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Religious LGBT Discrimination Act

By Charlotte Robinson, April 03, 2014

A homophobic anti gay bill has passed in Mississippi & Governor Phil Bryant says that he will sign this horrific legislation into law making it legal to discrimination against our LGBT community. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act passed 79-43 in the state’s House of Representatives & 37-14 in the Senate. The American Civil Liberties Union accused lawmakers of ignoring the public outcry against such horrendous bias. Jennifer Riley-Collins, Executive Director of the ACLU of Mississippi stated, "We remain hopeful that courts throughout the state will reject any attempts to use religion to justify discrimination. Nobody should be refused service because of who they are." Georgia, Idaho, Maine & Ohio, had rejected similar measures. In February Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoed her state's version of the bill. Sarah Warbelow Human Rights Campaign (HRC) State Legislative Director stated, “While there were many efforts to correct the clearly problematic elements of this legislation, the bill still has the effect of making LGBT people strangers to the law. Before Mississippi has had the opportunity to robustly discuss the lived experiences of LGBT people, this bill would hollow out any non-discrimination protections at the local level or possible future statewide protections. Just as we’ve seen in other states, this bill is bad for business, bad for the state’s reputation & most of all, bad for Mississippians. Governor Bryant must veto the measure.” Will Mississippi become the Uganda of America? Updates To Come…
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1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Mississippi is historically an oppressive place but I can't believe today that the good people of Mississippi will sit back and accept that not all people deserve the right to equality and happiness and safety.

It's so ironic how G-d loves everyone; it's people who hate and discriminate...that's not G-d's way so stop hiding behind it. A bigot is a bigot and that has nothing to do with G-d.

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