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Lady Gaga DADT Maine Rally

By Charlotte Robinson, September 21, 2010
Senate Republicans Block "Don't Ask Don't Tell" Vote
UPDATE: Watch Rally Video & Read More....
Lady Gaga took four U.S. service members discharged from the
military because of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” as her escorts to the
MTV Music Video Awards last week. Monday the Pop Star
headlined a rally in Portland, Maine calling on the state's two
Republican senators to vote yes on taking up a defense bill that
includes authorization to repeal the military's "Don't Ask, Don't
Tell" policy toward gay & lesbian servicemembers.
A crucial Senate vote is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon &
supporters of the repeal say that as of now, they do not have the
60 votes needed to overcome a GOP filibuster blocking the bill.
Maine Republicans Senators Susan Collins & Olympia Snowe are
publicly undecided & could each potentially provide Democrats the
votes they need to bring the issue before the Senate. On Sept. 8th,
U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips in California ruled DADT
unconstitutional but we still haven’t heard a peep from the Obama
administration whether they will repeal this historic ruling.
Updates to Come…:)
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1 comment:

R. Clarke Cooper said...

We are simply asking the majority to play fair and not stack the National Defense Authorization Act with Democrat-only amendments that could potentially kill any bi-partisan support and thus jeopardize repealing 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'.

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) would like the Senate to proceed to a full and open debate on the Defense Authorization bill, with members able to offer other amendments on all relevant issues. It is time for the Senate to pass the National Defense Authorization Act and repeal the failed 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy. This is not the time to play politics; it is the time to ensure that the United States armed forces are not encumbered by a policy that has a demonstrated history of inhibiting recruitment, retention and readiness.

R. Clarke Cooper, Executive Director, Log Cabin Republicans

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