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Primary Elections In Five States

By Charlotte Robinson, September 09, 2014
Tuesday September 9th we have primary elections in Delaware, New York, Rhode Island, New Hampshire & Massachusetts. We want to remind our LGBT community in these states to be sure to get out & vote. Here in Massachusetts we have a chance to elect candidates who support pro-choice & LGBT equality. The 3 democratic gubernatorial candidates in Massachusetts are all LGBT supportive with Attorney General Martha Coakley leading. The race for Attorney General is way too close to call but we have the opportunity to vote for a candidate who is not only openly gay but a former Assistant Attorney General who is the most accomplished, competent, personable, progressive & experienced candidate for the position. Maura Healey has been a champion of LGBT rights for years. She was instrumental challenging & defeating the Defense of Marriage Act. Also a new report just released shows that young people between ages 18 & 30 turned out to the polls in the last 2 presidential election cycles at the highest rates since 1992 & played a particularly important role in the 2012 votes on marriage equality. Hannah Hussey, Research Associate for Center for American Progress LGBT Research & Communications Project stated, “The last few election cycles have made clear that the youth demographic is becoming far more engaged than it had been & that young people are passionate about a broad range of progressive causes. This analysis shows that young voters are defining new modes of political engagement & illustrates how progressive movements can capitalize on that.” Primary elections are important so go to the polls today in these 5 states & vote.
Listen: Jim Morgrage Talks “Harbor to the Bay” AIDS Ride
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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