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LGBT Affordable Care Act

By Charlotte Robinson, January 13, 2015
The National LGBT Outreach & Enrollment Week for the Affordable Care Act runs from January 12th to January 18th. Laura E. Durso, Director of the LGBT Research & Communications Project at the Center for American Progress stated, "The Affordable Care Act is already having a positive impact on the LGBT community by reducing persistent disparities in insurance coverage. CAP & Out2Enroll are proud to work with our partners at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, at the White House & in states across the country to ensure that these coverage gaps are being addressed. National LGBT Outreach & Enrollment Week is a crucial opportunity to get the word out that comprehensive, affordable insurance plans are available to LGBT consumers & their families to help them live full & healthy lives, even if their states do not yet recognize the dignity of their relationships.” According to recent research from CAP the uninsured rate among low & middle-income LGBT people who are potentially eligible for financial assistance to get coverage under the law have dropped almost 1/4 between 2013 & 2014. This is down from one in three or 34% in 2013 to one in four or 26% in 2014. LGBT Americans should visit Out2Enroll to learn more about enrollment & where they can find free, in-person help from trained LGBT-friendly assisters in their local area.
For More Info: out2enroll.org
LISTEN: Josh Sanders Petition Against TLC “My Husband’s Not Gay”

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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