian couples to marry, even as the appeal in the case proceeded.
LISTEN: Kate Clinton: 2014 LGBT Review & 2015 Forecast
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


US Transgender Workers Protections

Attorney General Eric Holder has released a memo that the US Justice Department is now interpreting federal law to end workplace discrimination against transgender people. This means that the Justice Department will be able to bring legal claims for our trans community who have been discriminated against by state & local public employers based on sex identity. In defending these lawsuits the federal government will also no longer take the position that Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act that bans sex discrimination & does not protect against workplace discrimination on the basis of gender status. However the Justice Department does not have authority to sue private employers & the new memo does not affect that but it is a sign that perhaps LGBT workplace protections may be on the horizon for all. As you know in July Obama ordered employment protection for gay & transgender employees who work for the U.S. government or for companies holding federal contracts. Mara Keisling, Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, welcomed Holder's memo stating, "It's just another message to employers, whether they are public employers or private employers, that it is illegal in every state in this country to discriminate against transgender people in employment."
LISTEN:Larry Robinson Creates New Book “Mirror, Mirror”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


St. Patrick’s Day Parade Update

The organizers of South Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day parade this week approved an application by the LGBT group OUTVETS to march in their 2015 parade. The vote was by the Allied War Veterans Council that won a landmark US Supreme Court ruling back in 1995 that allowed organizers to ban marchers who proclaimed their sexual orientation. The vote was 5 to 4 in favor of OUTVETS according to its founder Bryan Bishop who addressed the council stating, “I think it’s very significant. Ensuring that there is 100 percent inclusivity is important.” Bishop also noted that OUTVETS is not a political action group seeking to break barriers. We contacted MassEquality which is the leading statewide grassroots advocacy organization working to ensure that everyone across Massachusetts can thrive from cradle to grave without discrimination & oppression based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. Carly Burton the Interim Co-Executive Director, MassEquality stated, "We applaud the Allied War Veterans for voting in favor of allowing the OUTVETS contingent to march in the 2015 Boston St. Patrick's Day Parade. This is a great step forward for these veterans & we are pleased that the parade is becoming more inclusive. I'd like to add that we will be submitting an application to march in the parade in early January.”
Updates to Come…
LISTEN:Larry Robinson Creates New Book “Mirror, Mirror”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Transgender Equality Update

The final frontier for LGBT equality will be achieved within the transgender community. In Florida with the growing momentum for transgender equality nationwide & across their state, Equality Florida has launched TransAction Florida. Tricia Russell stated “As we continue the work of identifying & breaking down barriers across the state of Florida for our transgender brothers & sisters, the work of TransAction Florida is integral to the effort & our progress.” In
Massachusetts MassEquality is one of the grassroots advocacy organization working to ensure that everyone across that state can thrive from cradle to grave without discrimination & oppression based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. There are protections in Massachusetts for our trans brothers & sisters but more protections are needed. It has been a town-by-town issue. So far the cities of Boston, Cambridge, Northampton, Brookline, Somerville, Amherst, Worcester, Newton, Salem & recently Melrose have all passed an ordinance providing nondiscrimination protections for transgender & gender non-conforming people in public spaces such as restaurants, parks & malls. KC Coredini, Executive Director of MassEquality stated, “Melorse has officially pushed the number of jurisdictions in the Commonwealth with these protections into the double digits. In the last year alone, seven cities & towns have made the right decision in ensuring the basic rights of transgender & gender non-conforming people. As we see more & more of these ordinances, we are inspired by the affirmation of the dignity of all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. We look forward to working with the city in implementing this ordinance and continuing the growing movement towards equality for transgender people.”
LISTEN:Larry Robinson Creates New Book “Mirror, Mirror”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Gay Marriage $2.6 Billion Gain

A new interactive resource exploring the amount of money state economies have to gain by allowing gay & lesbian couples to marry has been released by The Williams Institute in partnership with Credit Suisse. Based on a series of state-level studies authored by Williams Distinguished Scholar, M.V. Lee Badgett & other Williams Institute scholars the resource estimates that the nationwide economic boost from marriage of gay & lesbian couples could be up to $2.6 billion in just the first three years. Badgett stated, “Gay & lesbian couples & their out-of-town guests spend money to celebrate weddings. As we have seen in states that already extend marriage to gay & lesbian couples, this spending boost can lead to an influx of tourism dollars that benefit local businesses & an increase in state & local tax revenue.” The report also addresses states in the South & Midwest that do not recognize marriage equality. These states are missing out on an economic benefit of $733 million. The report also shows that 29 percent, $750 million nationwide remains unlocked by states that have not yet extended marriage to gay & lesbian couples. Pamela Thomas-Graham, Credit Suisse’s Chief Marketing & Talent Officer & head of the firm’s New Markets business concluded, “This new interactive resource communicates what the Credit Suisse LGBT Equality Index & Portfolio communicates, which is that being pro-LGBT is good for business & that data proves it.”
View Report…
LISTEN: Marilyn Rosen & My Fabulous Gay Wedding
LISTEN: Gay Activist Zeke Stokes Talks New Fashion Tie Line
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


