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LGBTQ Activism Global Summit

By Charlotte Robinson, December 04, 2019

OutRight Action International is presenting its fifth annual OutSummit entitled “Pushing the Boundaries of LGBTIQ Activism” on Saturday December 5th at CUNY Law School at 2 Court Square in Long Island City, NY. OutSummit is a one-day conference that brings together international & US-based activists for a day of panels & workshops on human rights addressing sexual orientation, gender identity & intersex issues. Jessica Stern, Executive Director of OutRight Action International stated, "On Saturday, OutRight will hold our annual conference on LGBTIQ rights globally, OutSummit. We'll feature LGBTIQ activists from the frontlines in 40 countries around the world, journalists, business leaders & diplomats. Keynote speeches by Victor Madrigal (UN Independent Expert) & Ahmed Shihab-Eldin (Al Jazeera journalist). I feel smarter by the end of the day, more angry & more hopeful. It's my favorite day of the year." In recent years incredible progress in the recognition & promotion of the human rights of LGBTIQ people has been seen around the globe. Last year alone Angola, Botswana & Bhutan have decriminalized gay & lesbian relations. Taiwan, the Cayman Islands & Ecuador legalized marriage equality &the World Health Organization has removed ”gender identity disorder“ from the International Classification of Diseases. This is a time when pushing the boundaries of LGBTIQ activism is absolutely crucial to ensure that our the hard-won battles for equality do not backslide enabling us to continue taking steps towards achieving a world in which we can live free from discrimination, harassment & violence purely for being the gender we are & loving whom we do. OutSummit is co-organized by the Sorensen Center for International Peace & Justice & CUNY School of Law.
For More Info: outsummit.org
AUDIO: Jeffrey Solomon Talks “The Santa Closet” NYC Premiere
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

OutRight Action International does incredible work for the welfare of our international community and I am intensely grateful.

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