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California Supreme Court's Failing Mark

By Charlotte Robinson, May 29, 2009
Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson talks with Robin McGehee, Lead Organizer of Saturday's Meet in the Middle Rally in response to the California Supreme Court Ruling on Prop 8: OUTTAKE VOICES™
The California Supreme Court rules to uphold Prop 8. The 18,000 gay marriages that were performed legally remain. When will America learn It's Wrong to Vote on Rights ??? This is a very disappointing decision which singles OUT our LGBT community & establishes second class Americans. Read Full Decision Updates to Come.....

Listen to an audio excerpt with Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair of the Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus, discuss Prop 8 & the America's Road to Gay Marriage. Full interview & more interviews with LGBT Leaders @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

Senator Barbara Boxer on Rachel Maddow Show
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage


Geoff Kors, EQCA said...

Our worst fears have come to pass. The California Supreme Court just ruled that a slim majority of voters could eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry. This unjust decision flies in the face of our constitution’s promise of equal protection.

Although we are relieved that the Court did not forcibly divorce the estimated 18,000 couples who married before Prop 8 passed, our community and our allies will not allow this on-going discrimination to stand.

We may have lost in court today, but together we will right this wrong and win marriage back. The fight will take everything we have, but with your help, we know we will be victorious.

Geoff Kors is Executive Director of Equality California

Neil Giuliano, GLAAD said...

Today, we express our deepest disappointment in the California Supreme Court’s decision, which continues to deprive an entire class of Californians the fundamental freedom to marry. Thankfully, the court has protected the marriages of the more than 18,000 gay and lesbian couples who married before Nov. 5, 2008. It is vital that media outlets not only share these couples’ stories, but also those of the many gay and lesbian people and couples in California who have again been denied the fundamental right to marry.

It is wrong to stand in the way of giving committed couples the legal protections they need to take care of and be responsible for each other and their families. We thank the National Center for Lesbian Rights, the City of San Francisco and the other counsel and plaintiff couples for their steadfast advocacy and commitment to fairness and opportunity for all Californians.

Neil G. Giuliano is President of GLAAD The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation

Inga said...

The nightmare becomes a reality in California. The Homophobia Hate Mongers are having their day. Is this America or the beginning of Nazi Germany revisited? Now the LGBT community rights are taken away, who's next?? Time will tell...History has a way of repeating itself.....Yes it's very Wrong to Vote on Rights.....

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