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Arabic Media's LGBT Bigotry

A new report confirms that Arabic media is spreading homophobia & transphobia in the region. OutRight Action International has launched a new report titled, ‘Arab Mass Media: A Monitoring Report Looking at Sexuality & Gender Identity in Arabic Media from 2014 to 2017.’ The report monitors widespread local & national newspapers in 14 countries in the Arab region, radio, TV channels & social media platforms to assess the current language journalists use to talk about LGBTQ people & if the coverage is positive, negative, or neutral. The report found that currently journalists in the region often use derogatory terms that perpetuate homophobia & transphobia & highlights evidence of hate speech inspired by religious doctrine, medical misinformation & legal fallacies being used to describe our LGBTQ community. Jessica Stern, Executive Director of OutRight Action International stated, “All around the world the use of homophobic & transphobic language in the media has perpetuated prejudice & lies about the LGBTIQ community. We must work to sensitize the media & journalists in order to change negative public opinions about LGBTIQ issues & move towards respect, equality & acceptance for all.” Nazeeha Saeed, OutRight’s Arabic Media Coordinator, noted that not all of the coverage was negative adding, “While most of the reporting is very negative & even derogatory, there are a few noteworthy exceptions. For example, when media reported on singer Ricky Martin’s engagement to a Syrian boyfriend, the language was surprisingly neutral. I think the reason is that foreign musicians & artists are given more leeway in society & so the reporting also becomes more accepting.” The report is available in both English & Arabic.
For More Info: outrightinternational.org
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Barrett Is Anti Choice & Anti LGBT

We urge the Senate to oppose the confirmation of Amy C. Barrett to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Professor Barrett’s statements & writings reveal a strong bias against reproductive freedom & LGBT rights. Her record demonstrates a dangerous lack of deference to long-standing precedent & judicial restraint. On women’s health Professor Barrett has criticized Roe v. Wade & expressed the view that abortion is “always immoral.” In a 2013 speech entitled “Roe at 40: The Supreme Court, Abortion & the Culture Wars that Followed,” she used extreme rhetoric to describe the Roe decision, stating: “The framework of Roe essentially permitted abortion on demand & Roe recognizes no state interest in the life of a fetus.” In this speech, she also declared that “Republicans are heavily invested in getting judges who will overturn Roe.” On LGBT rights Professor Barrett has also expressed deeply held opposition to marriage equality, signing on to an October 2015 letter that stated: “We give witness that the Church’s teachings – on the dignity of the human person & the value of human life from conception to natural death; on the meaning of human sexuality, the significance of sexual difference & the complementarity of men & women; on openness to life & the gift of motherhood; & on marriage & family founded on the indissoluble commitment of a man & a woman – provide a sure guide to the Christian life.” This language embraced by Professor Barrett, is in direct conflict with the Supreme Court’s June 2015 decision, Obergefell v. Hodges, 135 S. Ct. 2584 (2015), which established a constitutional right to marriage equality in America. Professor Barrett’s bias on LGBT issues would require her to recuse in all cases involving LGBT equality & must be explored at her hearing. Read Full Text…
LISTEN: Emerson Collins Talks New Movie "A Very Sordid Wedding"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Trans Student Victory Targeted

The Kenosha Unified School District in Wisconsin has filed a petition for a writ of certiorari with the Supreme Court of the United States in Whitaker v. Kenosha Unified School District challenging KUSD’s discriminatory treatment of Ash Whitaker, a transgender boy. The petition asks the Court to review the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals’ recent ruling permitting Ash to use boys’ restrooms at school during his senior year of high school. The case also alleges that KUSD singled out Ash for discriminatory treatment in other ways & is currently moving forward in the federal district court in Milwaukee. Whitaker’s lawyers at Transgender Law Center and Relman, Dane & Colfax PLLC stated, “Both the federal district court & the appeals court have unambiguously ruled that KUSD violated Ash’s rights & subjected him to unnecessary harm. We’re disappointed that KUSD, instead of accepting these rulings, has chosen to waste time & money by filing an ill-conceived petition for review with the Supreme Court. The unanimous decision from the Seventh Circuit was correct & consistent with the decisions of other courts, which similarly have held that transgender students have the right to equal educational opportunities. It is troubling that KUSD would go to such lengths to defend its discriminatory & harmful actions against Ash, a high school student who just wanted to be treated like any other boy, especially now that he has graduated & started college. We are confident that KUSD’s wrongheaded & legally incorrect position will continue to be rejected, as it has been at every stage of this case so far.”
For More Info: transgenderlawcenter.org
LISTEN: OutServe-SLDN Talks Transgender Military Ban

