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Massachusetts Transgender Equality

By Charlotte Robinson, November 07, 2018
Massachusetts has become the first state in U.S. history to successfully defend transgender rights by popular vote of just shy of 68%. Kasey Suffredini, Yes on 3 Campaign co-chair & President of Strategy at Freedom for All Americans stated, “Massachusetts made history tonight, both for our transgender neighbors who call this state home & for transgender people across this nation. From the very early days of our campaign, we have been clear that this is about dignity & respect for all people. Together, we have shattered broken stereotypes of what it means to be transgender & debunked the myth – once & for all – that protecting transgender people compromises the safety of others. Winning this popular vote is irrefutable proof that public support for transgender people is growing & tonight’s outcome will provide the necessary momentum to change the landscape on transgender rights everywhere.” Sarah Kate Ellis GLAAD President & CEO concluded, “Voters in Massachusetts made history tonight & sent a clear message that transgender rights are human rights. The personal stories of so many transgender people in Massachusetts coupled with support from allies in business, faith communities, sports & so many areas of the state, shattered stereotypes & sparked this historic show of acceptance. This victory for transgender people all around the country is the latest sign that the Trump Administration’s attempts to discriminate against transgender Americans are completely out of step with where the American public is.” Boasting more than 1,500 strong the coalition supporting the Yes on 3 campaign was among the most diverse & broad of any ballot campaign in recent Massachusetts history & the largest ballot campaign on transgender rights in U.S. history. Support came from the LGBTQ community, businesses large & small, labor unions, law enforcement, sexual assault prevention advocates, faith leaders, the region’s professional sports franchises, educators, parents & many more.
For More Info: freedommassachusetts.org
LISTEN: Brynn Tannehill Talks New Transgender Handbook & MoreHear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

We can only hope this vote sets in motion a movement across the country that every person deserves to be treated respectfully

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