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Massachusetts Anti Bullying Act

By Charlotte Robinson, April 25, 2014

Governor Deval Patrick signed An Act Relative to Bullying in Schools into law in a special ceremony at the State House Thursday. This legislation will continue to provide strong safeguards to improve school climates for LGBT youth & other vulnerable populations in Massachusetts. Kara Coredini MassEquality Executive Director stated, “These enhancements to the existing anti-bullying law will not only provide a safer school environment for all students, they will send a message. Acceptance & respect for all youth in our Commonwealth’s schools is paramount to ensuring a productive learning environment in which all students can thrive." Attorney General Martha Coakley added, “This new law is the next step on our path to protect children from bullying. It will better protect students who we know are most vulnerable to bullying, including our LGBTQ students & those with disabilities. It will also allow us to better track the effectiveness of our bullying programs across the Commonwealth. I applaud Governor Patrick for his commitment to combating bullying in our schools. And I also would like to thank Senate President Murray, Speaker DeLeo, co-sponsors Senator Chang-Diaz and Representative Peisch, and MassEquality & the Anti-Defamation League for their leadership on this important issue.” At least 15 other states have implemented anti bullying laws that have explicit protections for LGBT youth in schools, which are necessary to ensure that harassment of LGBT students is not overlooked or disregarded.
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