New LGBT Discrimination Report

The Center for American Progress released a groundbreaking new report outlining the extensive discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender people in core facets of American life. The report, titled, “We the People: Why Congress & U.S. States Must Pass Comprehensive LGBT Nondiscrimination Protections” is the first comprehensive review detailing the evidence of discrimination against our LGBT community in employment, housing, public accommodations, education & credit. Winnie Stachelberg, Executive Vice President for External Affairs at CAP stated, “With the astounding pace at which courts are overturning same gender marriage prohibitions, it is easy to think that the LGBT community enjoys equality in all facets of American life. Discrimination is very real and far too common for LGBT Americans in all vital areas of life & this report makes the case for why a comprehensive approach to protecting the LGBT community is urgently needed.” To address these inequities, the report calls for major legislation to extend protections to all Americans. Roughly 30 states currently lack explicit protections from discrimination against LGBT people & their families when they attempt to find and keep jobs, secure homes, gain quality education, or access the goods & services necessary to live. This discrimination causes disproportionate rates of homelessness, unemployment, poverty, poor health & other negative outcomes within the LGBT community. With marriage equality continuing its overwhelming success in courts across the country, the time is now to continue the conversation about ensuring basic protections for all Americans.
Read Full Report: americanprogress.org
LISTEN: Gay Activist Zeke Stokes Talks New Fashion Tie Line
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


San Francisco Holiday Event

Hailed as one of the “Best Bets for Holiday Dance” the Dance-Along Nutcracker is one of San Francisco’s most treasured holiday events that takes place at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts on December 13th & 14th. Exemplifying San Francisco Lesbian & Gay Freedom Band’s mission for the last 29 years the Dance-Along Nutcracker has been bringing together the community with a show that takes children, families, couples & singles on a magical holiday journey. This year’s fun-filled zany dance-along concert will take the audience on a musical excursion to a tropical paradise. So grab your tutu & your lei for Frosty’s Hawaiian Holiday. With a blend of favorites from Tchaikovsky’s classic Nutcracker & sweet Hawaiian tunes, celebrate the holidays “island style” at Frosty’s Hawaiian Holiday. Join Clara, Fritz & the entire Stahlbaum clan on the snow-white sands of Hawaii as their holiday escapade takes them in search of Frosty the Snowman in the tropical sun. Once Uncle Drosselmeyer’s magical gifts are turned loose, it’s up to the kids to save the day. Full of impromptu delight and hilarious surprises, Frosty’s Hawaiian Holiday is must-see for any wallflower. Bring the kids to a daytime show or treat yourself to the Tropical Gala & enjoy one of San Francisco’s most beloved & unique holiday traditions.
For More Info & Tix: sflgfb.townalive.com
LISTEN: Gay Activist Zeke Stokes Talks New Fashion Tie Line
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Boston Gay Men’s Chorus Noel

Boston Gay Men’s Chorus is presenting Noel, a holiday concert with performances at New England Conservatory’s Jordan Hall in Boston on December 14th, 19th, 20th & 21st. There will be traditional favorites like “Deck the Halls” & “The First Noel” combined with fun new classics like “Sparklejollytwinklejingley” from the Broadway musical Elf. The concert also features the debut of “A New Year’s Carol” a stirring new work by Norwegian composer Ola Gjeilo co-commissioned by the Chorus. Gjeilo relocated from his native Norway to study composition at the Juilliard School of Music in 2001. The song is a hymn to the cycle of the seasons & the growth we experience as the wheel of the year keeps turning. Reuben M. Reynolds, III Boston Gay Men’s Chorus Music Director stated, “From advent calendars to Elf on the Shelf, many people celebrate the holidays by mixing old & newly-created traditions. That’s what we’ll be doing onstage, performing holiday classics alongside new songs in a performance that captures the joyful & contemplative spirit of the season.” Other selections include “Ave Maria,” “Star of Wonder” & a selection of five classic Christmas carols & holiday tunes re-imagined in the styles of unlikely composers, such as “What if Steven Sondheim had written ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’?” or “What if Jerry Herman had written ‘We Three Kings’?” Craig Coogan, Executive Director of the Boston Gay Men’s Chorus concluded, “From our elaborately staged opening with “Deck the Halls” to polka dancers, drag queens & sequined elves, Noel is one of our most theatrical concerts yet. We’ll perform the most cherished holiday favorites in Act 1. Then in Act II, we’re going to sprinkle tradition with some glitter.”
For Info & Tix…
LISTEN: Gay Activist Zeke Stokes Talks New Fashion Tie Line
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