War On Transgender Troops

Instead of declaring war on white supremacists & neo-Nazis Trump has decided to go forward with his attack on our transgender community serving in the military. In doing so he’s breaking faith with top generals & admirals by issuing guidance to the Department of Defense which would effectively purge anyone found to be transgender from the armed services. We currently have 15,000 transgender troops serving this country & abroad. This policy would purge all of our transgender troops over the coming months & years denying them reenlistment, threatening to cut off their healthcare & implementing a permanent ban on recruiting transgender troops that was set to expire later this year. Matt Thorn OutServe-SLDN Executive Director stated, "The President’s order to remove transgender service members from the United States armed forces & deny them healthcare is nothing less than a purge. He is implementing this purge based on bigotry, motivated by agents of an ideology that has no concern for the national defense, & in blatant disregard of the experience of career officers who spent more than a year developing & implementing the current policy… We condemn the actions of the White House in initiating this purge. We condemn the disregard that the President has shown to transgender men & women who wear the uniform. We condemn the intent of any person who would make it the mission of United States military to discriminate against the very citizens they are charged to defend. And we condemn the indifference of any elected official who does not now stand up for both military personnel & the LGBT community by opposing this purge. OutServe-SLDN along with Lambda Legal will swiftly be filing a lawsuit in federal court to challenge this action."
For More Info: outserve-sldn.org
LISTEN: OutServe-SLDN Talks Transgender Military Ban

Gloria Estefan To Be Honored

Grammy winning superstar & fierce LGBTQ ally Gloria Estefan will be honored at the 2017 National LGBTQ Task Force Gala in Miami, Florida. The annual fundraising event will take place at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach on Saturday, October 7th at 6:30P. Estefan will be presented with the National Leadership Award for her work to support LGBTQ people & the issues that affect our lives everyday. Rea Carey, Executive Director, National LGBTQ Task Force stated, “Every day, the National LGBTQ Task Force fights the injustices happening around the country. From challenging the Texas legislature’s attempt to discriminate against trans youth to standing side by side with our allies in Charlottesville to confront white supremacists to countering the barrage of anti-LGBTQ actions coming from the current administration, every day is a fight. But for one night in Miami we will step back to celebrate our community, our allies and leaders. We are humbled to have Gloria Estefan join us in this fight & proud to honor such an exceptional leader & ally for the LGBTQ community at the Task Force Gala – Miami. We know the next day we will continue the fight for full freedom, justice & equality for LGBTQ people around the country & in South Florida, energized by coming together in Miami in solidarity & love.” Also being honored this year at the Task Force Gala - Miami are local heroes, Alberto Arias & Wood Kinnard, who will be presented the 2017 Eddy McIntyre Community Service Award.
For Info & Tix: thetaskforcegala.org
LISTEN: Emerson Collins Talks New Movie "A Very Sordid Wedding"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Trump Attacks Transgender Military

