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The Linda Ronstadt Songbook

Broadway & cabaret legend Ann Hampton Callaway is performing the symphonic premiere of The Linda Ronstadt Songbook with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Bradley Thachuk on Friday November 2rd at 10:30A & Saturday November 3rd at 8P at Kleinhans Music Hall in Buffalo, New York. Callaway will perform pop/rock classics like “You’re No Good” & “Desperado” to unforgettable classics from Ronstadt’s three Nelson Riddle albums like “What’s New” & “Am I Blue”. Ann Hampton Callaway stated, "Counting the minutes till this weekend’s symphonic premiere of The Linda Ronstadt Songbook with The Buffalo Philharmonic, the fabulous Billy Stritch at the keys who will join me for some stirring duets & Bob Mann, one of America’s best guitarists who worked with Linda on all three Nelson Riddle CDs. What makes this show unique is the great range of Linda’s songs from standards to rock & that we will be performing orchestral selections & hot band selections in a night of music that is sure to get the house rocking!” Ann Hampton Callaway is one of the leading pop/jazz singers of our time & has created an exciting night of songs & stories in celebration of one of America’s most beloved artists Linda Ronstadt. On the heels on Ann’s symphonic & performing arts center triumph of The Streisand Songbook this show celebrates the many faces of love in Ronstadt’s iconic songs beautifully complemented by the full orchestral treatment, a rhythm section & Callaway’s powerhouse vocals in this symphonic premiere performance.
For More Info & Tix: bpo.org
LISTEN: Brynn Tannehill Talks New Trans Handbook & MoreHear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


First ClexaCon London Event

ClexaCon, the largest multi-fandom event for LGBTQ women & allies is taking place in London from November 3rd to November 4th at the Novotel London West. Building from the massive success of ClexaCon, which has taken place in Las Vegas, NV for the past two years the European edition will bring together in London the best in queer television, movies, books, blogs & more. The London chapter will be a smaller more intimate version of the main event held annually in Las Vegas that hosts 4,000+ LGBTQ women & allies representing a key geographical expansion for the iconic Con. Focusing on a more curated experience for its European attendees ClexaCon London is committed to raising awareness about the differences in creative spaces & support for LGBTQ women in the UK in comparison to the US to inspire more LGBTQ women to create more content. Ashley Arnold, Danielle Jablonski & Holly Winebarger the masterminds behind ClexaCon, are actively working to shift conventional thinking by continuing to advance the conversation about female representation in the film & TV world. Ashley Arnold stated, “Their voice matters. Pick up a camera, grab a pen, start writing, start creating because there are other people who care about what you have to say.” Danielle Jablonski added, “We hope attendees leave ClexaCon London feeling empowered. We want them to know this industry, like all industries, is in desperate need of more diverse voices.” Holly Winebarger concluded, “Whether you are a fangirl, a creator, an activist, or all of the above, ClexaCon offers something for everyone.” The event takes place at the Novotel London West at Hammersmith International Ctre,1 Shortlands, Hammersmith, London W6 8DR, UK.
For More Info & Tix: clexa-con.com
LISTEN: Brynn Tannehill Talks New Transgender Handbook & MoreHear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Raven Queer Halloween Event

Kristen Porter is presenting the 20th Raven Queer Halloween Costume Ball on Saturday October 27th at Milky Way at The Brewery 284 Amory Street in Jamaica Plain, MA. It’s a night of tricks & treats with costume prizes worth $1,000 including a cash prize of $100 for the best of the best awarded for your creative effort. The night will also host free tarot readings with 10 minute reading per individual & 20 minute per couple by readers with decades of professional experience. Tarot reader Douglas Cameron comes with more than 25 years as a professional reader & he has been a featured reader at Raven for more than 10 years. He has read at the Tremont Tea Room & at Regina Russell’s Tea Room for more than 20 years. Laura Campagna has been reading tarot & studying astrology since she was 13 years old. Her readings are intuitively crafted for each individual & informed by her knowledge of astrological mythology. She studied at the Psychic Horizons School for Meditation & Healing & Reclaiming Witch School in San Francisco, CA. & the Blue Iris School of Mystery in Portland, OR. Laura is a Kundalini Reiki Master & is trained in a number of powerful energetic healing modalities including VortexHealing® Energetic Therapy in the Merlin Lineage. This is an event where attendees wear costumes so plan ahead. DJ TRIANA spinning current hits, hip hop, 90s throw backs & your requests. Pre-event dining is available until 10P but not included in your ticket price. Be sure to make a reservation & beat the lines. Tix are $20 in advance.
For Info & Tix…
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New Kansas LGBTQ Youth Study

