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Prop 8 Ruling & Our Gay Families...(Audio)

By Charlotte Robinson, May 26, 2009
The California Supreme Court ruled on the fate of 18,000 gay couples who were legally married in California & the legality of Prop 8. The gay marriages & Prop 8 stay valid. In this audio excerpt Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson talks to Robin McGehee, a Fresno-based Lesbian mother who was forced out of her position as Parent Teachers Organization President after speaking OUT against Prop 8 & how it has effected her family. Updates to Come....

McGehee, Lead Organizer of Meet in the Middle 4 Equality, the California LGBT organization will rally Saturday after the California Supreme Court issues its ruling today on the Proposition 8 cases, win or lose. In this statewide response to the California Supreme Court’s decision on Proposition 8, the measure which bans gay marriage in the State, LGBT activists from across California will “meet in the middle” by journeying to Fresno to march & rally for LGBT equality. Californians statewide will come together in unity for freedom. The march which begins in Selma, California & joined by a coalition of more than 50 organizations representing the LGBT, faith, labor & progressive communities.
For More Info: Meet in the Middle 4 Equality
To Hear McGehee’s full interview: OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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