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Guinness For LGBT Equality

By Charlotte Robinson, March 17, 2014

Following our lead in Massachusetts the Stonewall Inn informed Guinness that they planned to stop selling their beer because of their sponsorship of New York’s anti gay St. Patrick's Day Parade. Guinness did the right thing & dropped its sponsorship due to the parade's discriminatory rule that prohibits LGBT families & organizations from participating stating, “Guinness has a strong history of supporting diversity & being an advocate for equality for all. We were hopeful that the policy of exclusion would be reversed for this year’s parade. As this has not come to pass, Guinness has withdrawn its participation. We will continue to work with community leaders to ensure that future parades have an inclusionary policy.” Sarah Kate Ellis, GLAAD President & CEO added, “Guinness sent a strong message to its customers & employees: discrimination should never be celebrated. As a gay mom who has fond memories of the New York City St. Patrick's Day Parade, it saddens me that I can't give those same memories to my own kids because my family isn't welcome. Hopefully, as parade organizers realize that anti-LGBT discrimination is not supported by sponsors, or many Irish New Yorkers, they'll see that families like mine should be part of the celebration." On Friday, after GLAAD reached out to sponsors of the parade, Heineken dropped its sponsorship, saying that the company is "passionate about equality for all people." This all follows outreach from MassEquality & Club CafĂ© the largest LGBT restaurant & bar in Boston which persuaded Sam Adams to drop its sponsorship of the South Boston St. Patrick's Day Parade which also bans LGBT people from participating.
Read Sam Adams For LGBT Equality
Listen: Openly Gay Maura Healey For Mass. Attorney General

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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