With all the difficult challenges our LGBTQ youth continue to experience growing up in small Midwestern towns the good news is that there's a new University of Kansas research study that finds it’s not all a negative experience & that communities are becoming more supportive in multiple ways. Megan Paceley a University of Kansas assistant professor of social welfare has co-authored a study that conducted in-depth interviews with self-identified sexual or gender minority youths between the ages of 14 & 18 who live in small communities in Midwest counties with less than 25,000 people. The study approached small town support from the “Strengths Perspective” which focuses on an individual’s, strengths, opportunities & support rather than a problem & how to fix it when working with individuals in social work settings. The young people identified several factors, including Gay Straight Alliances in their schools, supportive allies, safe places to meet, visibility or simply good friends as factors that made them like their small hometowns. While not all was positive many said they loved their communities, even if they had room for improvement. Paceley stated, “Anybody who works with youths or is around them in the community can look at this & say, ‘Where do we go from here & how can we make things better?’ Can we do something small like putting a sticker in a window or making training available? My whole goal is that this information is used to find what’s happening in a community, what’s going right & what can be improved. Letting kids be the experts on their own lives & giving communities a chance to be supportive is best. We can help people find opportunities to talk about it & learn what to do. That’s a place to start.”
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Trump Attacks Trans Community

The Trump administration is planning to erase the identities of approximately 2 million people in the country who are transgender according the U.S. Health & Human Services (HHS) memo that was leaked to the New York Times. HHS is proposing a legal definition of sex under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to only define people by the sex they are born with. Darlene Stromstad Fenway Health Interim CEO stated, “If the changes to federal legal recognition of transgender people & protection from discrimination are made, there is no question that the health of transgender people will suffer. Politics should not supersede the findings of medical science, which has shown for decades that gender & sex are not always identical.” Shijuade Kadree, Chief Advocacy Officer of The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center added, “The Trump Administration’s efforts to disregard the existence of transgender, gender nonconforming & nonbinary people are fueled only by bigotry & intolerance; not science, medicine or law. Transgender people are our family, friends, neighbors & coworkers who unequivocally deserve self-determination, respect & fair treatment under the law. We will do everything in our power to defeat proposals like this one until we have secured full rights for every transgender, gender nonconforming & nonbinary person in our country.” Michael Adams SAGE CEO concluded, “This heartless attack is the latest in a string of efforts by this administration to erase & silence transgender people. As we have in the past, SAGE will vigorously fight this proposal until we succeed. We refuse to be invisible.” And in Massachusetts on November 6th please vote Yes on 3 to protect our transgender community.
For More Info: freedommassachusetts.org
LISTEN: Brynn Tannehill Talks New Transgender Handbook & MoreHear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


MBCC Honors Charlotte Robinson

Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey presented Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson with the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition (MBCC) Appreciation Award in recognition of her dedication to the LGBTQ community & her continual support of the MBCC’s mission to breast cancer prevention. Cheryl Osimo, MBCC Executive Director stated, "Charlotte is a true humanitarian & an inspiration to all of us with her commitment in helping MBCC work towards our goal of breast cancer prevention. We are very fortunate to have such tremendous support from Charlotte, demanding greater protection of all children's future health in our effort to stop breast cancer before it starts." Robinson stated, "Being recognized by MBCC means a lot to me. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 22 years ago & it changed the course of my life. MBCC is on target that prevention is key to the elimination of breast cancer & I support their effort for more environmental research & development. Since breast cancer does not run genetically in my family I truly believe that it may exist in the water we drink because before 1996 I never drank filtered or spring water. I have since then and I have been cancer free for the last 22 years. Thank you MBCC for your persistence & for this fabulous award!" Honoree Charlotte Robinson is CEO & Host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ the online news network that for the last ten years has broadcasted to millions globally & has provided a voice for thousands of LGBTQ+ organizations & allies, including MBCC. Charlotte also serves on the Board of Women in Film & Video-New England.
For More Info: mbcc.org
LISTEN: Charlotte Robinson Talks Being Honored By MBCC 
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Red Sox Spirit Day 200K Pledge