The buzz is that Trump is going ahead with his transphobic directive to expel transgender people from the military & stop the Pentagon from recruiting transgender troops as well as cutting off payment for sexual reassignment surgery & other medical treatments for those already serving. This backward transgender military ban is expected to begin within the next 6 Months. Trump falsely claimed in his Tweets last July that our transgender community should be banned from the military because of the financial cost & disruption associated with transgender service members. Currently there are 15,000 transgender service members in the US military. The financial cost of providing health care to transgender troops would be at most $8.4 million per year according to the New England Journal of Medicine which is one one-hundredth of one percent of the military's annual health care budget. Fifty-six retired Generals & Admirals have warned Trump that if his ban were to be implemented it would degrade military readiness. Transgender troops have been serving honorably & openly for the past year & have been widely praised by commanders. Eighteen foreign nations including the UK & Israel allow transgender troops to serve & none have reported any detriment to readiness. If Trump gets away with this it will impose one set of standards for our transgender troops, & another set of standards for everyone else which will cause disruption, distraction & even more chaos than the failed 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy.  
For More Info: outserve-sldn.org
LISTEN: OutServe-SLDN Talks Transgender Military Ban

Folk Fights Back LGBTQ Event

LGBTQ artists Melissa Ferrick, Oompa, Evan Greer, Anjimile & Mark Lipman will be performing Wednesday August 23rd at Club Passim at 7P in Cambridge, Massachusetts to benefit Boston GLASS, (Gay & Lesbian Adolescent Social Services), an organization dedicated to improving the well-being of LGBTQ youth of color by providing them with a continuum of services & a community in which they can thrive. The event is being organized by “Folk Fights Back” a national organization of musicians seeking to support marginalized communities through benefit concerts. Tickets are $20 & $15 for students & club members. This particular series is particularly timely considering the Trump administration’s recent attacks on our transgender youth, attempted “transgender ban” on military service & the Department of Justice legal arguments against gay rights as they pertain to discrimination in the workplace. When I asked Melissa in 2015 what she would like to see happen for LGBT equality in the next few years Ferrick stated, “I would like to see more acceptance, certainly. I would like to see also the inclusion of our trans brothers & sisters more integrated. I’ve felt this way for a long time… I think inclusion & crossing the boundaries between each other would be huge. Less separation & more combining our populations. So I’d love to see more coming together.” In this exclusive audio byte I talked to Melissa about what advice she had for our LGBTQ teens. LISTEN:
OutServe-SLDN Talks Transgender Military Ban

Ali Forney Center Drags Event

Sasha Velour winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 9 & 30 iconic drag queens & kings will perform at a show benefiting the homeless LGBTQ youths of the Ali Forney Center on September 7th at Highline Ballroom in NYC at 6P. The evening’s goal is to raise $50,000 to support the Ali Forney Center’s (AFC) housing & supportive services for homeless LGBTQ youth. AFC addresses over 1,400 homeless youth each year is the nation’s largest & most comprehensive organization dedicated serving this population. This benefit performance also serves as the official launch of DRAGS, a coffee table book featuring portraits of NYC drag legends photographed by veteran photographer & director Gregory Kramer. Kramer has committed 100% of the proceeds of the book sales to benefit the young people who come to AFC for help. Carl Siciliano, AFC’s Executive Director stated, “I am humbled by the love & care Gregory & every person involved with this very special project has offered us. The young people we see at our shelters & Drop-in Center have experienced hate & rejection from the people who are supposed to love them unconditionally, it means so much to us that so many are lending their time, resources & talent to do something to show them they are valued and loved.” Tickets are available at all levels including Meet & Greet, VIP & General Admission & all ticket levels include an open vodka bar provided by Chopin Vodka.
For Info & Tix…
LISTEN: Emerson Collins Talks New Movie "A Very Sordid Wedding"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Gender Odyssey 16th Conference

