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Florida Board of Education Trans War

By Charlotte Robinson, July 20, 2023

The Florida Board of Education voted to adopt 5 new rules targeting our LGBTQ community & expanding the DeSantis war on academic freedom. The rules introduce punishment for transgender students & staff who access restrooms that align with their gender identity, expand anti-LGBTQ censorship efforts to extracurricular activities, impose new barriers to students having their names & pronouns respected in school & limits the ability to teach accurate & honest Black history & LGBTQ-inclusive history. These alarming efforts by the DeSantis regime weaponizes state agencies & legislative processes against our LGBTQ community in service to his political ambitions. Jennifer Solomon, Equality Florida Parents & Families Support Manager stated, “This politically-motivated war on parents, students & educators needs to stop. Our students deserve classrooms where all families are treated with the respect they deserve & all young people are welcomed. Instead, the DeSantis Administration continues to wield the state against us, insisting that politicians know better than we do how best to educate our children. Let parents be parents. Let educators be educators & stop turning our kids’ classrooms into political battlefields to score cheap points.” Among the rules adopted are Rule No. 6A-10.086 which threatens students with discipline for using a restroom other than one that reflects their sex assigned at birth & Rule No. 6A-10.081 that threatens an educator’s credentials for using a restroom other than one that reflects their sex assigned at birth. The Florida Board of Education approved the new series of rules despite an overwhelming show of opposition from members of the public. 

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