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LGBTQ Military Homecoming Gala Event

By Charlotte Robinson, August 22, 2022

The Modern Military Association of America (MMAA) Homecoming Gala takes place September 8th at the Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, VA from 6P to 10:30P & is presented by USAA. The Honorable Shawn Skelly, Assistant Secretary of Defense For Readiness will be a guest speaker. Skelly is a retired United States Navy officer, national security expert & LGBTQ rights advocate. During the Obama administration she served as Director of the Executive Secretariat at the U.S. Department of Transportation & from 2013 to 2016 as a special assistant to the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology & Logistics. In 2017 she was appointed by Obama to the National Commission on Military, National & Public Service making her one of the highest-profile openly transgender presidential appointees in U.S. history. In 2017 Out Magazine named Skelly to its list of 100 most influential LGBTQ Americans. Skelly was appointed to Biden's transition team for the Department of Defense in July 2021 & was confirmed as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness by voice vote. The Modern Military Association of America is the nation’s largest non-profit organization for LGBTQ service members, military spouses, veterans & allies. Formed through the merger of the American Military Partner Association & OutServe-SLDN they are a united voice for the LGBTQ military & veteran community. They work to make a real difference in the lives of our modern military families through education, advocacy & support. “Reuniting in Pride 2022” the MMAA Homecoming Gala tickets run from general admission $350 & up to veteran tickets from $150 up. Get $50 off your ticket by using the promo code: MMAA50. (Excludes VIP Tix) Attire is Black Tie or Military Equivalent. 

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