The 16th annual Gender Odyssey conference takes place at the Washington State Convention & Trade Center in Seattle, Washington from August 23rd to 27th. As the transgender community struggles for equal treatment & public education continues to make headlines around the country Gender Odyssey holds its annual international conference focused on the needs & interests of this diverse population. The conference provides an array of thought-provoking workshops, discussion groups, social events & more. This annual event attracts people from all over the world for an uplifting weekend of skill sharing & community. Over 1000 participants are expected to attend this year as visibility for transgender issues & communities have reached a historic high mark. Gender Odyssey’s primary objective is to offer tools to navigate obstacles & provide pathways to individual & community empowerment with conference tracks for professionals, families & transgender people of all ages. The five-day event will include Gender Odyssey Professional offering programming for medical caregivers, therapists, social workers, teachers, counselors, students & others seeking to advance their understanding of gender variance & transgender identities. The conference will also feature Gender Odyssey Family, an annual, dedicated conference for families who are working to navigate the day-to-day realities of raising a gender-diverse or transgender child. As one of the only opportunities in the country to find valuable resources, information & networking opportunities Gender Odyssey Family provides real tools for families to support their child’s gender self-discovery. GO Family will offer special programming for teens, as well as a day camp for the children attending.
For More Info: genderodyssey.org
OutServe-SLDN Talks Transgender Military Ban

Schwarzenegger Speaks OUT

In light of the horrific events in Charlottesville, action speaks louder than words & Arnold Schwarzenegger has launched “Terminate Hate” with a viral video to fight white supremacists, neo-Nazis with a message to Trump stating, “While these so-called "white nationalists" are lucky to live in a country that defends their right to voice their awful, incorrect, hateful opinions, the rest of us must use our voices & resources to condemn hate & teach tolerance at every opportunity. My message to them is simple: you will not win. Our voices are louder & stronger. There is no white America - there is only the United States of America. You were not born with these hateful views - you can change, grow, and evolve & I suggest you start immediately. I'm sending $100,000 to an anti-hate organization I've worked with for decades - the Simon Wiesenthal Center, named after the great Nazi hunter who I was lucky to call a friend. I have spoken to its founder, Rabbi Marvin Hier & I know that my contribution can help advance the Center's mission of expanding tolerance through education & fighting hate all over America - in the streets & online. My dream is that all of you will join me in helping your favorite anti-hate organizations in any way you can. United, we are greater than the hatred we saw last weekend.” Schwarzenegger has collaboration with Represent Partners to create a apparel design that pays homage to his iconic role & condemns the hateful acts that took place this past weekend in Charlottesville, VA. The campaign started August 17th & will run until August 31st with 100% of the net proceeds benefitting The Museum of Tolerance. BUY TEE-SHIRT...
LISTEN: Emerson Collins Talks New Movie "A Very Sordid Wedding"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Varsity Gay League Tenth Year

The Varsity Gay League is celebrating its tenth anniversary creating a social opportunity for our LGBTQ community & its allies with a space to create a support system while being athletic. Varsity Gay League has just expanded again opening in Denver, Dallas, Austin, Fort Lauderdale & Boston. The Varsity Gay League (VGL) was founded in Los Angeles in 2007 by Will Hackner & is the largest gay sports league in California with over 8,000 members since its implementation & has expanded to over 8 cities in the US to include San Diego, San Francisco, Long Beach, Sacramento, Austin, Orlando & Portland with plans to add other major cities to meet the demand. With Kickball as their main sport, the VGL also includes other sports in varying cities such as Bowling, Soccer, Tennis, Beach Volleyball, Flag Football, Dodgeball & Ultimate Frisbee among others. VGL offers year-round outside-the-box activities, games, mixers, fundraisers & sporting events. While there are other organizations across the country that provide activities, VGL hopes that all major LGBTQ hubs will have a sports & activities option for their communities. Their goal is to create a unified, national organization that works with each other in a positive way. VGL already has a host of amazing LGBTQ friendly sponsors, both locally & nationally & they intend to increase new sports programs in cities that exist & create new partnerships & programs that will allow VGL to connect to new audiences.
For More Info: varsitygayleague.com 
LISTEN: Emerson Collins Talks New Movie "A Very Sordid Wedding"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


