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"The Girl In The Boston Box" (AUDIO)

By Charlotte Robinson, December 28, 2020

This week I talked with author Chuck Latovich about his new must-read thriller "The Girl In The Boston Box" that follows two characters’ stories linked by the urban legend of hidden rooms in the city’s historic buildings used for shocking crimes. First we meet Caitlyn Gautry pursuing a Harvard doctorate in architecture who chooses a controversial subject for her thesis based on the architectural myth of "The Boston Box". As she investigates this folklore she takes the reader on a contemporary & historical journey through the city of Boston as she uncovers this underlying mystery. The other character is Mark Chieswicz rejected by his family over twenty years ago because of his sexual orientation struggles to understand a cryptic clue about his estranged brother’s murder in a dangerous attempt to hold onto a life-changing but tainted inheritance. Eventually these two seemingly unrelated narratives cross paths as they expose tales of sex, death & scandal. "The Girl In The Boston Box" gives all readers whether heterosexual or LGBTQ a good time through a balance of an intriguing story, with atmosphere, character & solid writing. One of the interesting factors about Mark Chieswicz’s narrative is that being gay is just part of the complexities of his character, not the story itself. Anyone who is interested in Boston for whatever reason will learn a good deal about the city by reading this captivating & entertaining book. I talked to Chuck about what he would like to accomplish with his new mystery novel "The Girl In The Boston Box" & his spin on our LGBTQ Issues. LISTEN  

For More Info… 

Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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