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DADT Ceasefire Until Repeal?

By Charlotte Robinson, September 24, 2010
Exclusive Audio Interview with Malcolm Lazin the
Founder & Executive Director of Equality Forum on

“GLBT History Month”

There should be a ceasefire on LGBT servicemembers under
“Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” until this unconstitutional legislation
is repealed. Senator John McCain led a successful filibuster
of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) & the repeal
of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) refused
to compromise with Senate Republicans by holding a full & open
debate on the National Defense Authorization Act. Rather than
reaching a compromise allowing for 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' to be
repealed, the Senate has postponed action until after the election.
Updates to Come…:)
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Congresswoman Baldwin said...

It is outrageous that a handful of U.S. Senators has thwarted the will of 75 percent of the American people by blocking the repeal of the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy.
President Obama, Defense Secretary Gates, the House of Representatives and the court of public opinion have already determined that barring lesbians and gays from serving openly in the U.S. Armed Forces is not only discriminatory against this group of patriotic Americans, but it threatens our national security by depriving us of the skilled specialists we need to fight terrorism. It is shameful that bigotry and partisan, election-year politics have subverted fairness, justice, and good government in the Senate today.

Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, Co-Chair, Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus

R. Clarke Cooper said...

Obviously, we are disappointed. Senator Reid failed to reach a compromise with Republicans and our military servicemembers will need to wait until the November elections are over for the US Senate to vote on a repeal. This partisan arrogance is an example of why voters will be turning away from Democrats on November 2nd.

R. Clarke Cooper, Executive Director, Log Cabin Republicans

Lady Gaga said...

This was an enormous disappointment for myself and for many young american people. Not only because don't ask don't tell was not repealed by our senators, but moreover because legislative procedure is being abused to stop public business, public debates, from happening while america is watching. There was a debate today, we just didn't get to watch it. Instead, it has been customary now for antiquated procedures and partisan politics to take precedence over debat america's needs, and today, sadly, over the needs of us troops. I will keep fighting, i will not give up. I am passionate about the rights of the LGBT community and SLDN and i will continue to activate as many young people as i can, and encourage them to get politically involved in their future.

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