The Boston Red Sox not only clinched the American League Championship last night, they also made a $200,000 pledge to support its neighborhood LGBTQ health center Fenway Health on “Spirit Day” the global LGBTQ anti-bullying campaign during National Bullying Prevention Month. The donation will benefit Fenway Health’s youth anti-bullying & anti-violence programs including its Violence Recovery Program & the Sidney Borum, Jr. Health Center which provides safe non-judgmental care for young people ages 12 – 29. Sam Kennedy Red Sox President & CEO stated, “Spirit Day is meant to bring attention & awareness to bullying among LGBTQ youth & there is no better way to affect real change related to this kind of abuse – whether its verbal or physical – than by supporting the great work being done right in our own neighborhood at Fenway Health. We are lucky to have a facility in our community with the highest level of leadership & expertise in this area & are thankful to Mike & Christina Gordon for their partnership, generosity & thoughtfulness around this important topic Billy Bean Major League Baseball Vice President & Special Assistant to the Commissioner concluded, “I am so proud of the Boston Red Sox who are commemorating their support of Spirit Day by making an incredibly generous donation to Fenway Health. This gift will impact many people in need who receive life-saving treatment & care at this wonderful facility. It will also bring great visibility to this important day & support to LGBTQ youth who are disproportionately singled out as the target of bullying throughout the U.S.” All we can add is Go Red Sox!!
For More Info: fenwayhealth.org
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Wear Purple For Spirit Day

Spirit Day on Thursday October 18th is when millions of people globally wear purple or go purple online in a unified stand against bullying to show support for our LGBTQ youth. Purple symbolizes ‘spirit’ on the rainbow flag. Sarah Kate Ellis GLAAD CEO & President stated, “Spirit Day is a day of national importance that highlights the serious issue of bullying & its disproportionate impact on LGBTQ youth. It also sends powerful messages of support, letting LGBTQ & other marginalized youth know that they are not alone – something sorely needed in our culture today.” Coinciding with National Bullying Prevention Month Spirit Day began in 2010 a high school student Brittany McMillan created a tumblr post asking students to wear purple following the suicide deaths of several LGBTQ & LGBTQ-perceived young people. Since then Spirit Day participants have included the Obama White House, the Empire State Building, Oprah Winfrey, Britney Spears, Ellen DeGeneres, Cher, Kerry Washington, Shaquille O'Neal, Good Morning America, The Today Show, The View, The Talk, The Tonight Show, the NBA, all Major League Baseball teams, NASCAR, WWE, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, tumblr, the Las Vegas Strip & many more. This year some of the celebrities celebrating Spirit Day include Britney Spears, Laverne Cox & Stephen Colbert with companies like Hilton, Target & Wells Fargo joining in & sports leagues like Major League Baseball (Go Red Sox) & NBA stars as well as your favorite TV shows on your favorite networks & thousands of friends, family & neighbors around the world are sending a message of love & support to LGBTQ youth. Unfortunately 85 percent of LGBTQ youth are still facing verbal harassment in schools everyday so let’s keep fighting to end bullying & wear purple for Spirit Day!
For More Info: glaad.org
LISTEN: Charlotte Robinson To Be Honored At MBCC Annual Event
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