San Francisco Holiday Fundraiser

The Richmond/Ermet AIDS Foundation presents “Help Is On The Way For The Holidays XIII” on Monday, December 8th at the Marines Memorial Theatre in San Francisco from 7:30P to 10P. “Help is on the Way for the Holidays” is a San Francisco Bay Area holiday tradition that benefits children & youth with HIV & AIDS. The theme this year is JUST BE....Who You Want to Be! This event celebrates the holidays of all faiths at this time of year & promotes hope, caring & compassion through holiday music. It features many top Bay Area, as well internationally acclaimed, performers & includes a silent as well as limited live auction & a special wine & dessert reception with the cast for "Host" level ticket buyers & corporate sponsors following the performance. This year the star-studded event features the Broadway touring cast of “Kinky Boots” with special guests including Davis Gaines star of Broadway’s “Phantom of the Opera”, La Toya London from TV’s American Idol & Broadway’s “The Color Purple”, Jai Rodriguez from Broadway/TV, Jason Brock from TV’s X-Factor & cabaret star & the cast of “The Meshuga Nutcracker”. The Beneficiaries of this year’s event are Maitri one of San Francisco’s most respected & valued resources in providing care to people severely debilitated by AIDS & Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS one of the nation’s leading industry-based, nonprofit AIDS fundraising & grant-making organizations.
For More Info & Tix…
LISTEN: Jason Mitchell Wedding Planner Talks Getting Groomed
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Jennifer Coolidge Hosts TrevorLIVE

The Trevor Project announced that 2 Broke Girls actress Jennifer Coolidge will host its annual “TrevorLIVE Los Angeles” on December 7th at the Hollywood Palladium, presented by Wells Fargo. Coolidge stated, “I am honored to be hosting TrevorLIVE Los Angeles. The work that The Trevor Project does on a daily basis is critical to saving lives. It’s imperative that we rally around our youth in crisis & show them that we will not stand idly by. We are with them, walking side-by-side in their struggle. Their struggle is our struggle.” Abbe Land, Executive Director & CEO of The Trevor Project added, “The Trevor Project & the LGBTQ community are proud to have allies like Jennifer Coolidge. We are thankful for her support & are looking forward to her providing her irreverent comedy as we gather to support our important work.” Additionally, The Trevor Project is also proud to announce that Darren Criss, Mia Pfirrman, Ty Herndon & Anita Cochran will give special performances & appearances by Kellan Lutz, Adam Scott, Nolan Gould, Kiernan Shipka, Alex Borstein, Michael Gladis, George Kotsiopoulos & Alexandra Billings, Phoebe Tonkin, Matthew Moy, Ian Harvie, Paul Wesley, Kevin Zegers, & Harry Shum Jr. All join previously announced talent including: Katharine McPhee, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Alex Newell, Melora Hardin & Marc Shaiman confirmed to perform. With special appearances by: Brittany Snow, Katherine Heigl, Dan Bucatinsky, Lisa Kudrow, Kelly Osbourne, Beth Behrs, Wentworth Miller, Matt McGorry, Jason Collins, Billy Eichner, Jay R. Ferguson, Jack Falahee, Ryan Eggold, Elisabeth Rohm & Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom.
LISTEN: Jason Mitchell Wedding Planner Talks Getting Groomed
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Scrooge & Marley Chicago Events

