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SAGE 40th Annual Awards Gala

By Charlotte Robinson, October 09, 2018
SAGE the nation’s largest & oldest org dedicated to improving the lives of LGBTQ elders is commemorating its 40th anniversary at this year’s SAGE Awards & Gala on October 15th at Cipriani Wall Street in NYC. SAGE is honoring actor & activist George Takei, the Speaker of the New York City Council Corey Johnson, Kate Kendell of the National Center for Lesbian Rights & Wells Fargo’s John Lake. Michael Adams SAGE CEO stated “2018 is a very special year for SAGE as we celebrate 40 fierce years of creating a better world for our community’s pioneers. Anniversaries always are an important moment to remind ourselves of the road we’ve traveled so far, who led us & where we need to be going. At SAGE we stand on the shoulders of our elders & we lock arms with them to face the future. We refuse to be quiet, we refuse to let hatred win & we refuse to be invisible. This year’s SAGE Awards honorees show us, by their vivid example, what it takes to build a better & more just world for our elders & for all of us.” The event will be co-chaired by Larry Chanen, Lisa Davis, Char Defrancesco & Dawn Fischer. Char Defrancesco concluded, "I've learned so much from our LGBT pioneers by volunteering with SAGE. I am proud to continue my service by co-chairing this monumental event celebrating SAGE's 40 years. SAGE allows our elders to age with the dignity & respect they deserve."
For Info & Tix: sageusa.org
LISTEN: Michael Gaucher Talks Hilarious New Golden Girls Parody
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

Sage has been an incredible and enduring champion for aging LBGT folks and for a reminder of decades of our history. Thank you Sage.

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