God Save America

It has come to this. The president of the United States has scolded U.S citizens for fighting against Nazis. Unfortunately this is just the beginning of the new civil war in this country. Since this administration has taken office hate groups in the USA have increased by 52%. With Trump continuing to defend hate groups responsible for the violent clashes that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia last weekend Vanita Gupta, President & CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights stated, “President Trump has forfeited any claim to the moral leadership a president must command. His facts are wrong, his moral compass is missing & his continued refusal to recognize & call out evil & hate is a disgrace to our nation. Now the rest of us must uphold America's ideals of fairness, justice & inclusion, because Donald Trump has proven he will not. Those who do not clearly, firmly & unequivocally choose to side against hatred, racial bigotry & intolerance are complicit.” Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) concluded, “As we once again hear Donald Trump defend those responsible for the deadly riot in Charlottesville & receive praise by hate groups like the KKK & neo-Nazis, the time has come for Republicans & Democrats to put aside our political differences & philosophical debates for a higher cause. For the sake of the soul of our country, we must come together to restore our national dignity that has been robbed by Donald Trump’s presence in the White House. My Republican friends, I implore you to work with us within our capacity as elected officials to remove this man as our commander-in-chief & help us move forward from this dark period in our nation’s history.” Trump’s attempt to divide & conquer has clearly just begun. (Image Credit Adam Maida)
OutServe-SLDN Talks Transgender Military Ban

Help Is On The Way Benefit Gala

The Richmond / Ermet AID Foundation is having its star-studded AIDS benefit concert & gala Help Is On The Way 23 – Puttin’ On The Glitz on Sunday August 20th at the Herbst Theatre 401 Van Ness Ave in San Francisco. "Help is on the Way" is Northern California's largest annual benefit concert benefiting HIV/AIDS & hunger programs. It's an elegant evening of wonderful music, delicious food & beverages tastings & most important in these difficult times, fun. Kenneth Henderson, Executive Director of the Richmond/Ermet AID Foundation stated, “People think the AIDS epidemic is over & we don't need to pay attention to it anymore. Events like "Help is on the Way" serve not only to raise funds for local AIDS services but to remind people that there's still a need for funding them. More people are living with HIV & AIDS than ever before in history.” Some of the celebrities who will be performing include, LEVI KRESS, TRENT HARMON, JESSICA SANCHEZ, MAUREEN McGOVERN, DAVID BURNHAM, LISA VROMAN, CAROLE COOK, GARRETT CLAYTON, MADDIE BAILLIO, PAULA WEST, JASON BROCK, LISA VIGGIANO & EILEEN & LEAH BOURGADE. The event kicks off with a VIP Gala Reception at 5P in the Green Room, Silent Auction 5P in the Main Lobby, Gala Reception 6P in the Green Room, Performance from 7:30P to 9:45P in the Herbst Theatre & the After Party with cast at Club REAF from 9:45P to 11:30P with music by DJ’s GoBANG! There are all different levels of tickets for part or all of the festivities benefiting Meals on Wheels of San Francisco & the Positive Resource Center.
For More Info & Tix: reaf-sf.org
OutServe-SLDN Talks Transgender Military Ban

LGBT Respond To Hate Attack

This deadly white supremacist attack in Charlottesville, Virginia was an assault on all minorities including our LGBTQ community. Stacey Long Simmons, Esq., Director of the Advocacy & Action Department of the National LGBTQ Task Force stated, “The violence we are witnessing is horrifying, but is merely the latest manifestation of the growing racist, anti-immigration, anti-Semitic, sexist & anti-LGBTQ hate in our midst. The continuing escalation of hate & white nationalist sentiment we are experiencing during the Trump administration has come to this - targeted violence in the streets of Virginia led by the Klu Klux Klan & Neo-Nazi organizations. The National LGBTQ Task Force will not stand by & watch the very fabric of this nation torn apart by hate. We will stand with our immigrant, Muslim, African-American, Latino, AAPI, disabled & all marginalized people targeted by the hate & discrimination coming from all directions, from the White House to the streets of Charlottesville." Candace Bond-Theriault, the Senior Policy Counsel, Reproductive Health, Rights & Justice & the Democracy Project Director concluded, “As a Black queer Virginian I am a swell of emotions. I am angry…I know that White Supremacy & hatred run rampant in my state. Growing up in southern, Virginia, I have witnessed racism firsthand more times than I can count. But even in the face of this extreme demonstration of hatred, I believe in the wise words of Martin Luther King Jr. that “Hate can’t drive out hate. Only love can do that.” In this moment we must keep each other close, hold on to each other and spread love. Today I choose the emotion of love, for myself & my fellow black queer Virginians because love is a radical act of rebellion.”
OutServe-SLDN Talks Transgender Military Ban

