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South Dakota Supports Trans Kids

By Charlotte Robinson, March 02, 2016
Good news out of South Dakota. Governor Dennis Daugaard has vetoed House Bill 1008 that would have restricted transgender & gender non-conforming students’ access to school restrooms & locker rooms. Rea Carey, Executive Director, National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund stated, “We would like to thank Governor Daugaard for vetoing this bill, which if made law would have been a direct attack on transgender & gender non-conforming children & young people at school. It’s good to see decency & dignity prevail over appalling discrimination targeting some of the most vulnerable in an environment where they should be protected. We also want to thank all the advocates, groups, businesses, parents & allies that worked so hard to achieve this victory.” Mara Keisling Executive Director of National Center for Transgender Equality added, “Governor Daugaard has demonstrated true leadership in listening to the hundreds of transgender South Dakotans & their families who would have been directly impacted by this bill. He has made a carefully informed decision that protects all students in South Dakota. His example shows that scare tactics can be overcome by understanding who trans people really are.” While this is a major victory for fairness there is still much more work to be done to combat the pervasive attacks on transgender people in South Dakota & around the country. What happened in South Dakota is a huge step on the way to ensuring that all transgender people can live full lives, safely & without fear of discrimination.
For More Info: transequality.org
LISTEN: Activist Brian Silva Talks Winning Nondiscrimination
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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