George Zuber To Be Honored

OUTshine Film Festival in Fort Lauderdale, Florida has announced that George Zuber will receive its prestigious Angel Award which is an annual award that's given to an individual that's shown unwavering support of both the film festival & our LGBTQ community. Zuber will receive his Angel Award at the 10th Anniversary Fort Lauderdale OUTshine Film Festival Opening Night on Thursday October 18th at 7P. Zuber is a founding member of the Board of Directors of Our Fund a South Florida community foundation, previously he served on national boards of directors including Lambda Legal, The Actors Fund, SAGE USA & Independent Filmmaker Project (IFP). George is a former member of the OUTshine Film Festival Board of Directors & has been instrumental in expanding our representation of Broward County Board members. He's also chaired the Screening Committee for OUTshine’s Fort Lauderdale edition for the past three years. Victor Gimenez, Executive Director of MiFo LGBT Film Festival stated, "We're incredibly grateful to have an advocate & supporter like George Zuber behind us. George has been instrumental in helping the OUTShine Film Festival further expand to Fort Lauderdale & the greater Broward area & his incredible production work has served as the foundation for OUTshine's new social justice series which works to spotlight social injustice & under-represented voices within the LGBTQ community." Zuber has produced four films including most recently "Where Justice Ends" which in pre-release launched OUTshine’s new social justice series. Fort Lauderdale’s OUTshine Film Festival runs from October 18th to 28th.
For More Info & Tix...
LISTEN: Charlotte Robinson To Be Honored At MBCC Annual Event
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Boston Lesbian Annual Events

Two fabulous annual lesbian events are taking place on October 20th in Boston. The first is the Fenway Health’s 20th Annual Audre Lorde Cancer Awareness Brunch that takes place at the NonProfit Center at 89 South Street in downtown Boston from 10A to 1P. This year’s theme is “20 Years of Community, Celebration & Growth” celebrating the rich history of this event which brings together women of color affected by cancer to celebrate their lives. The inaugural Judy Bradford Community Grant will be awarded to janhavi madabushi & Kamaria Weems Carrington for their project Cultivate: Queer Healing Lab at this year’s Brunch. Started in 1999, the Audre Lorde Cancer Awareness Brunch is named in memory of Audre Lorde, a self-described “Black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet.” Lorde dedicated both her life & her creative talent to confronting & addressing the injustices of racism, sexism & homophobia. Denise Bentley created the event for lesbian & bisexual black women affected by cancer in memory of her late wife Lorraine “Faye” Fayette Johnson. Then from 8P to12A is the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition 21st Annual Lesbians & Friends LGBTQ Dance Party For Prevention that takes place at the Brookline-Boston Holiday Inn located at 1200 Beacon Street in Brookline, MA. Hundreds of women will come together to celebrate & hope for a future free of breast cancer. Founded in 1992 by a few savvy lesbian women MBCC is the only breast cancer non-profit working closely with their research organization Silent Spring Institute to investigate preventable & environmental causes of the disease. This is a fundraiser & their goal is to raise at least $20,000.
For More Info & Tix: mbcc.org
LISTEN: Charlotte Robinson To Be Honored At MBCC Annual Event
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Kinsey Sicks At Jorgensen Center

America’s favorite drag queen quartet, The Kinsey Sicks are bringing their pitch perfect dragapella harmony & razor-sharp wit to the stage at UConn’s Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts on Tuesday October 30th for a presentation of their critically-acclaimed Off-Broadway smash “Things You Shouldn’t Say”. Celebrating their 25th anniversary, the group is hailed by critics as “deliciously devious”, “hilarious” & “poignant”. The show is an over-the-top-drag musical revue filled with outlandish camp & biting political satire; an outrageous romp celebrating the history of a group of friends who came together over their mutual love for Bette Midler & ended up creating a world-wide phenomenon known as The Kinsey Sicks. Founding member Benjamin Schatz (Rachel), a Harvard-trained civil rights lawyer & former Director of the National Gay & Lesbian Medical Association also served as a presidential advisor on HIV issues. He created the first national AIDS legal project & authored Bill Clinton’s HIV policy during the 1992 presidential campaign. A couple of years after that fateful Bette Midler concert, Schatz decided to leave his career for “dragapella.” Of the career change, Ben stated, “Making people laugh is much more fun than suing them & no less effective in making them think.” Schatz is joined by Nathan Marken, Jeff Manabat & Spencer Brown, creating the characters of “Winnie,” “Trixie,” and “Trampolina,” respectively. Doors open at 7P & the performance begins at 7:30P. There will be a special post-performance Meet & Greet with the artists. Meet & Greet admission is $30 with attendance limited to 100.
For More Info & Tix: kinseysicks.com
LISTEN: Charlotte Robinson To Be Honored At MBCC Annual Event
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Lucky Cheng’s Anniversary Event

