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First ClexaCon London Event

By Charlotte Robinson, October 30, 2018
ClexaCon, the largest multi-fandom event for LGBTQ women & allies is taking place in London from November 3rd to November 4th at the Novotel London West. Building from the massive success of ClexaCon, which has taken place in Las Vegas, NV for the past two years the European edition will bring together in London the best in queer television, movies, books, blogs & more. The London chapter will be a smaller more intimate version of the main event held annually in Las Vegas that hosts 4,000+ LGBTQ women & allies representing a key geographical expansion for the iconic Con. Focusing on a more curated experience for its European attendees ClexaCon London is committed to raising awareness about the differences in creative spaces & support for LGBTQ women in the UK in comparison to the US to inspire more LGBTQ women to create more content. Ashley Arnold, Danielle Jablonski & Holly Winebarger the masterminds behind ClexaCon, are actively working to shift conventional thinking by continuing to advance the conversation about female representation in the film & TV world. Ashley Arnold stated, “Their voice matters. Pick up a camera, grab a pen, start writing, start creating because there are other people who care about what you have to say.” Danielle Jablonski added, “We hope attendees leave ClexaCon London feeling empowered. We want them to know this industry, like all industries, is in desperate need of more diverse voices.” Holly Winebarger concluded, “Whether you are a fangirl, a creator, an activist, or all of the above, ClexaCon offers something for everyone.” The event takes place at the Novotel London West at Hammersmith International Ctre,1 Shortlands, Hammersmith, London W6 8DR, UK.
For More Info & Tix: clexa-con.com
LISTEN: Brynn Tannehill Talks New Transgender Handbook & MoreHear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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