If you’re in the Chicago area catch “Scrooge & Marley” a modern LGBT spin on Charles Dickens’ classic story “A Christmas Carol” returns to the Music Box Theatre Saturday December 6th & Sunday December 7th at 12P. The movie entirely shot in Chicago is a heartfelt, modern-day, gay variation on the beloved classic. “Scrooge & Marley” stars acclaimed actor David Pevsner, former Saturday Night Live star Tim Kazurinsky, Rusty Schwimmer, Bruce Vilanch, Megan Cavanagh, Ronnie Kroell, David Moretti, Richard Ganoung, & JoJo Baby. It’s narrated by Tony award-winning actress Judith Light. Both matinee screenings include a festive pre-show. The swingin' female a cappella caroling trio The Merry Janes will lead a holiday sing-a-long with their Andrews Sisters-like harmony arrangements preceding the December 6th matinee. Tickets are $10. Then the festive spirit continues on Sunday December 14th when the Oak Park chapter of PFLAG & OPALGA (Oak Park Lesbian & Gay Association) co-sponsor a screening of “Scrooge & Marley” at the Oak Park Public Library, 834 Lake St. This 2P screening is free & will be followed by an after-party that will include a festive carol sing-a-long & refreshments. Members of the film's creative team will be in attendance of this screening & party. “Scrooge & Marley” also makes a fabulous XMAS gift for those outside of the Chicago area.
LISTEN: Jason Mitchell Wedding Planner Talks Getting Groomed
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Edie Windsor Hosts Holiday Event

Henrietta Hudson presents the one & only Edie Windsor hosting a very special holiday women’s tea dance fundraiser Sunday December 7th from 3P to 9P. All proceeds will benefit SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders.) There will an open Chandon USA Champagne bar for the first hour to mix & mingle with the ladies of SAGE & the legendary Edie Windsor who challenged & beat the Supreme Court & furthered LGBT rights with the reversal of section 3 of DOMA. The documentary “Edie & Thea” will be streaming while dancing to the music of NYC Superstar DJ RosyQ. Cathy Renna stated, “I’m looking forward to seeing my hero Edie Windsor this weekend. If you are in NYC & want to support an awesome cause, she is hosting a tea dance fundraiser for SAGE at Henrietta Hudson.” SAGE is the country's largest & oldest organization dedicated to improving the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender older adults. Founded in 1978 & headquartered in NYC, SAGE is a national organization that offers supportive services & consumer resources for LGBT older adults & their caregivers, advocates for public policy changes that address the needs of LGBT older people & provides training for aging providers and LGBT organizations, largely through its National Resource Center on LGBT Aging. This fabulous holiday event takes place on Sunday December 7th at Henrietta Hudson 438 Hudson Street in NYC from 3P to 9P. Admission is $10.
For More Info: henriettahudson.com
LISTEN: Jason Mitchell Wedding Planner Talks Getting Groomed
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Gay Marriage Comes To Florida

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has denied the state’s motion for stay of a District Court ruling that overturned the state’s ban on marriage for gay & lesbian couples. The stay is scheduled to expire at the end of the day on January 5th, enabling gay & lesbian couples to apply for marriage licenses at that time. Nadine Smith, CEO of Equality Florida stated, "We are thrilled that the 11th Circuit has denied the state's request to delay marriages in Florida. Every day of delay is another day of harm experienced by thousands of loving and committed gay & lesbian couples in Florida. Now it's time to break out the wedding bells. Florida is ready for the freedom to marry!" On August 21st US District Court Judge Robert Hinkle ruled in favor of the freedom to marry & respect for marriage legally performed between gay & lesbian couples in other states in these two consolidated federal marriage cases, Brenner v. Scott and Grimsley and Albu v. Scott. The District Court placed a stay of their decision to allow time for appeals. The stay is scheduled to expire on January 5th. The state of Florida had requested an extension of the stay from the 11th Circuit Court until the appeals process if fully finished, while lawyers for the plaintiff couples had opposed any extension pointing to federal court ruling that struck down similar gay-marriage bans in other states. CONGRATS FLORIDA!!
LISTEN: Marilyn Rosen & My Fabulous Gay Wedding
LISTEN: Jason Mitchell Wedding Planner Talks Getting Groomed
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


LGBT End Discrimination Event

As our LGBT community gets closer to achieving marriage equality it’s still legal to fire, refuse housing, or deny service to Americans based solely on sexual orientation or gender identity in 30 states. This discrimination causes disproportionate rates of homelessness, unemployment, poverty & negative health outcomes within the lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender community. With marriage equality continuing its overwhelming success in courts across the country, the time is now to continue the conversation about ensuring basic protections for all Americans. In an effort to shed light on this pervasive discrimination, the Center for American Progress will unveil a major report outlining discrimination against LGBT people in many facets of American life at an event on December 10th headlined by U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR), the lead sponsor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act in the U.S. Senate. The report calls on the U.S. Congress to take a comprehensive approach to securing non-discrimination protections in employment, housing, public accommodations, credit & federal funding for LGBT Americans. Panelists include Representative Mark Takano (D- Calif.) Chad Griffin, President of the Human Rights Campaign, Reverend Delman Coates, Senior Pastor of Mt. Ennon Baptist Church, Sarah McBride, CAP Special Assistant & co-author of the report. It takes place December 10th 9:30A to 11A at the Center for American Progress 1333 H St. NW, 10th Floor in Washington, D.C.
RSVP: americanprogress.org
LISTEN: Jason Mitchell Wedding Planner Talks Getting Groomed
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Love Responsibly Campaign