Lucky Cheng’s New York's original & longest running Drag Queen Cabaret is celebrating its 25th year with a star studded anniversary event on October 18th at Stage 48 at 605 West 48th Street from 7P to Midnight with proceeds benefiting the Tutu Project. All Lucky Cheng's performing alums are invited as special guests to celebrate alongside current performers, drag devotees & curious fans. The evening will be hosted by MC & Aerialist Extraordinaire Paulina Princess of Power & features performers such as Phaedra Phaded, Nedra Belle, Lailah Lancing, The Real Egypt, Professional Wrestler Rick Cataldo aka TheBoyDiva & more! Original cast member Tora Dress, who has been at Cheng's since year one is curating much of the evening. The legendary drag dinner show has so many claims to fame that it is hard to count them all. Lucky Cheng's launched the careers of notable actors Laverne Cox (Orange is the New Black), Miss Understood (To Wong Foo…, Project Runway) & Jamie Clayton (Sense8). Some of the most popular contestants from RuPaul's Drag Race which films it’s season finales at Stage 48 got their start or are still performing at Lucky Cheng's including Bob the Drag Queen, Thorgy Thor, Vivacious, Ongina, Yuhua Hamasaki, & more. A little known fact is that scenes from the first episode of Sex & the City were shot at Lucky Cheng's. Lucky Cheng’s was founded by legendary restaurateur Hayne Suthon who passed away from breast cancer in 2014. Suthon founded Cheng’s with MTV Producer & partner Robert Jason. Their daughter Josephine Jason, Lucky Cheng’s House DJ is one of the co-owners of Lucky Cheng’s & proceeds from this evening will go to support the Tutu Project, a non-profit that provides funding for expenses not covered by insurance for breast cancer patients. Tickets are $25.
For More Info & Tix: luckychengs.com
LISTEN: Charlotte Robinson To Be Honored At MBCC Annual Event
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Matthew Shepard Final Rest

On October 12th 1998 Matthew Shepard a 21 year old openly gay student at the University of Wyoming was murdered in an anti-gay hate crime after being kidnapped, beaten, tortured & left to die tied to a fence in the middle of a prairie outside Laramie, Wyoming. On October 26th Matthew will be interred at Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. There will be a service Friday October 12th to celebrate & recall Shepard’s life & will be followed by a private interment in the Cathedral crypt. The service will be presided over by the Right Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, Episcopal Bishop of Washington & the Right Rev. V. Gene Robinson, the first openly gay priest to be consecrated a bishop in the Episcopal Church. Judy Shepard, Matthew’s mother stated, “We’ve given much thought to Matt’s final resting place & we found the Washington National Cathedral is an ideal choice, as Matt loved the Episcopal church & felt welcomed by his church in Wyoming. For the past 20 years, we have shared Matt’s story with the world. It’s reassuring to know he now will rest in a sacred spot where folks can come to reflect on creating a safer, kinder world.” Rev. Randolph Marshall Hollerith, Dean of Washington National Cathedral concluded, “Matthew Shepard’s death is an enduring tragedy affecting all people & should serve as an ongoing call to the nation to reject anti-LGBTQ bigotry & instead embrace each of our neighbors for who they are. In the years since Matthew’s death, the Shepard family has shown extraordinary courage & grace in keeping his spirit & memory alive & the Cathedral is honored & humbled to serve as his final resting place.”
For More Info: matthewshepard.org
LISTEN: Charlotte Robinson To Be Honored At MBCC Annual Event
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Boston International Fine Art Gala