LGBT Refugees Seek US Asylum

A caravan of 16 LGBT Central American migrants including 11 transgender women arrived at the US-Mexico border in Arizona to request asylum Thursday. They were joined by hundreds of supporters rallying to urge officials to end trans detention. A transgender asylum-seeker who fled Nicaragua stated, “Where I come from physical, psychological & verbal abuse is the norm for indigenous transwomen like me. I had to leave my tribal community by the age of 12 or face the dangerous consequences at the hands of my own tribal government & that was just the beginning.” Keren Zwick, Associate Director of litigation at the National Immigrant Justice Center added “These individuals are fleeing persecution at home & are crossing today with hope that the United States will uphold its obligation to give each of them a full & fair opportunity to seek protection through our country’s asylum system. We call on the U.S. government to allow them to pursue their legal cases in the safety of the communities that are rallying around them today.” As they crossed into the United States & made their way into the port they were taken into custody around noon. Though ICE could not say where any of the 16 gay & transgender migrants might be sent Yasmeen Pitts O’Keefe, Immigration & Customs Enforcement spokeswoman stated, “The decision to detain or release an individual under the agency’s alternative to detention (ATD) program is made based upon the individual facts & circumstances of the case.”
For More Info: immigrantjustice.org
OutServe-SLDN Talks Transgender Military Ban

Trump Atomic War Warning

First we have Trump cautioning North Korea that their threats “will be met with fire & fury like the world has never seen” & then we have confirmed reports that North Korea has successfully produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead designed to fit inside its missiles. In reaction to this unfolding crisis Derek Johnson, Executive Director of Global Zero, the international movement for the elimination of nuclear weapons stated, “Kim Jong-un’s nuclear capabilities are coming into alignment with his rhetoric. The situation on the Korean peninsula has evolved into a full-blown crisis & the Trump administration needs to immediately come to grips with that. That means putting an end to the President’s escalatory bravado & immediately opening a direct line of communication with Pyongyang, without preconditions. Talking risks nothing; not talking risks everything. The public must come to grips with the gravity of this crisis, too. We’ve got two nuclear-armed megalomaniacs facing off & no reason to expect cooler heads will prevail. When Trump promises ‘fire and fury,’ remember he has unfettered authority to make good on that threat. The nuclear briefcase follows him everywhere. At any moment he can pick up the phone & order a nuclear strike. The system designed to execute that order was built for blind deference & speed; we shouldn’t pin any hopes on having ‘an adult in the room.’ Neither his subordinates nor Congress can stop him.”
For More Info: globalzero.org
OutServe-SLDN Talks Transgender Military Ban