HIV-positive designer Mondo Guerra in collaboration with Subaru Of America, Inc. are revealing a one-of-a-kind wrapped 2015 Legacy as part of its Love Responsibly campaign to commemorate the auto manufacturer's 20th year of support in the fight against HIV/AIDS. The vehicle will be debuted at a private reception at The Annex, a pop-up space in the Wynwood Miami Design District on December 1st World AIDS Day & the start of Art Basel Miami. Love Responsibly is a social action campaign that encourages people from all walks of life to participate in Dining Out For Life hosted by Subaru, an annual fundraiser that benefits AIDS Service Organizations in 60 cities throughout North America. Since Subaru teamed-up with Dining Out For Life over $30 million has been raised in the crucial fight against HIV/AIDS. Mondo Guerra stated, "I'm extremely honored to contribute to the Love Responsibly campaign because it's centered on corporate, social & individual responsibility. I'm inspired by the story-telling, it's empowering & heartfelt & to tell that story through a creative process of expressionist art that becomes the exterior of an automobile, well that's like creating the ultimate street art." Dining Out For Life began in Philadelphia in 1991 & has since grown into an international event held in 60+ cities across North America, raising an average $4.25 million annually. The idea behind the single-day event is simple & effective: Dine Out, Fight AIDS. Participating restaurants donate a percentage of the day's food sales, which goes to local organizations to fund care, prevention, education, testing, counseling 7 other essential HIV/AIDs services.
For More Info: diningoutforlife.com
LISTEN: Justin Luke Zirilli New Survival Guide The Gay Gospel
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


World AIDS Day 2014 (AUDIO)

World AIDS Day takes place each year on December 1st & is an opportunity not only to spread awareness about the ongoing impact of HIV & AIDS has had on our LGBT community & allies but also to commemorate those who have died from this horrific epidemic. This year’s World AIDS theme is “Focus, Partner, Achieve: An AIDS-free Generation.” The best way to achieve this is with understanding, compassion, hope & through education as we continue to fight HIV/AIDS & prevent it. World AIDS Day encourages people to join the efforts to combat AIDS, a mission that begins by increasing your knowledge of the disease & spreading awareness. It’s also crucial to practice safe sex & get tested. World AIDS Day is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. AIDS has killed more than 25 million people, with an estimated 34 million people living with HIV, making it one of the most destructive epidemics in recorded history. I have lost many friends & family to AIDS. It is important to take a moment & remember them & think about what a better world this would be if they were still around. Listen to this exclusive audio byte with gay activist & historian Cleve Jones who talks about how AIDS affected our LGBT community. Jones has been an AIDS activist for over 30 years. After working with Harvey Milk, Cleve conceived the idea of the AIDS Memorial Quilt.
For More Info…
LISTEN: Justin Luke Zirilli New Survival Guide The Gay Gospel
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Finland Legalizes Gay Marriage

Thousands gathered Friday to celebrate as Finland became the 12th country in Europe to legalize marriage equality. Finland was the last Nordic country to pass gay marriage though gay & lesbian couples have been able to obtain domestic partnerships since 2002. The bill was passed in parliament Friday by a vote of 105 to 92. Victory cheers erupted in central Helsinki by thousands of LGBT activists & allies had gathered outside Parliament ahead of the vote. It's an important move for Finland in taking a stand against its increasingly anti-gay neighbor Russia & join forces with the rest of Scandinavia. Before the vote Prime Minister Alexander Stubb stated, “Finland should strive to become a society where discrimination does not exist, human rights are respected & two adults can marry regardless of their sexual orientation,” Let this be a wake-up call to the US Supreme Court to stop dragging their feet & finally end this discrimination in America. As of November 29th gay & lesbian couples can legally marry in 70% of America or 35 out of 50 states. The remaining five states are in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals' & headed to the Supreme Court. Hopefully the Justices will announce as soon as January that they'll hear one or several of these crucial cases. In the meantime thousands of gay & lesbian couples have married this year & will be receiving federal rights & protections for their families, including myself. CONGRATS FINLAND!!
LISTEN: Marilyn Rosen & My Fabulous Gay Wedding
LISTEN: Justin Luke Zirilli New Survival Guide The Gay Gospel
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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