The Boston International Fine Art Show Gala takes place on Thursday October 18th at the Cyclorama at the Boston Center for the Arts at 539 Tremont Street in Boston, MA from 5:30P to 8:30P. Proceeds from the show's opening night preview will benefit The Art for Justice Fund. Tony Fusco, Co-Producer stated, "We are honored to be benefiting The Art For Justice Fund, which gives grants to organizations & artists working to reduce mass incarceration & reform the criminal justice system. We are proud to be using art to help in this huge social justice issue. We are welcoming 40 galleries & artists this year including Greg Vrotsos, who currently plays a prison guard on 'Orange is The New Black' & who is a very talented abstract artist." The Art for Justice Fund makes grants to organizations, advocates & artists leading impactful & cutting-edge work to reduce jail & prison populations across the country, while strengthening education & employment opportunities for people leaving the system. On display during the show will be selected images from The Writing on the Wall, a collaborative installation made from poems, diagrams, essays, letters, notes & stories from incarcerated people around the world. At the opening night benefit gala enjoy exquisite cuisine, fine wine & music by the Lihi Haruvi Quartet & be among the first to select from a dazzling array of Old Master to contemporary fine art. The 22nd Boston International Fine Art Show runs from Friday October 19th to Sunday October 21st. Tickets for the opening night gala range from $125 to $250.
For More Info & Tix: fineartboston.com
LISTEN: Charlotte Robinson To Be Honored At MBCC Annual Event
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


SAGE 40th Annual Awards Gala

SAGE the nation’s largest & oldest org dedicated to improving the lives of LGBTQ elders is commemorating its 40th anniversary at this year’s SAGE Awards & Gala on October 15th at Cipriani Wall Street in NYC. SAGE is honoring actor & activist George Takei, the Speaker of the New York City Council Corey Johnson, Kate Kendell of the National Center for Lesbian Rights & Wells Fargo’s John Lake. Michael Adams SAGE CEO stated “2018 is a very special year for SAGE as we celebrate 40 fierce years of creating a better world for our community’s pioneers. Anniversaries always are an important moment to remind ourselves of the road we’ve traveled so far, who led us & where we need to be going. At SAGE we stand on the shoulders of our elders & we lock arms with them to face the future. We refuse to be quiet, we refuse to let hatred win & we refuse to be invisible. This year’s SAGE Awards honorees show us, by their vivid example, what it takes to build a better & more just world for our elders & for all of us.” The event will be co-chaired by Larry Chanen, Lisa Davis, Char Defrancesco & Dawn Fischer. Char Defrancesco concluded, "I've learned so much from our LGBT pioneers by volunteering with SAGE. I am proud to continue my service by co-chairing this monumental event celebrating SAGE's 40 years. SAGE allows our elders to age with the dignity & respect they deserve."
For Info & Tix: sageusa.org
LISTEN: Michael Gaucher Talks Hilarious New Golden Girls Parody
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Supreme Court Losing Its Supreme

Now that Brett Kavanaugh has lied his way onto the Supreme Court we may have lost this battle but the fight is not over. In less than one month we have a chance to elect leaders who will stand up & fight for decency. The Senate has failed the Constitution. Lying under oath to the Congress represents a classic impeachable offense. Free Speech for People the accountability group noted deliberately deceiving the Judiciary Committee is not merely impeachable because of the dishonesty itself but also because the lies disrupt the advice & consent duty that the Senate is required to perform. For instances when Kavanaugh lied under oath about his heavy drinking he was deliberately dishonest. His college roommate James Roche stated, “Not only did I know he wasn’t telling the truth, I knew that he knew he wasn’t telling the truth.” We can’t afford to have a justice on the Supreme Court for the next several decades who will be deciding questions of life, liberty & death & all kinds of other issues for the entire American people who has been credibly accused of sexual assaults & credibly accused of various other things including perjury. With Kavanaugh now headed to the Supreme Court & the Senate’s negligence to properly investigate all these serious allegations then it’s up to the House. So this is just another reason why it’s crucial to take back the majority in the House in November & clean up this horrendous mess. Until then Judge Kavanaugh the American people will be watching you.
LISTEN: Michael Gaucher Talks Hilarious New Golden Girls Parody
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


