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New LGBTQ Elders Services Launched

By Charlotte Robinson, February 11, 2023

SAGE announced the launch of SAGECollab a new innovative partnership model to bring together a diverse national network of groups, organizations & individuals to support LGBTQ older people & advocate for LGBTQ aging policies across the country. Lynn Faria SAGE Executive Vice President stated, “We are thrilled to create a flexible partnership model that will allow SAGE to both lead & learn from old & new partners across the country. SAGECollab will help create a connected ecosystem of activists, organizations & service providers who support LGBTQ+ elders in their communities & each other.”  Joe Wheeler, Director, of Carolina Aging Alliance added, “SAGE is a tremendous resource for its community partners. Our services, education & advocacy for older LGBTQ+ people in Central North Carolina are strengthened because of our partnership with our colleagues at SAGE & across the country.”  Edward Adams, Operations & Program Manager, Out Wilmington LGBTQ Seniors & The LGBTQ Center of the Cape Fear concluded, “It’s a tough job trying to advocate, educate & energize LGBTQ+ elders in a smaller community when the resources are just not there. The blessing of SAGECollab is that they are always there beside me as a partner. The network of advocates across the country willing to lend support & tools to help you succeed is life-changing. Thanks to SAGECollab, my ability to advocate for positive change in the community I love is not only possible but done at a much higher level.”  Founded in 1978, SAGE is the world’s largest & oldest organization dedicated to improving the lives of LGBTQ older people. 

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