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Phyllis Nagy Speaks OUT (Audio)

By Charlotte Robinson, December 03, 2015
UPDATE: Phyllis Nagy has been nominated for an Oscar Best Adapted Screenplay for “Carol”
 Writer-director Phyllis Nagy talks about her screenplay “Carol” starring Cate Blanchett that just won her the New York Film Critics Circle for Best Screenplay & the New York Film Critics Circle for Best Film. This much-anticipated romantic film is an adaptation of Patricia Highsmith’s important novel “The Price of Salt” that became an eighteen year journey bringing it to the screen. The movie follows two women from very different class backgrounds who find themselves in an unexpected love affair in 1950s New York. “Carol” is an important must-see film especially by our LGBT millennial generation to reflect just how far our community has advanced. Nagy delivers a beautiful & honest story within the conventional norms of the time. The refreshing aspect to “Carol” is that the story is not problematic because the relationship is between two women but instead the characters just have complicated issues like everyone else. When we asked what her personal commitment is to LGBT civil rights Nagy stated, “I’m an out lesbian, I always have been & I think by leading my life openly as possible & trying to inspire other people to do that & help other people do that, I don’t know if there could be a bigger commitment than that, to inspire people not to hide, let’s say. When one’s creating one’s work it’s important to include out interesting characters. They don’t have to be saints. It’s preferable that they’re not, but that they are presented as real people with real complexities who are neither burdened by having the weight of centuries of sexual attitudes behind them nor burdened by having to represent every single gay person on earth. Just real honest characters behaving in a world that either accepts them or does not, but how they behave in that space reflects well on them.” “Carol” is now playing in limited release by The Weinstein Company.
Listen To Exclusive Interview:  
For More Info: carolfilm.com
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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