SAGE Adds New Board Directors

SAGE the nation’s largest LGBT elders advocacy org has welcomed Dawn Fischer, Carlene Jadusingh (CJ) & Myron Sulzberger (“Mickey”) Rolfe to its national Board of Directors. Michael Adams SAGE CEO stated, “With tremendous ongoing growth both in New York City & around the country, SAGE is reaching more LGBT older people than ever before. We welcome Dawn back to the board & the addition of CJ & Mickey, takes our Board of Directors to the next level. The knowledge & expertise offered by these board members make them true assets for the next phase of SAGE’s work.” Dawn Fischer is a registered nurse who has worked in the HIV Unit at Sherman Oaks Hospital in Los Angeles, the Intensive Care Unit at NYU, The Wellington Hospital in London & The New York Organ Donor Network. Dawn lives in Brooklyn with her wife of 24 years, Stacey Friedman & their two children. Carlene Jadusingh (CJ) is an attorney at the Law Office of Carlene Jadusingh in New York, specializing in general civil litigation as well as immigration law. Jadusingh is the former president of the LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York (LeGaL). Jadusingh added, "We are all getting older, so let us work together to make our world feel less threatening, less lonely, safer & more inclusive for our LGBT elders.” Myron Sulzberger Rolfe is president and founder of the Rolfe Company Inc., the theatrical design representation firm in New York City & a former four-term chairman of the board of directors at the Gay Men’s Health Crisis. Rolfe concluded, “After several years of philanthropic work & Board service I’m delighted to become a member of the SAGE USA family… We’re at a fascinating time in LGBT history, one that is being defined right as we live it.”
For More Info: sageusa.org
LISTEN: Michael Gaucher Talks Hilarious New Golden Girls Parody
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Castro Street Fair Annual Event

The 45th Annual Castro Street Fair takes place on Sunday October 7th from 11A to 6P in & around Castro & 18th Streets in San Francisco, California. This is one of the oldest LGBTQ community celebrations in the world founded by Harvey Milk in 1974. The street fair seeks to honor Milk’s original vision that embodies all that is San Francisco & the Castro which is an historical, hyper-local, grass-roots event, built to support & reflect the community & its important causes. The Castro Street Fair not only is a showcase & celebration of the Castro neighborhood & community but it also features a wide array of local artists, craftspeople & performers with than 50,000 guests visiting the Fair annually as well as over 200 exhibitors. Hundreds of local artists, vendors, craftspeople & organizations line the streets & celebrate the diversity of the neighborhood. There are also live entertainment & dance stages throughout the fairgrounds. There is a suggested donation of $5 or $10 at the entry gates the day of the fair or online donations anytime with proceeds going to the non-profit organizations in there beneficiaries roster for the year. Last year the Castro Fair donated $55,000 in proceeds for their amazing nonprofit beneficiary organizational partners to help them continue providing essential services to the communities in & around the Castro. Additionally they were able to support the purchase & maintenance of the world-famous Rainbow Flag which flies in Harvey Milk Plaza. Since 1998, the Fair is proud to have given nearly $1.5 million back to its community beneficiaries.
For More Info: castrostreetfair.org
LISTEN: Michael Gaucher Talks Hilarious New Golden Girls Parody
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


RISD Addressing Diversity In Film

Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) Film, Animation & Video department held an important panel discussion entitled “Emotional Intelligence & Professional Practice” addressing workplace harassment & how to handle yourself in the age of #metoo. The panel discussion included industry professionals Xiomara Comrie Business Agent at International Cinematographer's Guild via Skype from LA, Charlotte Robinson Emmy winner & WIFVNE (Women in Film & Video New England) board member, NYC based animator Julia Liu, WIFVNE President Alecia Orsini, cinematographer Katherine Castro & camera/crew support expert Jill Tufts whose credits include the fabulous documentary RBG & upcoming biopic Mapplethorpe. The event was spear headed by RISD Professor Sheri Wills department head of Film, Animation & Video & Carissa Abitabilo Internship Coordinator & Equipment Manager at RISD. Susan Andersen Associate Director at RISD Career Center also join the conversation. Each panel member shared their experiences in the film & television industry with the students filling the RISD Auditorium. Carissa Abitabilo stated after the event, “It was so great to meet all of you & very inspiring for the students who attended. I saw many of them over the next few days & they shared how important your experiences are & how humbled they were to be with you. They ALL expressed how comfortable you made them feel. I am hoping we’ll find a way to come together as a group or individually soon!” WIFVNE works to promote proactive images of women to the public & to empower all women in film & video to achieve their professional potential. (Photo by Riley McClennahan)
For More Info: womeninfilmvideo.org
LISTEN: Michael Gaucher Talks Hilarious New Golden Girls Parody
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Massachusetts Trans Protections

