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Gay Marriage In New Jersey

By Charlotte Robinson, October 20, 2013

Congratulations to all gay & lesbian couples in New Jersey who will legally marry Monday October 21st. The marriages follow the unanimous ruling Friday when the New Jersey Supreme Court refused to issue a stay of Judge Mary Jacobson’s Superior Court ruling requiring the state to permit & recognize gay & lesbian marriages beginning October 21, 2013. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says he disagrees with the ruling but he will comply with the state Supreme Court ruling that makes same gender marriage legal in the state starting tomorrow. Christie spokesman Michael Drewniak released a statement that the governor "firmly believes that this determination should be made by all the people of the state of New Jersey." Right let’s allow the majority to rule on the rights of a minority. Christie continues to show that he is on the wrong side of history. It’s absurd after the US Supreme Court ruled that Prop 8 in California & DOMA were both found unconstitutional that states continue to waste taxpayers money on hateful & homophobic legislation to attempt to make our LGBT community second class citizens. Brian Silva Executive Director of MEUSA stated, “Friday’s decision provides tremendous momentum at a key moment in our movement. Meanwhile, Marriage Equality USA & our project, the National Equality Action Team (NEAT), are working every day to make the freedom to marry a reality in New Jersey, Hawaii, Illinois & nationwide.” Over 30% of Americans live in states with full, state-level equality & 50% of Americans live in 22 states (or counties or cities) that recognize various forms of same gender relationships. The 15 states with full marriage equality are: CA, CT, DC, DE, IA, MA, MD, ME, MN, NH, NJ, NY, RI, VT & WA. Congrats New Jersey!! :)
For More Details: marriageequality.org
Listen: Michael Feinstein His Music & LGBT Issues
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage


Neptune's Beard said...

Christie's a politician, first and foremost. No matter what he says about conceding to his state's Supreme Court, or what he would tell his children, even if one of them came out as gay, he's thinking about reelection, and future offices he would like to hold. It's convenient to preach what your voting base wants to hear, while letting change take it's due course through someone else's edict.

Neptune's Beard said...

Christie's a politician, first and foremost. No matter what he says about conceding to his state's Supreme Court, or what he would tell his children, even if one of them came out as gay, he's thinking about reelection, and future offices he would like to hold. It's convenient to preach what your voting base wants to hear, while letting change take it's due course through someone else's edict.

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