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Trans Children Parents Challenge Law

By Charlotte Robinson, August 12, 2022

In Alabama parents of transgender children urge the appeals court to maintain a block on Alabama’s SB 184 that would criminalize essential medical care for their kids. Asaf Orr, NCLR Senior Staff Attorney & Transgender Youth Project Director stated, “As the district court said, governments cannot deny transgender adolescents the ability to obtain essential medical care simply because of who they are. Holding otherwise would allow states to enact discriminatory laws that harm young people and intrude into family life." Jennifer Levi, GLAD Transgender Rights Project Director added, “The district court recognized that parents, not the government, should make decisions about what’s best for their kids’ health & wellbeing. Parents want what’s best for their kids. That’s why preserving parental rights to make healthcare decisions for their children has been such a long-held American value.” Alabama’s SB 184 criminalizes parents who seek essential medical care for their transgender children, the doctors who provide this medical care & anyone else who assists transgender young people to get the care they need. Under the law, parents, doctors & others could face up to 10 years in prison & a fine of up to $15,000. The State of Alabama has appealed the district court’s May 13th order blocking the law from being enforced to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit. In blocking the law the district court noted that the State of Alabama presented no evidence to contradict testimony from doctors & medical experts on the well-established safety & efficacy of medical care for transgender youth who experience gender dysphoria, including the fact that over 22 major medical organizations recognize the established course of care for transgender youth. 

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