With October 1st marking the second anniversary of protections for transgender people in Massachusetts leading officials celebrated this bittersweet anniversary by encouraging people to vote Yes on 3 as this anti-discrimination law goes to the ballot on election day. Speaker Robert DeLeo stated, “Two years ago, I was proud to help spearhead legislation that ensured basic protections for transgender people in our Commonwealth. We have seen no negative consequences as a result of our transgender nondiscrimination law & that’s why sexual assault prevention experts & law enforcement have joined me in supporting Yes on 3. I believe we can win another historic victory for fairness, because I believe in the people of Massachusetts.” Mason Dunn, Yes on 3 Campaign Co-Chair added, “Our coalition is a supportive network of transgender people & allies from all around the Commonwealth dedicated to preserving dignity, respect & equality in our state. This law has been successful in keeping our transgender friends & neighbors safe in the two years since it has been in effect. We are confident that we will be able to celebrate many more anniversaries of these protections after a historic victory for Yes on 3 this Election Day.” Yes on 3 has been working over the past two years to build awareness about the ballot measure & to increase familiarity with transgender people who are living, working & raising families in the Commonwealth. The “Yes” vote is supported by a coalition of more than 1,500 organizations, including law enforcement, domestic violence prevention organizations, businesses, faith leaders, labor unions & more. This November 6th please vote Yes on 3.
For More Info: freedommassachusetts.org
LISTEN: Michael Gaucher Talks Hilarious New Golden Girls Parody
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LGBT History Month Icons (VIDEO)

Equality Forum is celebrating their annual LGBT History Month during October with the acknowledgment of 31 LGBT icons who have made important civil rights contributions for our LGBT community. October was selected because public schools are in session & existing traditions such as National Coming Out Day on October 11th takes place. Each day in October an Icon is featured with a video, bio, downloadable images & other educational resources. George Chauncey Samuel Knight Professor of American History & Chair of the History Department, Yale University stated, “LGBT History Month sends an important message to our nation’s teachers, school boards, community leaders & youth about the vital importance of recognizing & exploring the role of gay, lesbian, bisexual & transgender people in American history.” The 2018 LGBT Icons being honored this year are: Rainbow Flag Designer Gilbert Baker, Pop Singer Lance Bass, Chef James Beard, LGBT Activist Elizabeth Birch, Gay Pioneer Melvin Boozer, Painter Sandro Botticelli Painter, Movement Leader Richard Burns, Journalist Jonathan Capehart, Activist Francisco Cartagena, Filmmaker Debra Chasnoff, Gay Pioneer Chi Chia-wei, Feminist Singer Meg Christian, Singer Ani DiFranco, Teen Transgender Activist Gavin Grimm, Actor Sean Hayes, Gay Pioneer Joyce Hunter, Actor Tab Hunter, Gay Pioneer Dale Jennings, Lawyer Roberta Kaplan, Activist Steve Letsike, CEO APA Saul Levin, Transgender Secretary of Health Rachel Levine, Screenwriter Tarell Alvin McCraney, Activist Journalist Ann Northrop, Figure Skater Adam Rippon, Transgender Legislator Danica Roem, Journalist Michelangelo Signorile, Cpmposer Ethel Smyth, Ireland Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, Milotary Activist Perry Watkins & Singer Chely Wright.

LISTEN: Michael Gaucher Talks Hilarious New Golden Girls Parody
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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