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LGBT Civil Rights 50th Anniversary

By Charlotte Robinson, June 29, 2015
There's another huge LGBT celebration happening in Philadelphia this week from July 2nd to 5th commemorating the 50th anniversary of a dedicated group of LGBT activists who were fighting for our rights years before the Stonewall Riots. On July 4, 1965 a group of courageous gay & lesbian activists from New York, Washington, D.C. & Philadelphia led by the late Frank Kameny & Barbara Gittings, known as the father & mother of the organized LGBT civil rights movement, laid the foundation for the organized LGBT civil rights movement with demonstrations in front of Independence Hall. Known as "Annual Reminders," these protests were held by the East Coast Homophile Organizations (ECHO) & occurred every Fourth of July from 1965 to 1969. In the 1960’s there were approximately 200 gay activists in the nation. After Stonewall these Gay Pioneers suspended the Annual Reminders & turned their energies to help organize the 1970 march from Greenwich Village to Central Park marking the first anniversary of Stonewall. Now that the Supreme Court has rules that marriage equality is the law of the land we have a lot to celebrate. So if you’re able to get to Philly this week join Jim Obergefell, plaintiff in Obergefell v. Hodges SCOTUS case along with Edie Windsor, Judy Shepard, Bishop Gene Robinson, Wanda Sykes, leaders & entertainers for the National LGBT 50th Anniversary Ceremony at Independence Hall & be part of the four-day National LGBT 50th Anniversary Celebration. The celebration includes wreath laying at the Gay Pioneers historical marker, five LGBT history exhibits, panels, parties, National Interfaith Service, "Gay Pioneers" film screening, concerts, fireworks, gayborhood street festival & more! For More Info: lgbt50.org
Listen: GLAD's Legal Team Talks SCOTUS Ruling & More
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

1 comment:

Jim Obergefell said...

I am honored to pay tribute to the Gay Pioneers at the National LGBT 50th Anniversary Ceremony on July 4th at Independence Hall. Selected 50 years ago by the Gay Pioneers for galvanizing demonstrations, Independence Hall is the iconic location for our community and allies to celebrate 50 years of nationwide LGBT civil rights progress.

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