Oklahoma Gay Racist Hate Crime

An Oklahoma gay man filed a federal civil rights lawsuit after his home was burned to the ground following months of racist & homophobic attacks. Randy Gamel-Medler an Oklahoma gay man filed a federal equal protection lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma against nine defendants from Blaine County, Oklahoma including Mayor of Hitchcock Rick Edsall, Sheriff of Blaine County Tony Almaguer & Undersheriff of Blaine County David Robertson. Plaintiff Randy Gamel-Medler stated, "When our family moved to the town of Hitchcock in rural Oklahoma we thought we were buying our last house, we wanted to know our neighbors by their first names & grow old together, but we were soon met with hatred, suspicion & discrimination. We were terrorized, murder threats were made against our seven year-old African-American son. Town officials conspired to run us out of office, all while local law enforcement ignored our pleas for help. We are now left with the last 27 years of our life literally erased. What do we do now?" In early May 2017 Gamel-Medler was performing his duties as town clerk by clearing an obstruction from the road when he was assaulted by defendant Jonita Pauls Jacks, who tried to enter Gamel-Medler’s truck & then after realizing it was locked began shaking the truck, called him a “f***ing queer,” & stated, “I’m going to grab your little boy, rip his n***er head off, & sh** down his throat.” When Gamel-Medler attempted to file a police report the Deputy Sheriff refused saying that this is just how these folks are & characterized the incident as free speech. Shannon Price Minter, Legal Director at NCLR added, “No family should live in fear or have to endure harassment & threats based on racism & homophobia. We must hold those government officials, members of law enforcement & others accountable.”
For More Info: freedomoklahoma.org
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Huge Protest At Texas Capitol

Hundreds of LGBTQ people of color & immigrants are heading to the Texas State Capitol in Austin on Friday August 4th to protest the obscene bills SB 3 & SB 4 that target our transgender & immigrant communities. The #HereToSlay action, organized by local groups AquĂ­ Estamos RGV & OrganizaciĂłn Latina de Trans in Texas (OLTT) & national organizations Transgender Law Center and Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement, will feature a rally, press conference & march into the capitol building to send the message that our communities are united for a safer, more just Texas. Dani Marrero of AquĂ­ Estamos RGV stated, “Nobody should have to live in fear just because of who they are. We are going to the capitol to demand that our legislators stop singling us out for discrimination & harassment. Whether we are immigrants, transgender people, people of color or all of the above, we are part of families & communities across the state & we deserve a fair chance.” The event takes place Friday, August 4th from 10A to 3P. The rally starts at 10A, press conference starts at 11A & action on capitol begins at high noon at the Texas State Capitol in Austin, TX. Immigrants & LGBTQ people of color from across Texas will rally organized by: AquĂ­ Estamos RGV, OrganizaciĂłn Latina de Trans in Texas (OLTT), Transgender Law Center & Familia:TQLM. Speakers will include Dani Marrero, Monica Roberts, Jennicet Gutierrez, Anandrea Molina, Polly Ann Rocha & Isa Noyola.
For More Info: transgenderlawcenter.org
OutServe-SLDN Talks Transgender Military Ban

Generals & Admirals Speak OUT

Fifty-six retired Generals & Admirals warn Trump that if his anti-transgender tweets are implemented it would degrade military readiness stating, “President Trump seeks to ban transgender service members because of the financial cost & disruption associated with transgender military service. We respectfully disagree & consider these claims to be without merit. The RAND Corporation, as well as research in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that the financial cost of providing health care to transgender troops would be, at most, $8.4 million per year. This amounts to one one-hundredth of one percent of the military's annual health care budget. As for ostensible disruptions, transgender troops have been serving honorably & openly for the past year & have been widely praised by commanders. Eighteen foreign nations, including the UK & Israel, allow transgender troops to serve & none has reported any detriment to readiness.” Admiral Mike Mullen stated, “I led our armed forces under the flawed 'Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell' policy & saw firsthand the harm to readiness & morale when we fail to treat all service members according to the same standards. Thousands of transgender Americans are currently serving in uniform & there is no reason to single out these brave men & women & deny them the medical care that they require. The military conducted a thorough research process on this issue & concluded that inclusive policy for transgender troops promotes readiness.” Again this is all part of Trump’s agenda to weaken America by attempting to divide our nation.
Generals & Admirals List…
OutServe-SLDN Talks Transgender Military Ban

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GLAAD Board members Peppermint & Frankie Grande together with a coalition of LGBTQ celebrities, advocates & allies have called on pr...

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