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Resistance They Fought Back (AUDIO)

By Charlotte Robinson, October 23, 2023

This week I talked to Executive Producer Paula S. Apsell about her new documentary “Resistance - They Fought Back” that’s having its World Premiere at the Boston Jewish Film Festival November 2nd & 9th. “Resistance - They Fought Back” explores the misinformation that Jews went to their deaths like sheep to the slaughter during the Holocaust. Actually Jews fought back in more than sixty armed rebellions including six in death camps & thousands of Jewish partisans in forests of Europe. Through interviews with historians, survivors & their families the film belies a long-held myth & shines a new light on a lost chapter of history. Apsell co-directed this relevant & timely film with Kirk Wolfinger after a documentary they made for the PBS NOVA series in 2016 which she helmed for 35 years. Told by survivors, their children & expert witnesses from the U.S., Israel & Europe “Resistance - They Fought Back” is a revelation based on extensive research of how the Jews of Europe fought back. It uncovers evidence of non-violent methods which served as crucial tools of resistance & evolved into Jewish armed revolts in ghettos, forests & death camps even as the odds of success were alarmingly small. Today almost eighty years after the Holocaust this story remains largely unknown to the general public. It is important to understand this genocide that wiped out two-thirds of European Jews especially with the global rise of antisemitism, hatred & denial of the Holocaust itself. I talked to Paula about what she hopes to accomplish with “Resistance - They Fought Back” & as a fierce ally her spin on our LGBTQ issues. LISTEN  

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